Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/thesin/finkinfo
In directory sfp-cvs-1.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv7808

Modified Files:
        dpkg.info texinfo.info 
Log Message:
Syntax and general clean ups of texinfo and dpkg

Index: texinfo.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/thesin/finkinfo/texinfo.info,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -d -r1.11 -r1.12
--- texinfo.info        2 Apr 2013 21:04:49 -0000       1.11
+++ texinfo.info        5 Apr 2013 15:04:46 -0000       1.12
@@ -4,8 +4,19 @@
 Source: gnu
 Source-MD5: 54e250014fe698fb4832016158747c03
 SourceDirectory: %n-%v
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.34.99.git), libiconv-dev, libncurses5 (>= 
5.4-20041023-1006), libgettext8-dev, gettext-tools
-Depends: ncurses (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), libncurses5-shlibs (>= 
5.4-20041023-1006), libgettext8-shlibs, libiconv
+BuildDepends: <<
+  fink (>= 0.34.99.git),
+  libiconv-dev,
+  libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006),
+  libgettext8-dev,
+  gettext-tools
+Depends: <<
+  ncurses (>= 5.4-20041023-1006),
+  libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1006),
+  libgettext8-shlibs,
+  libiconv
 Replaces: tetex-base (<< 3.0-1)
 PatchFile: %n.patch
 PatchFile-MD5: 547bfe54593879cd6a62f9a07a2b84ee
@@ -21,16 +32,21 @@
 patch -p1 < fink/patches/dont_build_info
 # help2man isn't present in bootstrap so patch it out
-perl -pi -e 's,help2man,true,g' configure
+# perl -pi -e 's,help2man,true,g' configure
+ConfigureParams: <<
+  --mandir=%p/share/man \
+  --infodir=%p/share/info \
+  --with-external-Text-Unidecode=yes \
+  --with-external-libintl-perl=yes
-ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info 
--with-external-Text-Unidecode=yes --with-external-libintl-perl=yes
 CompileScript: <<
- ./configure %c
- echo '#define DEFAULT_INFOPATH 
- make
+  ./configure %c
+  echo '#define DEFAULT_INFOPATH 
+  make
 InfoTest: <<
-  TestScript: /usr/bin/make check ALL_TESTS=yes || exit 2
+  TestScript: make check ALL_TESTS=yes || exit 2
 InstallScript: <<
   make install prefix=%i mandir=%i/share/man infodir=%i/share/info
@@ -67,7 +83,6 @@
   rm -rf %i/lib
 DocFiles: README COPYING AUTHORS NEWS TODO doc/*.texi fink/transition-plan.txt
-#InfoDocs: texinfo info-stnd.info info.info
 Description: GNU documentation system
 DescDetail: <<
@@ -83,11 +98,11 @@
 The TeX files (texinfo.tex, txi-??.tex and epsf.tex) are not installed
 right now. The teTeX package already has them.
-Fink uses Debian's version of install-info (in the dpkg package);
-texinfo's version is not installed.
+As of dpkg > 1.15.x dpkg no longer has install-info, Justin F. Hallett added
+splits to make an install-info file with triggers to solve this issue.
-As of dpkg 1.15.x dpkg no longer has install-info, Justin Hallett added splits
-to make an install-info file with triggers to solve this issue.
+Triggers now make the need for InfoFiles completely redundant and should be
 PostInstScript: <<
 build_format_if_format_exists ()
@@ -238,9 +253,15 @@
 SplitOff: <<
   Package: info
-  Depends: install-info, libncurses5-shlibs
+  Depends: <<
+    install-info,
+    libncurses5-shlibs
+  <<
   Provides: info-browser
-  Replaces: texinfo (<< 4.13-1002), dpkg (<< 1.15)
+  Replaces: <<
+    texinfo (<< 4.13-1002),
+    dpkg (<< 1.15)
+  <<
   Files: <<

Index: dpkg.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/thesin/finkinfo/dpkg.info,v
retrieving revision 1.36
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -d -r1.36 -r1.37
--- dpkg.info   5 Apr 2013 00:49:37 -0000       1.36
+++ dpkg.info   5 Apr 2013 15:04:46 -0000       1.37
@@ -1,10 +1,24 @@
 Package: dpkg
-Version: 1.16.9
-Revision: 1
+Version: 1.16.10
+Revision: 1.1
 GCC: 4.0
 ## Remove po4a
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.32), libgettext8-dev, gettext-tools (>= 0.18), 
liblzma5, pkgconfig, bzip2-dev, libncursesw5
-Depends: bzip2-shlibs, libgettext8-shlibs, liblzma5-shlibs, tar, install-info
+### Comment out libncursesw5 for bootstrap version, and don't make dselect
+BuildDepends: <<
+  fink (>= 0.32),
+  libgettext8-dev,
+  gettext-tools (>= 0.18),
+  liblzma5,
+  libncursesw5,
+  bzip2-dev
+Depends: <<
+  bzip2-shlibs,
+  libgettext8-shlibs,
+  liblzma5-shlibs,
+  tar,
+  install-info
 Conflicts: dpkg-bootstrap
 Replaces: dpkg-bootstrap
 Suggests: apt
@@ -13,7 +27,7 @@
 Source: mirror:debian:/pool/main/d/%n/%n_%v.tar.xz
 SourceDirectory: dpkg-%v
-Source-MD5: 4df9319b2d17e19cdb6fe94dacee44da
+Source-MD5: a20a06a5272717274a8b009368f237da
 PatchFile: dpkg.patch
 PatchFile-MD5: a9932d2527a62b1fb10196e24116a94c
@@ -69,13 +83,22 @@
 SetCFLAGS: -I%p/include -F/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework 
-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers 
-Wno-cast-align -Wno-format-security
 SetLDFLAGS: -framework CoreFoundation
-### Uncomment for bootstrap version, don't make dselect less depends
-#ConfigureParams: --disable-dselect --disable-start-stop-daemon 
--with-admindir=%p/var/lib/dpkg --mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info 
--sysconfdir=%p/etc --localstatedir=%p/var --with-zlib --with-liblzma 
--with-bz2 --srcdir=%b
-ConfigureParams: --disable-start-stop-daemon --with-admindir=%p/var/lib/dpkg 
--mandir=%p/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info --sysconfdir=%p/etc 
--localstatedir=%p/var --with-zlib --with-liblzma --with-bz2 --srcdir=%b 
-CompileScript: <<
-PERL_LIBDIR=%p/lib/perl5 PERL=/usr/bin/perl ./configure 
--build=%m-apple-darwin %c
+### Uncomment --disable-dselect for bootstrap version, don't make dselect
+ConfigureParams: <<
+#  --disable-dselect \
+  --disable-start-stop-daemon \
+  --with-admindir=%p/var/lib/dpkg \
+  --mandir=%p/share/man \
+  --infodir=%p/share/info \
+  --sysconfdir=%p/etc \
+  --localstatedir=%p/var \
+  --with-zlib \
+  --with-liblzma \
+  --with-bz2 \
+  --srcdir=%b \
+  --build=%m-apple-darwin \
+  PERL_LIBDIR=%p/lib/perl5 \
+  PERL=/usr/bin/perl
 InfoTest: <<
@@ -85,28 +108,28 @@
 InstallScript: <<
-install -d -m 0755 %i/share/doc/dpkg
+  install -d -m 0755 %i/share/doc/dpkg
-/usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=%d
+  /usr/bin/make install DESTDIR=%d
-install -d -m 0755 %i/etc/dpkg/origins
-install -c -p -m 644 fink/origins %i/etc/dpkg/origins/fink
-install -c -p -m 644 debian/dselect.cfg %i/etc/dpkg
-## currently in fink
-# install -c -p -m 644 debian/shlibs.default %i/etc/dpkg
-install -c -p -m 644 debian/shlibs.override %i/etc/dpkg
-rm -rf %i/lib/dpkg/methods/*
+  install -d -m 0755 %i/etc/dpkg/origins
+  install -c -p -m 644 fink/origins %i/etc/dpkg/origins/fink
+  install -c -p -m 644 debian/dselect.cfg %i/etc/dpkg
+  ## currently in fink
+  # install -c -p -m 644 debian/shlibs.default %i/etc/dpkg
+  install -c -p -m 644 debian/shlibs.override %i/etc/dpkg
+  rm -rf %i/lib/dpkg/methods/*
-install -m 0755 fink/md5sum %i/bin
+  install -m 0755 fink/md5sum %i/bin
-# install fink as a vendor
-install -m 0644 scripts/Dpkg/Vendor/Fink.pm %i/lib/perl5/Dpkg/Vendor/Fink.pm
+  # install fink as a vendor
+  install -m 0644 scripts/Dpkg/Vendor/Fink.pm %i/lib/perl5/Dpkg/Vendor/Fink.pm
-# some files that were previously installed in sbin are now in bin
-# but some stuff still expects it in sbin
-ln -s %p/bin/dpkg-divert %i/sbin/dpkg-divert
-ln -s %p/bin/dpkg-statoverride %i/sbin/dpkg-statoverride
-ln -s %p/bin/update-alternatives %i/sbin/update-alternatives
+  # some files that were previously installed in sbin are now in bin
+  # but some stuff still expects it in sbin
+  ln -s %p/bin/dpkg-divert %i/sbin/dpkg-divert
+  ln -s %p/bin/dpkg-statoverride %i/sbin/dpkg-statoverride
+  ln -s %p/bin/update-alternatives %i/sbin/update-alternatives
 ConfFiles: %p/etc/dpkg/origins/fink
 DocFiles: <<
@@ -121,32 +144,15 @@
 For Debian package development tools, install dpkg-dev.
 DescPackaging: <<
- In may of 2010, version 1.10.21 which had been used by Fink since 2002, was
- bumped to Between those versions, some files were removed and some
- were added. For example, 822-date, md5sum and cleanup-info were removed from
- the package, and dpkg-trigger, dpkg-vendor and dpkg-gensymbols were removed.
- Because 'md5sum' is often used and no longer available, this package adds
- an md5sum tool in the patch. This tool, written in Perl and using the standard
- Perl on OSX, does not have any dependencies apart from the 'md5' executable
- installed on every OS X system.
- Current dpkg also ships with some Perl libraries. These are by default
- installed in lib/$PERL_VERSION, i.e. lib/5.8.8 or lib/5.10.0 depending on
- OSX dist, Leopard and Snow Leopard respectively. This infofile installs
- these files in lib/, so people updating from Leopard to Snow Leopard will
- not get any dpkg Perl file errors.
- The current Debian plans are to remove install-info from dpkg in favor of
- TeXinfo's install-info (which the current Fink package removes). However,
- as long as dpkg still ships an install-info, we use that one in our
- SplitOff because it's easier, considering the newer dpkg also needs to handle
- install-info differently (with triggers).
+In may of 2010, version 1.10.21 which had been used by Fink since 2002, was
+bumped to Between those versions, some files were removed and some
+were added. For example, 822-date, md5sum and cleanup-info were removed from
+the package, and dpkg-trigger, dpkg-vendor and dpkg-gensymbols were removed.
- As dpkg is mainly developed for Debian, I (Sjors) expect install-info to be
- removed from dpkg sometime soon, leaving only TeXinfo install-info. Therefore,
- it might be required to move the install-info SplitOff to the texinfo package
- later.
+Because 'md5sum' is often used and no longer available, this package adds
+an md5sum tool in the patch. This tool, written in Perl and using the standard
+Perl on OSX, does not have any dependencies apart from the 'md5' executable
+installed on every OS X system.
 DescPort: <<
@@ -201,7 +207,7 @@
 system, while on Linux it doesn't. The wrapper checks if 'name' or 'value'
 are zero, and return 0 if they are, preventing the crash.
 PreInstScript: <<
 # This script can be called in the following ways:
@@ -651,8 +657,19 @@
 SplitOff2: <<
   Package: %N-dev
-  Depends: lib%N-pm (= %v-%r), objtools, bzip2, xz, base-files (>= 1.9.12-1)
-  Recommends: patch, make, gnupg2, algorithm-merge-pm
+  Depends: <<
+    lib%N-pm (= %v-%r),
+    objtools,
+    bzip2,
+    xz,
+    base-files (>= 1.9.12-1)
+  <<
+  Recommends: <<
+    patch,
+    make,
+    gnupg2,
+    algorithm-merge-pm
+  <<
   Replaces: dpkg (<< 1.15.8)
   Essential: yes
   ### Currently in fink
@@ -678,12 +695,6 @@
-    share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/dpkg-dev.mo
-    share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/dpkg-dev.mo
-    share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/dpkg-dev.mo
-    share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/dpkg-dev.mo
-    share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dpkg-dev.mo
-    share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/dpkg-dev.mo
@@ -715,10 +726,24 @@
 SplitOff3: <<
   Package: lib%N-pm
-  Depends: %N (>= 1.15.8), time-date-pm
-  Recommends: bzip2, xz, file-fcntllock-pm
-  Suggests: gnupg2, objtools, patch
-  Replaces: dpkg (<< 1.15.8), dpkg-dev (<< 1.15.6)
+  Depends: <<
+    %N (>= 1.15.8),
+    time-date-pm
+  <<
+  Recommends: <<
+    bzip2,
+    xz,
+    file-fcntllock-pm
+  <<
+  Suggests: <<
+    gnupg2,
+    objtools,
+    patch
+  <<
+  Replaces: <<
+    dpkg (<< 1.15.8),
+    dpkg-dev (<< 1.15.6)
+  <<
   Essential: yes
   Files: <<
@@ -755,51 +780,35 @@
+# Comment out entire SplitOff for bootstrap version
 SplitOff4: <<
   Package: dselect
-  Depends: dpkg (>= 1.13.1), libgettext8-shlibs, libncursesw5-shlibs (>= 
-  Conflicts: dpkg-ftp, dpkg-multicd
-  Replaces: dpkg-ftp, dpkg-multicd, dpkg (<< 1.15.8), dpkg-dev (<< 1.15.6)
+  Depends: <<
+    dpkg (>= 1.13.1),
+    libgettext8-shlibs,
+    libncursesw5-shlibs (>= 5.6+20070908)
+  <<
+  Conflicts: <<
+    dpkg-ftp,
+    dpkg-multicd
+  <<
+  Replaces: <<
+    dpkg-ftp,
+    dpkg-multicd,
+    dpkg (<< 1.15.8),
+    dpkg-dev (<< 1.15.6)
+  <<
   ConfFiles: %p/etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg
   Files: <<
-    share/locale/bs/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/tl/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
-    share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/dselect.mo
+  <<
   DocFiles: AUTHORS THANKS doc/README.feature-removal-schedule
   Description: Debian package management front-end
   DescDetail: <<

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