Hi Patsy,There is a very nice Water Music Suite I C from which you can select 
movements that work for you. I arranged and conducted this a number of years 
ago with a high school orchestra with sometimes very odd instrumentation, and 
it worked quite well. There are several performances on You Tube to give you an 
idea of whether or not this might work for you. Good luck!Erica HeislerVista, CA

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  On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 10:42 AM, Patsy Moore<pa...@mooremusic.org.uk> wrote: 
  Hello Fellow Listers,

Greetings from England.

I realise this is not really a Finale request but something more general.

Apologies if months when I've hardly glanced at the list mean that I've 
already missed any conversations about the 250th anniversary of Telemann's 
death and interesting repertoire. I'm using Finale 2014 currently so a 
source already available in Finale would be a bonus. :)

I'm hoping that someone may be able to suggest an appropriate piece for the 
adult learners' orchestra that I started in 1995 and still run with my 
husband Ken's help. It has NO minimum standard and usually quite a bizarre 
range of instruments including some quite competent players. Ideal sources 
will be IMSLP and possibly CPDL (though my previous experience has been 
that it's possibly less reliable for accuracy - I hope that's no longer true).

I might look for something longer and more complex on a future occasion but 
right now I shall ideally find a short contrapuntal piece, preferably 
originally for instruments rather than voices, for 5 or 6 parts (minimum 4, 
absolute maximum 8) and including rests for everyone.  Rests frequently 
cause more problems than notes, which I fear may be a UK characteristic.

Ideal time signatures would probably be 2/2, 3/2, 6/8 or 6/4,  but I'm open 
to other suggestions and don't mind time changes. Ideal keys max. 2 flats 
or sharps as the group includes a couple of alto saxes. Modest numbers of 
1/16 (semiquavers) possibly acceptable and we've been working hard at 
dotted rhythms in recent months with only 4 new players this autumn.

The repertoire already chosen includes a set of variations that Ken has 
arranged, based on the song Waltzing Matilda and using quite a variety of 
time signatures, but the shorter and more straightforward items are by 
Mendelssohn (4/4), Rachmaninov (mainly 4/4 with one 2/4 and a few 6/4 - 
really 3/2 - measures) and Peter Warlock (mainly 2/4). Repeats and / or DC, 
DS are a bonus.

Best wishes,

Patsy Moore

Patsy Moore AGSM ARCM
Conductor, arranger etc. Da Capo (Do All Come And Play Orchestra)
and teaching accompanist
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