David Fenton wrote (in separate messages):

> The rest of the faux experts can sit on their hands.

I'm not really faux. I actually do this for a living. State sales tax isn't my 
field (especially not NY), but another in our firm is very well-versed in them, 
and I had a quick chat with her before answering your email.

> But this is a very specialized questions, one that most accountants 
> won't have encountered and will have to research. I was hoping to 
> find out what people in the same or similar situation are actually 
> doing, in the hope that it would make the investigation easier.

Pssh, it's not so very specialized. One of my firm's clients is a person with a 
well-paying regular job who is also a jazz singer for fun. Every summer her 
band does a few gigs and sells a few CDs. I only do her income tax return, so I 
can't say for sure what she submits to the state. I do know that *we* don't 
file a sales tax return for her.

And anyway, whether to file a sales tax return on small sales is a general 
question that applies to numerous hobbies and avocations, not just a musician's 

> So, you're saying you pay sales tax? 
> Or that because we've got a total of 500 to sell and will likely sell 
> only a handful at concerts, that we should not bother to file?

No real tax accountant is ever going to actually tell you that you don't have 
to file your taxes, not even informally in a mailing list forum. But if you'll 
go back to my first post and reread the paragraph that starts "I'd say you need 
to ask yourself", I think you can make the decision that's right for you.

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