Hi all,

I've never mastered Finale percussion outside of occasional General Midi use.
I tend to use whatever default stuff shows up for demos, and hope my old
percussion settings work in current scores (which mostly they don't, ending up
on a dozen ledger lines up or down).

But for this I really need a cowbell on a separate one-line staff. I'm using
the Garritan instruments, Finale 2010, Windows.

I have a staff definition for cowbell, notation set for percussion, cowbell
selected from one of the map drop downs, and notes dragged to show up the
center line.

Now matter what I try to choose from the percussion lists, no cowbell plays.
In fact, nothing plays.

I'm still totally flummoxed by the percussion system. In my DAW, I use sampled
instruments so every track has its own percussion instrument. Finale's map
system and instrument sets from different manufacturers make no sense to me
and never have.

Please, one cowbell on a one line staff? Help?


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