For this piece I'm acting as editor rather than composer, so I don't feel
at liberty to change the meter from 7/4. (Were I the composer, I'd probably
just alternate between 3/4 and 4/4.)

I though about using expressions for the dotted barlines, but the group
barlines for the keyboard part would be a challenge. Maybe no worse a
challenge than my workaround for the multimeas rests, though. There's also
the issue of note-spacing. I guess every solution requires extra manual

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 6:54 PM, Christopher Smith <> wrote:

> On Tue Oct 7, at TuesdayOct 7 6:52 PM, David H. Bailey wrote:
> > On 10/7/2014 6:28 PM, Robert Patterson wrote:
> >> I'm working on a piece in 7/4 that has dotted barlines showing the 4+3
> or
> >> 3+4 subdivisions. So far the way I am handling it is to put in 2 "real"
> >> bars totaling 7/4 for each graphic bar, with dotted barlines on the odd
> >> real bars and "include in meas numbering" unchecked on the even real
> bars.
> >> Leaving aside the vagaries of unchecking "include in meas numbering",
> which
> >> like so many recent Finale features is only about 60% implemented
> >> throughout the program, the main issue I have is multimeas rest in the
> >> parts. The only solution I have come up with is to put real rest in,
> force
> >> create the multimeas rest (using my plugin for the purpose) and then
> >> manually add the multimeas rest with expressions.
> >>
> >> Does anyone have a better overall solution than this?
> >>
> >
> > I can't think of a better solution for 7/4 other than to suggest that if
> > it were converted to 7/8 it would be much easier to show the 3-4 and 4-3
> > grouping via barring and you wouldn't need to mess around with measure
> > numbers or multi-rests.
> >
> > Another solution for 7/4 (not necessarily better, but different) would
> > be to leave them as 7/4 measures and create an articulation of a dotted
> > vertical line which you can then insert where you want in each measure
> > -- again no measure number messes and no multi-rest problems.
> >
> >
> > --
> > David H. Bailey
> Your second paragraph is what I do, except I use the dotted barline
> expression that comes with Finale now for a few versions, and use a blank
> articulation if I need to open up more horizontal space.
> Christopher
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