My comments below

On 11/18/2015 9:40 AM, Jan Angermüller wrote:
> Have you checked the HP settings for portamento/chromatic gliss ?
> Maybe they changed the default setting ? But I can't believe that you
> open a file that was set to chromatic gliss now automatically becomes a
> portamento. At least it should be easy to change in the HP settings
> (HP->Glissandi/Bends->Type: Chromatic).

You are correct.  The setting was "automatic"  Evidently the handling 
for "automatic" changed.  I set it to "chromatic" and it plans as 
before, which is preferable in this case.  Thanks for that tip.

One of the bug fixes involved the criss-crossed use of two different 
MIDI controllers (I think these affected volume and not pitch), so it 
seems they were in that area of code at least to some extent.

>> but they didn't fix the main HP bugs
>> that have to do with note-on/off timing.
> I haven't tested it myself yet. But if they didn't fix the long known
> note-on/off bug that accidentally skips notes in playback,

I would agree.  I have not tested this personally and am relying on a 
(reliable) user who posted at the Finale forum.

The reality here is that this is essentially a new company and mostly a 
new set of developers inheriting a huge and quite complex code base. 
Having done that a few times in my career, I can tell you this is really 
scary.  Coincidentally, Sibelius was in exactly the same position.  The 
Sibelius people opted to not touch the main code and to put out a "7.5" 
that was almost entirely cosmetic.  It was a "statement of support" but 
not real support.

The Finale people wanted to demonstrate something a little more 
substantial, and took an extra 18 months for that.

I can't say which strategy was correct.  The fact is that there are 
still big bugs needing fixes and important improvements needed.  At this 
stage we have more evidence that the Finale people can make improvements 
than we have from the Sibelius people.  But if we are looking at another 
18 months before the next set of bug fixes, that will be really 

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