On 8/12/2014 4:53 AM, Richard Huggins wrote:
> I've got one measure of uneven playback and so far nothing has
> dislodged it. I have used Clear (only tempo changes checked on
> filter), have used Cut then re-engraved, have used Delete and then
> re-engraved, and I'm sure some other actions. I had originally tapped
> tempo for entire song and everything else works fine, just can't
> figure out what's making this measure drag and why i can't replace it
> without it doing the same thing as the measure it replaced.
> A bandaid fix is sorta working. I created an invisible tempo change
> staff expression that approximates the tempo of the measures that
> precede and follow the errant one, then used another hidden staff
> expression to cancel that out in the next measure with a zero-value
> tempo change. It'll do, but I'd like some things to think about if
> this happens again.Theories or fixes welcome.

Some things to think about:

1) is there an expression or articulation used only in that measure and 
nowhere else that may have been defined for playback and have a tempo 
alteration?  I know that I've messed things up in some of my files in 
the past by copying/editing an expression rather than creating one from 
scratch only to find that the one I copied and edited had a playback 
definition that I hadn't thought to check on.

2) is there some hidden midi data in that measure which changes the tempo?

3) how did the file originate -- start in your current version of Finale 
(whichever that is) or did you import from a previous version or did you 
import a midi file or MusicXML file?

Please keep us posted if you ever figure it out.

David H. Bailey
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