
This is just a reminder that has a scheduled plantswap
event for June 12, 2010, at the 4H Camp in Ithaca, NY, from noon to 3:00.

This will run in conjunction with the 4H Club's annual bunny show.

Vendors will be available to provide both breakfast and lunch.  Rabbit stew?

Come one, come all, this is open to the public.  Who knows, you might even
meet a neighbor that can provide you with bunny poo.  This is the best
fertilizer you can get, they are vegetarian's and the poo does not need to get
hot before using it.

Tent sites for the weekend are still available at $5.00 per night.  If you
want to help set up the bunny show on Friday night, you can get in on a
homemade pizza party.

The Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
offers workshops, apprenticeships, and
permaculture design certificate classes.

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