If you've wanted to take a Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) but a
two-week intensive format doesn't work for you, please consider our upcoming
course.  After an introductory weekend on March 9th and 10th 9-5 each day,
we will meet one Sunday per month.  The information you may be curious about
can be found here:  http://rochesterpermacultureinstitute.org/events/pdc/.
We look forward to hearing from you.



patty love, MALS, PDC

Barefoot Edible Landscape & Permaculture - owner


www.barefootpermaculture.com <http://www.barefootpermaculture.com/> 

Rochester Permaculture Center - Program Director


PO Box 18212, Rochester, NY 14618


Please note:  I live a very full life, spending most of my time away from my
computer and outdoors working or with my family and friends.  There may be
times when I don't respond right away to your important email.  If you
require my immediate attention, please call 585.506.6505. 


"My life's purpose is gathering and sharing resources and information that
regenerate my own and others' abundant existence and vibrant well-being." ~
patty love

"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what
nobody has thought."  ~ Albert Szent-Giorgi, Nobel Laureate

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" ~
Mary Oliver



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