I know the topic of trying to use voiced parts (all but useless to me as it 
stands) has been covered and I’ve tried all the workarounds at various times 
and know the issues, so I’m not asking about that. The TGTools plug-in “Smart 
Explosion of multi-part staves…” often yields better results, but it’s still 
not the close-to-100% solution I’m looking for. I’ve also had some success with 
the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in. To be clear, this is not just to make the score 
look good; I want to retain the convenience of linked parts so I don’t have to 
go back to extracting individual parts, etc.

So after years of trying every method I can think of, I thought I’d approach it 
from the other direction this time in an orchestral score I’m working on. This 
time I set the score up with each woodwind and brass instrument on its own 
line, which of course would necessitate the use of a microscope to read the 
score even on 11 x 17 paper at the reduction necessary to fit all the staves on 
each page. But my hope is that by using the JW Staff Polyphony plug-in to 
combine 2 staves into 1 where possible (Flute 1/2, Clarinet 1/2, etc.) and then 
hiding the staves with individual parts in the score, it might be less tedious. 
It seems to be promising, but I still end up with double sets of expressions - 
dynamics, for instance.

I can make all this work one way or another and have many times, but I’m 
writing in case there is a plug-in I haven’t yet explored out there, or in case 
someone knows a way to set the ones I’m using to yield results that don’t 
require as much “clean-up” afterwards. BTW, the “old way” - creating 2-part 
staves and exploding them later - has been tried both with and without using 
separate layers, and I’ve discovered some of those pitfalls as well.

Thanks for any approaches I may not have thought of,


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