ETC Group
News Release
4 February 2009

ETC Group Launches First-ever “PIE-IN-THE-SKY” Contest for Budding   

The first ever “Pie-in-the-Sky” contest for the wackiest
geoengineering scheme to combat global warming is taking off just as  
controversial planetary techno-fixes are heating up. Since the
beginning of the year, an Indo-German ship has launched itself into   the
Southern Ocean and dumped tonnes of iron sulphate overboard in a   dubious
attempt to drive CO2 to the ocean floor;[1] a madcap corporate   venture is
preparing to spread urea in the Tasman Sea for the same   purpose;[2] a
British university has issued a ratings list for
different geoengineering practices;[3] and the UK's Royal Society is   about
to issue its own geoengineering assessment.[4]

The Canadian-based ETC Group is introducing its international “Pie-in- 
the-Sky” competition to spotlight the wackiest proposals for
intentionally manipulating the earth, oceans and/or atmosphere. “The   proof
of principle is well-established,” says Kathy Jo Wetter of ETC   group.
“Industrialization geoengineered us into the climate mess in   the first
place, and some companies and scientists are crazy enough to   think they can
geoengineer us out of it.”

In the real world, geoengineers are already working on a frightening   array
of weird ideas with plans to wrap deserts in plastic, sequester   CO2 in the
ocean by 'fertilizing' its surface, not to mention placing   solar shades
above the clouds to deflect sunlight. “These corporate   and government-backed
experiments really deflect society's attention   from vital policy and
lifestyle changes needed to reduce emissions,”   adds ETC's Silvia Ribeiro,
“by touting profoundly hazardous, extremely   expensive yet potentially
profitable technological Band-Aids.”

Anyone anywhere with a macabre sense of the ridiculous and a concern   for the
future is invited to enter the contest. The winning submission   will be
original, ludicrous and contain at least a nano-shred of   perverse logic.
Since the truth of geoengineering is stranger than   fiction, contestants will
not be penalized for hatching a nutty idea   that scientists have already
proposed. Submissions should be sent to before April
Fools' Day (April 1 2009). The winner will be announced on Earth Day, April 22
2009, on

Geoengineering competition submissions should be no longer than 200   words
and can be submitted in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese.   Sketches and
designs that help explain the technological strategy – or   impact – are
welcome. The winning techno-fix will be crafted into a   cartoon that ETC will
publish on its website and elsewhere. The winner   will receive a T-shirt
emblazoned with his/her winning geoengineering   scheme.

This is the latest in a series of annual or biennial contests launched   by
ETC group. Its best known is the biennial Captain Hook Awards for   Biopiracy.
In 2007, the Washington Post reproduced in color a
selection of its favorite designs submitted to our International Nano-  Hazard
Symbol Design Competition.

Contestants need look no further than the real world for inspiration.   See
for example:

Download a full-color poster by Stig, which includes contest details   and an
illustration of a “pie-in-the-sky” launch, ETC's own
geoengineering bright idea: A print quality version is available here: A
screen quality version is available here:

For more information about geoengineering and other ETC competitions,   please

Kathy Jo Wetter (Durham, NC, USA)
Phone: +1 919 688 7302
Silvia Ribeiro (Mexico City)
Phone: 011 52 5555 6326 64
Jim Thomas (Montreal, Canada)
Phone: +1 514 273 9994 Cell: +1 514 516 5759
Diana Bronson (Montreal, Canada)
Phone: +1 514 273 6661
Pat Mooney (Ottawa, Canada)
Phone: +1 613 241 2267 Cell: +1 613 240 0045

[1] See [2]
See Ben Cubby, “Climate scientists seek a urea moment,” Sydney   Morning
Herald, January 21, 2009; available online:
[3] T. M. Lenton and N. E. Vaughan, “The radiative forcing potential   of
different climate geoengineering options,” Atmos. Chem. Phys.   Discuss., 9,
2559-2608, 2009; For podcast by Lenton:
[4] See
ETC Group mailing list

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