As will be clear, I've only had Fin2012 for a couple of days and am
therefore very much a beginner. Having moved up directly from 2006 there
are some huge differences.  I must admit that most of the differences I've
found so far have been vast improvements and I am very impressed.
(Although there are a couple things I don't really understand - I don't
understand why "retranscribe" should be under "midi/audio" - maybe other
people use it differently from the way I do.)

I solved my initial problem by changing the percussion notehead font in
"Independent Elements" in the Staff attributes box, but until I can find
something in the documentation about this, and I haven't yet, I'm having to
change this for every percussion instrument in every document which is a
bit of a bind.  No doubt there'll be a solution somewhere and one day I'll
be able to change the default.

As for this "Maestro Percussion" font - I've been a working musician for
nearly forty years and I've never seen it before.  I don't understand why
it should be set as the default. I'm not a percussionist but I am a
conductor so I've had plenty of opportunity to see it if, like the Loch
Ness Monster, it really exists.


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