Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010
From: K M <>
To: FLX Permaculture Network <>
Subject: Free Seeds Available at CCE-Tompkins!

Are these organic or genetically engineered?

These are not mutually exclusive categories; you can have seeds that are not organic and also not genetically engineered - see the bulk of the Fedco seed catalog, ( for example.

Organic seed is by definition non-GMO. There may be some organic seeds in our seed cabinet, I don't know for sure. However, generally, most home garden seed companies do not sell GMO seeds, and most GMO seeds are used in commercial farming (field crops like corn & soybeans) not home gardening, according to CCE-Tompkins' Ag Extension Educator, Monika Roth. You are certainly welcome to come down to Cooperative Extension and check the packets in our seed cabinet for varieties that interest you, and to do additional research on their suppliers to determine whether you feel these varieties are sufficiently free of GMO materials.

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