On 2/12/2012 6:01 PM, John Howell wrote:
> For what it's worth, I MUCH prefer the Peters (except for the flutes, 
> in which colla parte makes no sense because they do NOT move with the 
> voice), because using the conventional fermata and being careful with 
> its placement seems much clearer than the expanded one.

I agree that the Peters notation for the instruments with rests seems 
clearer than the Barenreiter notation. I think the colla parte in the 
flutes may just be a misprint; I have the parts up in my attic but can't 
get to them right now.

>   It'd still be interesting to see Mozart's handwriting. John 

As it happens, I'll be somewhere tomorrow with a facsimile of the ms. 
I'll post a picture.

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