On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 08:54:12AM +0100, Martin Costabel wrote:
> Martin Costabel wrote:
> >Daniel E. Macks wrote:
> >[]
> >>Wonder if there are some important env vars getting nuked by sudo
> >>(maybe XDG_* to locate some mimetype data-files)?  Try:
> >>  sudo -s
> >>  . /sw/bin/init.sh
> >>  ./test_gio_mime /sw/share/zenmap/pixmaps/radialnet/wireless.png
> >
> >Yes, it is the env var XDG_DATA_DIRS. Set it to /sw/share and it works, 
> >set it to "" and it doesn't. The file that needs to be found appears to 
> >be /sw/share/mime/mime.cache.
> >
> >All this does not explain, of course, why the code in gtk+2-2.14.7-2 is 
> >not working.
> To clarify my response:
> This observation (works / doesn't work) concerns  the test_gio_mime 
> program and also the *patched* version of gtk+2-shlibs with Ian 
> Allison's patch for gdk-pixbuf/gdk-pixbuf-io.c.
> It does not concern the unpatched gtk+2-shlibs-2.14.7-2 package that is 
> still in Fink. This one is still broken, independent of those env variables.

We worked a bit on #fink last night, and found that the variables
appear to be passed correctly into the libx264-57 build. We also found
that the build-bug in that package was reproduced on a ppc machine,
which rules out endian while reading file contents (for analysis vs
the mime database or whatever). So now we're down to "mime database
couldn't be loaded". I think there are source files that are cached
and the cache is used at runtime, so either the data files are missing
or they aren't cached properly. On the machines where the build fails,
is the shared-mime-info package installed?


Daniel Macks

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