I would use the Tempo Tap feature for this.

David Wolfson

> On Nov 4, 2016, at 1:00 PM, <finale-requ...@shsu.edu> 
> <finale-requ...@shsu.edu> wrote:
> Finale Mac (Marvericks) 2014.d 
> I often use the Tempo Tool to slow down just one part of a measure, when I 
> feel that keeping a straight pulse sounds unnatural. For example, when the 
> whole orchestra stops for a rest on a last beat and resumes playing on the 
> following measure. It might sound rushed sometimes, even though the pulse is 
> kept. Then, say the metronome is 88, I change it to 75 just for that last 
> beat with the Tempo Tool, and back to 88 on he next beat. It makes me happy 
> and leaves no markings in the score. Now how would I do that one beat 
> slow-down without the Tempo Tool, in Finale 25? Thanks!
> Harold

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