> Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 15:12:08 -0800
> From: suicidalpige...@yahoo.com
> Subject: Tali's awesome class
> To: suicidalpige...@yahoo.com
> Hello friends!
> I am offering a class through the Ithaca Freeskool and would love to see anyone who is interested come!
> Have you heard of the Ithaca Freeskool? It's a pretty great thing. Classes are open to anyone, and it's free. Find out more at:http://ithacafreeskool.wordpress.com/ (the new course calendar should be out soon).
> So, here is the info about the course I am offering. Please get in touch if you have any questions or if you are interested in joining the class, and feel free to pass this information along to anyone else who might be interested!
> Class name: Bioregional Mandalas: Exploring place through art and observation.
> Facilitator:  Tali Fridman
> Contact info:  suicidalpige...@yahoo.com  272-8084
> Time & Dates: 7-8pm on alternating Mondays: Feb. 8, 22, Mar. 8, 22, and potentially Apr. 5, 19.
> Location:  TBA (downtown Ithaca)
> Description: Organic foods, permaculture, the recent trend towards 'local,' sustainability and regenerativity... These all fit together with the world of bioregionalism. Bioregionalism emphasizes the importance of natural boundaries rather than political or economic boundaries. It encourages awareness of one's bioregion, which consists of a mix of natural characteristics (terrain, seasons, native plants, animals,...) which is unique to it. So let's become more aware of our bioregion! From where does our water come, and to where does it flow? What plants and animals are signs of spring here in the Cayuga basin? What is this place we call home? Come explore it with others, share your knowledge and perhaps gain some wisdom. And be artistic in the process - we will use circular 'calendars' to record our discoveries, through writing, drawing, collages... Whatever suits your fancy.
> Resources on bioregionalism will be made available.
> RSVP if you know that you want to come.

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