On Sat, April 30, 2011 4:09 pm, timothy.price wrote:
> Hey Dennis,  Have you set the channel to #10?  Then, with my mac, i have no
> problem with cow bell using
> smartmusicsoftsynth. However, using the Gerritan Aria Player,  set to Basic
> Orchestral Percussion, Channel 10,
> and under the Menu Bar,  Midi/audio you should/might find Device Setup, then
> Edit Percussion Midi Map.
> Choose Device, Gerritan instruments.. ,  then it should give you Basic
> Orchestral Percussion under "Map"
> set note type to cow bell, ..
> When you see the Instrument list in the Audio Viewer, the staff should show
> Basic Orchestral Percussion if you assigned it.
> The odd thing is, the keyboard at the bottom of the view, when you click the
> sounds, none sound like a cow bell.  ??? The sounds
> seem more like a range from "old steamer trunk" to "1958 Studebaker Wheel
> Rim".

Yup yup yup & yup etc. :)

And the sound associated with the center line of the staff seems to be silent.

Thanks once more for having a look. Pretty much verifies that there is no
cowbell to be had directly.

It's like 90 seconds of music for class -- my students' arrangements ...
nothing simple should take this long.

Ah, well. Back to outputting Midi and using my DAW again and trying to sync
two different audio tracks. I have a nice SoundFont cowbell.


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