Hello List,
[FinMac 2014 working on a file initiated in 2014.]

More of a rant than anything else but if anyone has suggestions to fix these 
issues, they will be most appreciated! I have reported some of these issues 
since the company was called Coda Music but nothing has really happened to fix 
this area of the program.

The Lyrics Tool must be one of the most frustrating parts of Finale… I have a 
number of problems that are driving me to distraction and i have struggled with 
them for years. Unless I am missing something, the Lyrics Tool really only 
functions properly if you are entering a song (verses and chorus). Choral music 
where multiple voices sing in counterpoint with similar or different text is 
not handled at all well.

My current problem: I am trying to enter lyrics in a short piece for six voices 
(about 50 bars long). Sometimes the text in each part is identical and in 
rhythmic unison; at other times, the text and rhythms are different. Because 
each part sings a slightly different text, I have tried different ways of 
entering the text: Type into Score and Type into the Lyrics window followed by 
Click Assignment. In each method, just when I think i have the text set, it 
goes awry: text appears in the wrong place, formatting is lost, etc, etc.

For example: In Type into Score, I type each voice in sequence which results in 
all text being in Verse 1 with no gaps and looks like ‘stream of consciousness’ 
gibberish. Having inadvertently left out a hyphen, my attempt to edit in the 
Lyrics Window resulted in chaos across all parts when the hyphen was added, 
i.e., text re-assigned itself to incorrect positions and voices.

I tried another method where i typed text in each voice on each page in 
order…again, chaos and gibberish as above.

My latest attempt is to Type into Score line by line but now I have a new 
problem: The text is macaronic...Latin and English...and I wish to have the 
Latin in italics. Finale constantly ‘forgets’ the italics and I have to go back 
and re-do the italics. Just as i think things are fixed, I check the piece and 
find some italics are forgotten again; the more corrections I make, the more 
Finale seems to mess up!

Finally, an issue that has bugged me for a long time: why is there a limit to 
the number of words that can be entered? Last year, I was working on a one act 
opera which had nine independent vocal parts plus the orchestra, formatted 92 
pages of music. I discovered a problem when I reached the apparent limit of 
text input for one verse, sections of lyrics were simply dropped without 
warning. In such a long piece, it was disastrous. My eventual work-around was 
to enter lyrics in different verses which meant I had to move the base-line of 
the text for each verse.

Any ideas for avoiding these issues?



ars est longa,
vita brevis

Stephen Cronin's home page: http://www.stephen.cronin.name 
{real+imagined} http://www.real-imagined.com.au 

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