Bring what you can, take what you need!
This Saturday, Jan 30th 1-4pm
at the Henry St. John Building

Our eighth Share Tompkins gathering is a Really Really Free Market! That means that EVERYTHING is free - bring what you can, take what you need. The more we can provide for one another locally, the closer we are to sustainability! In addition to free food from Garden Gate Delivery, there will be free massages, button-making, and mini- workshops taught by Ithaca Freeskool. You'll also be able to learn about local groups offering free services including BirthNet and the Ithaca Free Clinic.

This event is co-sponsored by Wishing Well Magazine and supported in part by Sustainable Tompkins.

Really Really Free Market
Saturday, January 30, 2010, 1-4pm
Henry St. John Building
301 S. Geneva St, Ithaca, NY

RSVP on Facebook:

You can post haves/wants before the event to the Facebook wall and/or to the Share Tompkins email list:

What to bring:
- Food and Produce: veggies, teas, baked goods, jams, tofu, etc.
- Body Care: tinctures, soaps, etc.
- Handmade Crafts: ceramics, candles, art, etc.
- Stuff: electronics, housewares, tools, books, etc.
- Services: massage, bike repair, web design, accounting, shoveling, moving, etc. - Space: housing, working, gardening, etc. + you can offer to host our next event!
- Bags, boxes and carts to take stuff home in

- Our goal is sustainability - please bring stuff that is locally- grown or made from local materials
if possible, but everything is welcome!
- Be prepared to take back home with you left-over items.
- Please bring stuff that is in good condition or can be easily- repaired - no junk!

What is a Really Really Free Market?

From Wikipedia: "The Really Really Free Market (RRFM) movement is a non-hierarchical collective of individuals who form a temporary market based on an alternative gift economy. The RRFM movement aims to counteract capitalism in a non-reactionary way. It holds as a major goal to build a community based on sharing resources, caring for one another and improving the collective lives of all."

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Please spread the word even if you can't come!
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