Hi, all.

I can *swear* I'm doing everything right, and yet I'm stifled. When pressing
command-N for a new document Finale tells me that it can't find the Maestro
Font Default file and will create a new one. First, my specs:

MacPro Dual Core 2 GHz
MacOS 10.6.6
Finale 2011c.r1

I went to:

<user>/Library/Application Support/MakeMusic/Finale 2011/Music Files/Default

And changed "Maestro Font Default" to "Maestro Font Default.orig", then
placed my new and improved "Maestro Font Default" in its place. It's the
original default file with lots of small changes (and it opens just fine
when I double click on it in the Finder).

Under Program options I've selected the folder listed above. I've restarted
many times. I've also deleted the folder entirely, placed my new files in
the <harddrive> path to the same files, then used MakeMusic's supplied
Terminal app to move files from there to my own user folder (as I tried by
hand earlier). After resetting the Program Options again to look in the
Default Files in the <user> path and restarting, still no luck. I even
pointed to <harddrive> path. Still no luck.

What am I missing?

I know people have offered solutions to this in the past, but my set-up was
working, so didn't pay attention.

I would appreciate any help that could be given. (I'm also on the digest, so
my replies might take day).

Thank you.

Andrew Levin

Finale mailing list

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