Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/graphics
In directory sfp-cvs-1.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv19016

Modified Files:
Log Message:
fix content and location of netpbm-config

Index: netpbm11-shlibs.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- netpbm11-shlibs.info        8 Aug 2013 04:44:55 -0000       1.5
+++ netpbm11-shlibs.info        9 Aug 2013 21:22:38 -0000       1.6
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: netpbm11-shlibs
 Version: 10.63.01
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 2
 Description: Graphics manipulation programs and libraries
 License: OSI-Approved
 Maintainer: Hanspeter Niederstrasser <nie...@users.sourceforge.net>
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
 Source: http://www.snaggledworks.com/fink/src/netpbm-%v.tar.bz2
 Source-MD5: cb3ba5df38090b5964f1ec6531a0008a
 Source-Checksum: SHA1(1d2daa089027c7475237b9b2ef0af54d7d3e7a7e)
-#UseMaxBuildJobs: false
-#NoSetLDFLAGS: true
-#SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib
 PatchFile: %n.patch
 PatchFile-MD5: 2567d5df273bab53aa4c3f085574a5a9
 PatchFile2: %n_testrandom.patch
@@ -31,10 +28,10 @@
 PatchFile3: %n_vasprintf.patch
 PatchFile3-MD5: 47534beb2f1be82bb307c9283a29c6fa
 PatchScript: <<
- sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1
- cat config.mk.in Makefile.config.fink >config.mk
- patch -p0 < %{PatchFile2}
- patch -p0 < %{PatchFile3}
+       sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1
+       cat config.mk.in Makefile.config.fink >config.mk
+       patch -p0 < %{PatchFile2}
+       patch -p0 < %{PatchFile3}
 CompileScript: <<
@@ -48,64 +45,66 @@
        TestScript: touch %b/INSTALL_MAKE_CHECK
 InstallScript: <<
- #!/bin/sh -ev
- # pkgdir = where 'make package' sends everything
- # resultdir = test results location on 'make check'
- make package pkgdir=`pwd`/package resultdir=`pwd`/test-out SYMLINK='ln -s'
- # run tests now if needed
- if [ -f %b/INSTALL_MAKE_CHECK ]; then
-   chmod u+x %b/test/*.test
-   export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%b/package/lib
-   make check pkgdir=`pwd`/package resultdir=`pwd`/test-out || exit 2
- fi
- install -d -m 755 %i/share %i/share/netpbm
- printf "package\n%i\n\n\n\n%i/share/netpbm\n\n\n\n" | ./installnetpbm
- rm -rf %i/share/man/web
- mv %i/bin/doc.url %i/share/netpbm
- perl -pi -e 's|%i|%p|g' %i/lib/pkgconfig/netpbm.pc
+       #!/bin/sh -ev
+       # pkgdir = where 'make package' sends everything
+       # resultdir = test results location on 'make check'
+       make package pkgdir=`pwd`/package resultdir=`pwd`/test-out SYMLINK='ln 
+       # run tests now if needed
+       if [ -f %b/INSTALL_MAKE_CHECK ]; then
+               chmod u+x %b/test/*.test
+               export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%b/package/lib
+               make check pkgdir=`pwd`/package resultdir=`pwd`/test-out || 
exit 2
+       fi
+       install -d -m 755 %i/share %i/share/netpbm
+       printf "package\n%i\n\n\n\n%i/share/netpbm\n\n\n\n" | ./installnetpbm
+       rm -rf %i/share/man/web
+       mv %i/bin/doc.url %i/share/netpbm
+       perl -pi -e 's|%i|%p|g' %i/lib/pkgconfig/netpbm.pc %i/bin/netpbm-config
 SplitOff: <<
-  Package: netpbm-bin
-  Depends: <<
-    %N (= %v-%r),
-    libiconv,
-    libjasper.1-shlibs,
-    libjbig-shlibs,
-    libjpeg9-shlibs,
-    libpng16-shlibs,
-    libtiff5-shlibs,
-    libxml2-shlibs
-  <<
-  # Replaces netpbm10 because man3 and man5 dirs were previously installed
-  # in the wrong SplitOff.
-  Replaces: netpbm10 (<< 10.47.44-2)
-  Files: <<
-       bin
-       share/man/man1
-       share/man/man5
-       share/netpbm
-  <<
-  DocFiles: README doc/*
-SplitOff2: <<
        Package: netpbm11
        Depends: %N (= %v-%r)
        Conflicts: <<
                netpbm, netpbm10, netpbm11
        # Replaces netpbm-bin because man3 and man5 dirs were previously 
-       # in the wrong SplitOff.
+       # in the wrong SplitOff until 10.47.44-2
+       # netpbm-config was in netpbm-bin until 10.63.01-2.
        Replaces: <<
-               netpbm-bin (<< 10.47.44-2),
+               netpbm-bin (<< 10.63.01-2),
                netpbm, netpbm10, netpbm11
        BuildDependsOnly: True
        Files: <<
+               bin/netpbm-config
-               share/man/man3
+               share/man/man3
+       <<
+       DocFiles: README doc/*
+SplitOff2: <<
+       Package: netpbm-bin
+       Depends: <<
+               %N (= %v-%r),
+               libiconv,
+               libjasper.1-shlibs,
+               libjbig-shlibs,
+               libjpeg9-shlibs,
+               libpng16-shlibs,
+               libtiff5-shlibs,
+               libxml2-shlibs
+       <<
+       # Replaces netpbm10 because man3 and man5 dirs were previously installed
+       # in the wrong SplitOff.
+       Replaces: netpbm10 (<< 10.47.44-2)
+       Files: <<
+               bin
+               share/man/man1
+               share/man/man5
+               share/netpbm
        DocFiles: README doc/*

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