Introduction to Home Cidermaking
Wednesday October 19, 6:30-8:30 pm
CCE Tompkins, 615 Willow Ave, Ithaca
Cost: $5 - $10 sliding scale

'Hard' cider was a popular beverage in early American history, and it's making 
a big comeback today. Pressing and fermenting apples is a great way to preserve 
them for winter! Learn about blending different apple varieties for the best 
flavor, equipment needed for pressing and fermentation, sanitation, types of 
yeast, bottling and other details to get you started with making your own 
cider. There will also be information on where on apple pressing services and 
where to buy juice if you don't have your own apples.

Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register online, go 
to<>. To register 
by phone call CCE Tompkins at 272-2292, or email<>

Chrys Gardener
Commercial/Community Horticulture Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Tompkins County
615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca NY 14850
(607)272-2292, extension 241<>

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