Dear all,

Thanks Eric, Alexander and especially Martin for putting me straight :-)

On 16/12-2003, at 14.48, Martin Costabel wrote:

I think you should *not* try to play around with your shell startup scripts (although it may be too late for this advice now). You should start by trying to ask the right question. You keep comparing and This is comparing not apples and oranges but single apples and whole orange trees.

or 2. Create a ~/.xinitrc file like in 1., but without the second line. Forget about xterm and use windows instead. If you export DISPLAY=:0 you can start any X11 program from the command line in your window, and you have a much better environment than in xterm. You can even start an xterm from the command line if you need one, and it will inherit your PATH variable from your environment.
I have removed the bogus ~/.bashrc file, and created a .xinitrc as prescribed by Martin, containing the lines:
source /sw/bin/
exec quarz-wm
and have subsequently been able to launch X-apps from I've added the line
export DISPLAY=:0
to my ~/.profile, and it works great.

Thanks again,


-- Martin

There was a young lady called Bright
who could travel much faster than light.
She departed one day
in a relative way
and returned on the previous night

Steffen Lund Hokland, Ms. Sc.
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