The 11th Hour has been HELD OVER (in spite of low attendance), but
moved to Fall Creek. And Home Green Home is continuing to encourage
you to see the movie by offering you the cost of a ticket off a
purchase at their store on the Commons.

        Even if the last thing you feel you need to see now is another
documentary, or more scary stuff about climate change; even if you
already know more about global warming than you want to know, here are
a few reasons to see the movie, either for the first time, or again:
        Actually, there is only ONE bottom-line reason to see the movie:  to
become more inspired to do what needs to be done in order to slow
global warming as much as possible, as soon as possible. You may even
want to take notes during the last part of the movie.
        This movie ends with so many PRACTICAL solutions, many of them triple
win: better for the health of our planet, better for the health of our
economy (green jobs and locally-owned businesses are more sustainable
than jobs competing on a world-wide basis for the lowest wages and the
least benefits), and better for our own health (less coal burning
plants means less deaths from asthma attacks; walking to the bus stop
keeps us in better shape, etc).
        But they aren't all as simple as replacing a few light bulbs (tho we
should keep doing that).
        Many of these actions need politicians to step up to the plate (AKA
"political will," which means they need to hear from voters, as well
as from corporate lobbyists). For example, better public
transportation is needed to help us drive our cars less. And so on.
        Some of these actions need consumers AND the state and federal
governments to insist that corporations change their ways (Detroit:
quit shooting yourself in the foot and get going with those electric
plug-ins, as well as better mileage in your entire fleet--my 2ยข).
        And so on.
        If we take simultaneously take action in many sectors or "wedges,"
the total reduction in heat-trapping gases will be significant. For
discussions and pictures of "wedges," see
        --Bill McKibben's article in the October issue of National Geographic;
        --the web site of the NRDC
< >
         --a power point from Cornell with more science than you may want,
but again with wedges: <

So get informed, get inspired, and get a few BONUSES:

Home Green Home, the new store selling furnishings and home products
that promote healthy homes and a healthy planet, will give you $8 off
a purchase of at least $10 if you see the 11th Hour. Just bring the
Home Green card you'll get when you buy your ticket at Fall Creek into
their store near the Aurora St end of the Commons. By the way, Home
Green Home sells CFLs . . . .

The Climate Change Action Group has FREE literature at their table in
the lobby at Fall Creek (many thanks to Cinemapolis/Fall Creek for
letting us do that). You can also buy a copy of David Gershon's Low
Carbon Diet if one of us is staffing the table (we're often there
between shows).
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