On 24 May 2011 at 17:21, Klaus Smedegaard Bjerre wrote:

> <http://imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/a/ac/IMSLP84123-PMLP40431-Mozar
> t_Werke_Breitkopf_Serie_09_12_KV361.pdf>
> has a reference right under the title telling that movements 1, 2, 3,
> and 7 are revisions of a string quintet composed in 1768. Only I have
> not been able to identify that string quintet. 

Mozart didn't write a string quintet in 1768. His first was K174 from 

The rubric in the AMA edition suggesting the quintet source is 
completely outdated and not based on reliable scholarship. The 
current Köchel catalog says:

     WSF [Wyzewa/St.Foix -- unreliable scholars who imagined all sorts
     of connections between works based on things in their own heads,
     rather than documented connections] (II 421) glauben, Satz 5 u. 6
     seien 1790 nachkomponiert worden. Einstein [K3] dagegen meint, daß
     das Thema mit Variationen (Satz 6) eine Bearbeitung des 2. Satzes
     aus 285b (Anh. 171) sei. Das ganze Autograph ist in einem Zuge

Nothing is mentioned there about a quintet. Also the comment about 
"in einem Zuge" is no doubt intended to suggest that it was a 
complete work, newly composed as Mozart entered it into the 

I've looked in the first and second Köchel catalogs (the only ones 
that were possibly out when the AMA edition was printed), and there 
is no mention of any such quintet origin in the entries on K361.

There's a lot of BS in Mozart "scholarship." Don't believe half of 
what you read.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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