Dear Friends--Sustainable Tompkins is once again soliciting submissions for the Signs of Sustainability series published in each issue of the Tompkins Weekly. This is a wonderful opportunity to present the mission and vision of your organization, promote a major event or simply get your group's position on an important topic out to the public. Almost any topic is acceptable as long as the theme is sustainability. So far only the first two weeks of January and the week of Feb. 22 are spoken for. But slots fill up quickly so if you or someone in your organization wishes to write a Sings of Sustainability column in 2010 please get back to me soon to secure your spot in a future issue of Tompkins Weekly. Thanks. Tom

P.S.: Please note that I have taken over the management of the Signs of Sustainability series in the Tompkins Weekly from Bethany Schroeder. Sustainable Tompkins extends our deeply felt thanks to Bethany for all of the hard and conscientious work she did to manage the Signs of Sustainability series for the past two years.

Tom Shelley
118 E. Court St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
607 342-0864

Learn more about the Sustainable Chicken Project at (Just updated 12/21/09.) (Just updated 12/21/09.)

Compost Educator and Sustainability Scion*

What Does Zero Waste Mean?
"If it can't be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned, or removed from production."
Berkeley Zero Waste Resolution

*noun:  a shoot or bud of a plant, esp. one for planting or grafting
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