From: Elizabeth Karabinakis <>

For those interested in food please consider joining me for the film screening of a compelling documentary FOOD FIGHT and discussion with a reception afterwards...

When: Monday, Feb 22nd at 7pm
Where: Auditorium at the Statler School of Hotel Management, Cornell University

The film tells the story of food culture in America, the links between food and war in our industrial food system, and the links between the Free Speech Movement and the current progressive thinking in local, organic, and seasonal agriculture. In the course of making the film, the director interviewed Alice Waters, Michael Pollan, Marion Nestle, Will Allen and over 40 other notable personalities in the world of food and agricultural policy.

Afterwards there will be a panel discussion with Liz Karabinakis (Community Food Educator of Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Program Coordinator of GreeenStar Community Projects), Joanna Green (organizer of Groundswell Center for Local Food and Farming) and Brian Caldwell (a farmer and the Technical Coordinator of the Organic Cropping Systems Project) and Chris Taylor, the Director of FOOD FIGHT.

A reception with delectable food will be provided by Red Newt Bistro, The Giving Tree and GreenStar Cooperative Market.

Sponsored by the Society for Natural Resources Conservation at Cornell University. For more info

Free & all are welcome!


Elizabeth Viviana Karabinakis
Community Food Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins County
(607) 272-2292 x190

Program Coordinator
GreenStar Community Projects, Inc.

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