Ch class for staff optimization. Sounds like maybe you had optimized staves
back in finale 98 and now that is causing your staff in the new version to
remain hidden.

On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 09:37 Patsy Moore <> wrote:

> Hello Listers,
> I opened a single staff .mus file from 1998 with no problems and added a
> second staff in scroll view with no difficulty, but when I go to page view
> I can't get the second staff to show. I've got "Set to scroll view spacing"
> activated.
> Please can someone point me at a solution? With a deadline on Thursday for
> other stuff I've just had to give up on it.
> After two years of being frequently annoyed by F2010 which I had to learn
> after a major computer crash I still have problems. :(
> Greetings from England,
> Patsy Moore
> --
> Patsy Moore:
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