Ah, but that's exactly the issue -- you're moving measures by hand to 
another system. Finale has used its spacing algorithm to decide where it 
thinks measures should go, and you're overriding that. If Finale 
*didn't* lock the systems, then your measure would just pop back to 
where it came from. The lock is what keeps things where you put them.

In my workflow, I find that I most often move a measure or two down a 
system, in order to make more room on the previous one. So if I move a 
measure from system 10 to system 11, Finale does lock both of them -- 
and then I usually wind up unlocking system 11 so that it and the 
following systems will reflow. It's a minor hassle, but it makes sense 
because Finale has no way of knowing my real intentions -- maybe I did 
mean for system 11 to have one more measure, rather than wanting to have 
things reflow. (If I unlocked both 10 and 11, Finale's spacing algorithm 
would eventually put the measure back on system 10 -- either when it 
runs automatically or when I choose Update Layout.)


On 12/27/2014 10:22 AM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:
> Thanks, I know that method and am forced to use it every time I move a 
> measure to another system.  I am looking for a way to eliminate locked 
> systems.  I don’t want Finale to lock anything automatically.
> Larry
> On Dec 27, 2014, at 1:28 AM, Craig Parmerlee <cr...@parmerlee.com> wrote:
>> And you can easily clear all locks by selecting the entire score and
>> doing ctl-shft-L (I believe that is the command on Windows).
>> On 12/22/2014 3:38 PM, j...@thomastudios.com wrote:
>>> To my knowledge, the only time Finale will lock the systems is either by 
>>> the keyboard command, CMD-L, or if you physically move a measure to another 
>>> system using the old Mass Mover tool, now the Selection tool.  Otherwise 
>>> they stay unlocked.  I know this because there have been many times where 
>>> I’ve forgotten to lock the systems and Finale moves measures in a way I was 
>>> not expecting.
>>> J D Thomas
>>> ThomaStudios
>>>> On Dec 22, 2014, at 12:28 PM, Lawrence David Eden <lde...@comcast.net> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Happy Holidays, Listers
>>>> I am using FinMac 2k11c.r1 on a Mac Mini running Mavericks.
>>>> Is there a way to prevent Finale from locking my systems?  I prefer to 
>>>> have control over this feature, instead of it having control of me.
>>>> Please advise.
>>>> Larry Eden
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