> On Nov 22, 2016, at 17:19, Schneider <schne...@mail.nih.gov> wrote:
> Alexander:
>>>>> Can't resolve dependency "system-xfree86-dev (>= 3:2.7.112-3)" for package
>>>>> "libxaw3dxft-1.6.2-7" (no matching packages/versions found)
>>>>> Exiting with failure.
>>>> That indicates that you need to install XQuartz 2.7.11.
>>> Is there a way that I could know this without bothering you?
>> Not really. :-)  We repurposed an existing set of virtual packages
>> for the purpose, and the current package descriptions aren't very
>> helpful in explaining the versioning.
>> It???s worth adding to the FAQ, though.
> Maybe the FAQ could be automated to display answers upon "Exiting with
> failure"?  Pass the fail string to a program that knows where the
> right FAQ is and print that FAQ to the user.  Then you can modify the
> FAQs as needed.
> Might be a bit to set up at first, but after that you would be freed

We aren’t that sophisticated—and our build procedures aren’t supposed to go 
online even to check the FAQ.  The easiest thing we can do is to have 
meaningful FAQ links under “fink info <packagename>, but in this case the 
relevant FAQ doesn’t even exist.

> ...
> Oh, and a solution to nox could be to have synonyms.  A message has
> system 'no-X11' and it looks that up in a synonym table to find 'nox'
> ...

The best we can do for that is have a package provide a list of acceptable 
alternative names.  We’re very much constrained when anything involves the 
package name.

> Tom
>  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
>  Senior Investigator
>  National Institutes of Health
>  National Cancer Institute
>  Center for Cancer Research
>  Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory
>  Molecular Information Theory Group
>  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201
>  schne...@mail.nih.gov
>  https://schneider.ncifcrf.gov (current link)
>  https://alum.mit.edu/www/toms (permanent link)

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