On 9/22/2011 11:39 PM, Magnus Andersson wrote:
> HI all,
> When doing update-all I get the following error message:
> fink update-all
> Information about 4555 packages read in 0 seconds.
> Can't resolve dependency "gcc46" for package "clipper-2.1-27" (no matching 
> packages/versions found)
> Exiting with failure.
> I did the selfupdate and tried configuring a different mirror for the GNU 
> compiler. This didn't work.
> Thing is, when I look at :
> http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/package.php/gcc46-compiler?doc_id=10.7-x86_64-current-stable-gcc46-compiler-4.6.1-1000
> gcc46 should be present within the packages, although it is not showing up 
> for me...

What OS/Fink version do you have?  Please post the output of

fink -V | head -n 3

If you're on 10.5 or 10.6 and the Trees: line only mentions 'local' and 
'stable', then you're not seeing gcc46 because it has not been moved 
over to the stable tree (as can be seen from the table URL you posted).

If you are on a stable tree, you can follow these directions to have 
just the one package from unstable available for you:

You can also use the directions in the FAQ entry just above it (q5.8) to 
enable the entire unstable tree (these days the unstable tree is 
probably better tested than the stable tree on 10.5 and 10.6)


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