Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/costabel/finkinfo
In directory sfp-cvs-1.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv4095/finkinfo

Added Files:
        freefem++.info freefem++.patch 
Log Message:
Archive a copy for possible later upgrade, time permitting

--- NEW FILE: freefem++.patch ---
--- freefem++-2.20-1/arpack/ARPACK/UTIL/second.f.org    2007-11-17 
21:38:11.000000000 -0500
+++ freefem++-2.20-1/arpack/ARPACK/UTIL/second.f        2007-11-17 
21:38:21.000000000 -0500
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 *     ..
 *     .. External Functions ..
       REAL               ETIME
-      EXTERNAL           ETIME
 *     ..
 *     .. Executable Statements ..

--- NEW FILE: freefem++.info ---
Package: freefem++
Version: 2.20
Revision: 5
Source: http://www.freefem.org/ff++/ftp/%n-%v.tar.gz
#Source-MD5: 37ccc0e4d405f920c13bf3d3f29e8669
Source-MD5: 849db2109bbd45f1e5c040ee039acc4d
Source2: http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK/SRC/arpack96.tar.gz
source2-MD5: fffaa970198b285676f4156cebc8626e
Source2ExtractDir: %n-%v/arpack
Source3: http://www.caam.rice.edu/software/ARPACK/SRC/patch.tar.gz
Source3-MD5: 14830d758f195f272b8594a493501fa2
Source3Rename: arpack96-patch.tar.gz
Source3ExtractDir: %n-%v/arpack
Source4: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/umfpack/v4.4/UMFPACKv4.4.tar.gz
Source4-MD5: f6e87606bfb198d5c21c0a8c4936bc5c
Source4Rename: UMFPACK-06-Sep-2006.tar.gz
Source4ExtractDir: %n-%v/download/umfpack
Depends: x11, x11-shlibs, gcc44-shlibs
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), gcc44, x11-dev, tetex3-base, imagemagick
PatchFile: %n.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 8be62bfa9671ee7bc62c0d61cfec4c88
PatchScript: <<
  /usr/bin/sed -i -e 's|INSTALL\-MacOSX||g; /Install-MacOS/d' Makefile.in
  perl -pi.bak -e 's|am__EXEEXT_1 *=.*|am__EXEEXT_1 = FreeFem++|g' 
# compatibility with newer versions of texlive
  /usr/bin/sed -i ".bak" -e '1s,.*,\\usepackage{ifpdf},;2,12d' DOC/styles.sty
ConfigureParams: <<
 --without-fltk --enable-optim 'F77=gfortran' --with-flib="-L%p/lib/gcc4.4/lib 
-lgfortran" \
 --with-arpack='%b/arpack/ARPACK/libarpack_Darwin.a' \
 --with-umfpack='%b/download/umfpack/UMFPACKv4.4/UMFPACK/Lib/libumfpack.a' \
 --with-amd='%b/download/umfpack/UMFPACKv4.4/AMD/Lib/libamd.a' \
 --disable-dependency-tracking \
 --x-i=/usr/X11R6/include --x-l=/usr/X11R6/lib
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ex
 pushd arpack/ARPACK
   pushd LAPACK ; gfortran -c dlamch.f ; gfortran -c slamch.f ; popd
   make all home=`pwd` PLAT=Darwin FC=gfortran FFLAGS=-O3 MAKE=/usr/bin/make
 pushd download/umfpack/UMFPACKv4.4
   (cd AMD/Source     ; make CONFIG="" CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O3") || exit 1
   (cd UMFPACK/Source ; make CONFIG="" CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O3") || exit 1
 export CPPFLAGS="-I%b/download/umfpack/UMFPACKv4.4/UMFPACK/Include/"
 ./configure %c 
# touch DOC/freefem++doc.pdf
 make nativeX
# rm DOC/freefem++doc.pdf
 ln -sf ../../src/femlib/gmres.hpp examples++-load/include/gmres.hpp
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ex
 mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n %i/bin %i/Applications 
 sed 's|/App|%p/App|g' src/FreeFem++-CoCoa > %i/bin/FreeFem++-CoCoa 
 chmod +x %i/bin/FreeFem++-CoCoa
 /bin/cp src/std/FreeFem++ src/nw/FreeFem++-nw %i/bin
 /bin/cp -pLR FreeFem++v%v_MacOsX/{B,C,H,I,R,T}* ex* DOC %i/share/doc/%n 
 chmod 777 %i/share/doc/%n/ex*
# cp -pR FreeFem++v%v_MacOsX/FreeFem++.app %i/Applications
AppBundles: FreeFem++v%v_MacOsX/FreeFem++.app
License: Restrictive/Distributable 
Description: Finite element program
DescDetail: << 
Freefem is a program for solving numerically partial differential equations. 
As its name tells, it is public domain software based on the Finite Element 
Method. This software runs on all Unix OS, on Window95, 98, 2000, NT, XP and 
on MacOS9 and X.

Many phenomena involve several different fields. Fluid-structure
interactions, Lorentz forces in liquid aluminium and ocean-atmosphere
problems are three such systems. These require approximations of different
degrees possibly on different meshes. Some algorithms such as Schwarz'
domain decomposition method require also the interpolation of data on
different meshes within one program. Freefem++ can handle these
difficulties: Arbitrary finite element spaces on arbitrary unstructured and
adaptated meshes.

The characteristics of freefem++ are:
- Many finite elements : linear and quadratic Lagrangian elements, 
  discontinuous P1 and Raviart-Thomas elements, mini-element, ...
- Automatic interpolation of data on different meshes to a super mesh
- Definition of the linear problem with a formal variational form with 
  access to the vectors and the matrix
- Tools to define discontinuous Galerkin formulations
- Automatic 2D mesh generator, based on the Delaunay-Voronoi algorithm 
- Anisotropic mesh adaptation 
- LU, Cholesky, Crout, CG, GMRES, UMFPACK linear solvers, and eigenvalue 
  and eigenvector computations using ARPACK
- Online graphics using either X11 or Aqua windows, C++ like syntax
- Lots of examples
DescUsage: <<
 Three binaries are installed:
- FreeFem++:       Uses X11 windows for graphics
- FreeFem++-CoCoa: Uses Aqua windows for graphics
- FreeFem++-nw:    No graphics
 The FreeFem++.app in /Applications/Fink uses Aqua windows for graphics.
 It is equivalent to FreeFem++-CoCoa, but *.edp files can also be 
 double-clicked or dropped on the app icon. 

 Many examples are in %p/share/doc/%n.

 The documentation is in TeX form in %p/share/doc/%n/DOC. 
 To create the pdf manual, run the command
   sudo make -o Makefile freefem++doc.pdf
 in that directory. You need a complete LaTeX installation for this. 
Maintainer: Martin Costabel <costa...@wanadoo.fr>
Homepage: http://www.freefem.org/

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