Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/beren12/finkinfo/devel
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21392

Modified Files:
Log Message:
works...anyone wanna test?

Index: reportbug.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/beren12/finkinfo/devel/reportbug.patch,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- reportbug.patch     12 Oct 2004 17:46:37 -0000      1.2
+++ reportbug.patch     13 Oct 2004 16:38:46 -0000      1.3
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 diff -ruN reportbug/debianbts.py reportbug.new/debianbts.py
 --- reportbug/debianbts.py     Fri Oct  1 04:12:02 2004
-+++ reportbug.new/debianbts.py Sat Oct  9 23:33:22 2004
++++ reportbug.new/debianbts.py Wed Oct 13 10:00:07 2004
 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
      'grave' : """makes the package in question unusable by most or all users,
      or causes data loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access 
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
                'query-dpkg' : 1, 'type' : 'debbugs',
 -              'otherpkgs' : debother, 'nonvirtual' : ['kernel-image'],
 -              'specials' : { 'wnpp': handle_wnpp },
-+              #'otherpkgs' : debother, 
++              'otherpkgs' : debother, 
 +              #'specials' : { 'wnpp': handle_wnpp },
                # Dependency packages
 -              'deppkgs' : ('gcc', 'g++', 'cpp', 'gcj', 'gpc', 'gobjc',
@@ -323,6 +323,691 @@
                 http_proxy='', archived=False, followups=False):
      number = int(number)
      if SYSTEMS[system]['cgiroot']:
+diff -ruN reportbug/debianbts.py~ reportbug.new/debianbts.py~
+--- reportbug/debianbts.py~    Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
++++ reportbug.new/debianbts.py~        Wed Oct 13 09:58:25 2004
+@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
++# debianbts.py - Routines to deal with the debbugs web pages
++#   Written by Chris Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
++#   (C) 1999-2004 Chris Lawrence
++# This program is freely distributable per the following license:
++##  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
++##  documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
++##  provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that
++##  both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
++##  supporting documentation.
++# Version ##VERSION##; see changelog for revision history
++# $Id$
++import sgmllib, glob, os, re, reportbug, rfc822, time, urllib, checkversions
++from urlutils import open_url
++from types import StringTypes
++import sys
++class Error(Exception):
++    pass
++# Severity levels
++    'critical' : """makes unrelated software on the system (or the
++    whole system) break, or causes serious data loss, or introduces a
++    security hole on systems where you install the package.""",
++    'grave' : """makes the package in question unusable by most or all users,
++    or causes data loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access 
++    to the accounts of users who use the package.""",
++    'serious' : """is a severe violation of Fink policy (that is,
++    the problem is a violation of a 'must' or 'required' directive);
++    may or may not affect the usability of the package.  Note that non-severe
++    policy violations may be 'normal,' 'minor,' or 'wishlist' bugs.
++    (Package maintainers may also designate other bugs as 'serious' and thus
++    release-critical; however, end users should not do so.)""",
++    'important' : """a bug which has a major effect on the usability
++    of a package, without rendering it completely unusable to
++    everyone.""",
++    'does-not-build' : """a bug that stops the package from being built
++    from source.  (This is a 'virtual severity'.)""",
++    'normal' : """a bug that does not undermine the usability of the
++    whole package; for example, a problem with a particular option or
++    menu item.""",
++    'minor' : """things like spelling mistakes and other minor
++    cosmetic errors that do not affect the core functionality of the
++    package.""",
++    'wishlist' : "suggestions and requests for new features.",
++    }
++# justifications for critical bugs
++    'critical' : (
++    ('breaks unrelated software', """breaks unrelated software on the system
++    (packages that have a dependency relationship are not unrelated)"""),
++    ('breaks the whole system', """renders the entire system unusable (e.g.,
++    unbootable, unable to reach a multiuser runlevel, etc.)"""),
++    ('causes serious data loss', """causes loss of important, irreplaceable
++    data"""),
++    ('root security hole', """introduces a security hole allowing access to
++    root (or another privileged system account), or data normally
++    accessible only by such accounts"""),
++    ('unknown', """not sure, or none of the above"""),
++    ),
++    'grave' : (
++    ('renders package unusable', """renders the package unusable, or mostly
++    so, on all or nearly all possible systems on which it could be installed
++    (i.e., not a hardware-specific bug); or renders package uninstallable
++    or unremovable without special effort"""),
++    ('causes non-serious data loss', """causes the loss of data on the system
++    that is unimportant, or restorable without resorting to backup media"""),
++    ('user security hole', """introduces a security hole allowing access to
++    user accounts or data not normally accessible"""),
++    ('unknown', """not sure, or none of the above"""),
++    )
++    }
++# Ordering for justifications
++    'critical' :  ['breaks unrelated software',
++                   'breaks the whole system',
++                   'causes serious data loss',
++                   'root security hole',
++                   'unknown'],
++    'grave' : ['renders package unusable',
++               'causes non-serious data loss',
++               'user security hole',
++               'unknown']
++    }
++SEVERITIES_gnats = {
++    'critical' : 'The product, component or concept is completely'
++    'non-operational or some essential functionality is missing.  No'
++    'workaround is known.',
++    'serious' : 'The product, component or concept is not working'
++    'properly or significant functionality is missing.  Problems that'
++    'would otherwise be considered ''critical'' are rated ''serious'' when'
++    'a workaround is known.',
++    'non-critical' : 'The product, component or concept is working'
++    'in general, but lacks features, has irritating behavior, does'
++    'something wrong, or doesn''t match its documentation.',
++    }
++# Rank order of severities, for sorting
++SEVLIST = ['critical', 'grave', 'serious', 'important', 'does-not-build',
++           'normal', 'non-critical', 'minor', 'wishlist', 'fixed']
++def convert_severity(severity, type='debbugs'):
++    "Convert severity names if needed."
++    if type == 'debbugs':
++        return {'non-critical' : 'normal'}.get(severity, severity)
++    elif type == 'gnats':
++        return {'grave' : 'critical',
++                'important' : 'serious',
++                'normal' : 'non-critical',
++                'minor' : 'non-critical',
++                'wishlist' : 'non-critical'}.get(severity, severity)
++    else:
++        return severity
++# These packages are virtual in Fink; we don't look them up...
++debother = {
++    'base' : 'General bugs in the base system',
++    'bugs.finkproject.org' : 'The bug tracking system, @bugs.finkproject.org',
++    'fink-policy' : 'Proposed changes in the Fink policy documentation',
++    'ftp.finkproject.org' : 'Problems with the FTP site',
++    'general' : 'General problems (e.g., that many manpages are mode 755)',
++    'install' : 'Problems with the fink installer.',
++    'installation' : 'General installation problems not covered otherwise.',
++    'listarchives' :  'Problems with the WWW mailing list archives',
++    'lists.finkproject.org' : 'The mailing lists, [EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++    'mirrors' : 'Problems with Fink archive mirrors.',
++    'press' : 'Press release issues',
++    'project' : 'Problems related to Project administration',
++    'fink.sourceforge.net' : 'Problems with the WWW site (including other 
*.finkproject.org sites)'
++    }
++progenyother = {
++    'fink-general' : 'Any non-package-specific bug',
++    }
++def handle_wnpp(package, bts, ui, online=True, http_proxy=None):
++    desc = body = ''
++    headers = []
++    query = True
++    tag = ui.menu('What sort of request is this?  (If none of these '
++                  'things mean anything to you, or you are trying to report '
++                  'a bug in an existing package, please press Enter to '
++                  'exit reportbug.)', {
++        'O' :
++        "The package has been `Orphaned'. It needs a new maintainer as soon as 
++        'RFA' :
++        "This is a `Request for Adoption'. Due to lack of time, resources, interest 
or something similar, the current maintainer is asking for someone else to maintain 
this package. He/she will maintain it in the meantime, but perhaps not in the best 
possible way. In short: the package needs a new maintainer.",
++        'RFH' :
++        "This is a `Request For Help'. The current maintainer wants to continue to 
maintain this package, but he/she needs some help to do this, because his/her time is 
limited or the package is quite big and needs several maintainers.",
++        'ITP' :
++        "This is an `Intent To Package'. Please submit a package description along 
with copyright and URL in such a report.",
++        'RFP' :
++        "This is a `Request For Package'. You have found an interesting piece of 
software and would like someone else to maintain it for Fink. Please submit a package 
description along with copyright and URL in such a report.",
++        }, 'Choose the request type: ', empty_ok=True)
++    if not tag:
++        ui.long_message('To report a bug in a package, use the name of the package, 
not wnpp.\n')
++        raise SystemExit
++    if tag in ('RFP', 'ITP'):
++        prompt = 'Please enter the proposed package name: '
++    else:
++        prompt = 'Please enter the name of the package: '
++    package = ui.get_string(prompt)
++    if not package: return
++    ui.ewrite('Checking status database...\n')
++    info = reportbug.get_package_status(package)
++    available = info[1]
++    severity = 'normal'
++    if tag in ('ITP', 'RFP'):
++        if available and (not online or checkversions.check_available(
++            package, '0', http_proxy=http_proxy)):
++            if not ui.yes_no(
++                ('A package called %s already appears to exist (at least on '
++                 'your system); continue?' % package),
++                'Ignore this problem and continue.  If you have '
++                'already locally created a package with this name, this '
++                'warning message may have been produced in error.',
++                'Exit without filing a report.', default=0):
++                sys.exit(1)
++        severity = 'wishlist'
++        desc = ui.get_string(
++            'Please briefly describe this package; this should be an '
++            'appropriate short description for the eventual package: ')
++        if not desc:
++            return
++        if tag == 'ITP':
++            headers.append('X-Debbugs-CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]')
++            ui.ewrite('Your report will be carbon-copied to fink-devel, '
++                      'per Fink policy.\n')
++        body = """* Package name    : %s
++  Version         : x.y.z
++  Upstream Author : Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
++* URL             : http://www.example.org/
++* License         : (GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT/X, etc.)
++  Description     : %s
++(Include the long description here.)
++""" % (package, desc)
++    elif tag in ('O', 'RFA', 'RFH'):
++        severity = 'normal'
++        query = False
++        if not available:
++            info = reportbug.get_source_package(package)
++            if info:
++                info = reportbug.get_package_status(info[0][0])
++        if not info:
++            cont = ui.select_options(
++                "This package doesn't appear to exist; continue?",
++                'yN', {'y': 'Ignore this problem and continue.',
++                       'n': 'Exit without filing a report.' })
++            if cont == 'n':
++                sys.exit(1)
++            desc = fulldesc = ''
++        else:
++            desc = info[10] or ''
++            package = info[11] or package
++            fulldesc = info[12]
++        if tag == 'O' and info and info[9] in \
++               ('required', 'important', 'standard'):
++            severity = 'important'
++        if tag == 'RFH':
++            headers.append('X-Debbugs-CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED]')
++            ui.ewrite('Your request will be carbon-copied to fink-devel, '
++                      'per Fink policy.\n')
++        if fulldesc:
++            orphstr = 'intend to orphan'
++            if tag == 'RFA':
++                orphstr = 'request an adopter for'
++            elif tag == 'RFH':
++                orphstr = 'request assistance with maintaining'
++            body = ('I %s the %s package.\n\n'
++                    'The package description is:\n') % (orphstr, package)
++            body = body + fulldesc + '\n'
++    if desc:
++        subject = '%s: %s -- %s' % (tag, package, desc)
++    else:
++        subject = '%s: %s' % (tag, package)
++    return (subject, severity, headers, body, query)
++# Supported servers
++# Theoretically support for GNATS and Jitterbug could be added here.
++SYSTEMS = { 'fink' :
++            { 'name' : 'Fink', 'email': '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'btsroot' : 'http://bugs.finkproject.org'
++              'query-dpkg' : 1, 'type' : 'debbugs',
++              'otherpkgs' : debother, 
++              #'specials' : { 'wnpp': handle_wnpp },
++              # Dependency packages
++              'cgiroot' : 'http://bugs.finkproject.org/cgi-bin/',
++              'mirrors' : {} },
++            'kde' :
++            { 'name' : 'KDE Project', 'email': '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'btsroot': 'http://bugs.kde.org/', 'type' : 'debbugs',
++              'query-dpkg' : 1, 'otherpkgs' : {}, 'cgiroot' : None,
++              'mirrors' : {} },
++            'mandrake' :
++            { 'name' : 'Linux-Mandrake', 'email': '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'btsroot': None,
++              'type' : 'debbugs', 'query-dpkg' : 0, 'otherpkgs' : {},
++              'cgiroot' : None, 'mirrors' : {} },
++            'gnome' :
++            { 'name' : 'GNOME Project', 'email': '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'type' : 'mailto', 'mirrors' : {}, 'cgiroot' : None,
++              'query-dpkg' : 0, 'otherpkgs' : {} },
++            'ximian' :
++            { 'name' : 'Ximian', 'email': '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'type' : 'mailto', 'mirrors' : {}, 'cgiroot' : None,
++              'query-dpkg' : 1, 'otherpkgs' : {} },
++            'progeny' :
++            { 'name' : 'Progeny', 'email' : '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'type' : 'gnats', 'mirrors' : {}, 'cgiroot' : None,
++              'query-dpkg' : 1, 'otherpkgs' : progenyother },
++            'ubuntu' :
++            { 'name' : 'Ubuntu',
++              'email' : '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'type' : 'mailto', 'mirrors' : {}, 'cgiroot' : None,
++              'query-dpkg' : 1, 'otherpkgs' : {} },
++            'guug' :
++            { 'name' : 'GUUG (German Unix User Group)',
++              'email' : '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
++              'type' : 'debbugs', 'mirrors' : {}, 'cgiroot' : None,
++              'query-dpkg' : 0, 'otherpkgs' : {} },
++            }
++SYSTEMS['helixcode'] = SYSTEMS['ximian']
++    'sw-bug' : 'The problem is a bug in the software or code.  For'
++    'example, a crash would be a sw-bug.',
++    'doc-bug' : 'The problem is in the documentation.  For example,'
++    'an error in a man page would be a doc-bug.',
++    'change-request' : 'You are requesting a new feature or a change'
++    'in the behavior of software, or are making a suggestion.  For'
++    'example, if you wanted reportbug to be able to get your local'
++    'weather forecast, as well as report bugs, that would be a'
++    'change-request.',
++    }
++CLASSLIST = ['sw-bug', 'doc-bug', 'change-request']
++    'security' : 'This problem is a security vulnerability in Fink.',
++TAGS = {
++    'patch' : 'You are including a patch to fix this problem.',
++##    'upstream' : 'You believe this problem is not specific to Debian.',
++##    'potato' : 'This bug only applies to the potato release (Debian 2.2).',
++##    'woody' : 'This bug only applies to the woody release (Debian 3.0).',
++##    'sarge' : 'This bug only applies to the sarge release (Debian 3.1).',
++##    'sid' : 'This bug only applies to the unstable branch of Debian.',
++    'experimental' : 'This bug only applies to a package in the experimental '
++    'branch of Fink.',
++    "l10n" : "This bug reports a localization/internationalization issue.",
++##    'done' : 'No more tags.',
++    }
++EXTRA_TAGS = ['stable', 'unstable', 'upstream']
++TAGLIST = ['l10n', 'patch', 'experimental']
++CRITICAL_TAGLIST = ['security']
++def yn_bool(setting):
++    if setting:
++        if str(setting) == 'no':
++            return 'no'
++        return 'yes'
++    else:
++        return 'no'
++def cgi_report_url(system, number, archived=False, mbox=False):
++    root = SYSTEMS[system].get('cgiroot')
++    if root:
++        return '%sbugreport.cgi?bug=%d&archive=%s&mbox=%s' % (
++            root, number, archived, yn_bool(mbox))
++    return None
++def cgi_package_url(system, package, archived=False, source=False,
++                    repeatmerged=True):
++    root = SYSTEMS[system].get('cgiroot')
++    if not root: return None
++    package = urllib.quote_plus(package.lower())
++    qtype = "pkg"
++    if source:
++        qtype = "src"
++    repeat = yn_bool(repeatmerged)
++    archive = yn_bool(archived)
++    return 
 % (root, qtype, package, archive, repeat)
++def package_url(system, package, mirrors=None, source=False,
++                repeatmerged=True):
++    btsroot=get_btsroot(system, mirrors)
++    package = urllib.quote_plus(package.lower())
++    return btsroot+('db/pa/l%s.html' % package) 
++def report_url(system, number, mirrors=None):
++    number = str(number)
++    if len(number) < 2: return None
++    btsroot=get_btsroot(system, mirrors)
++    return btsroot+('db/%s/%s.html' % (number[:2], number))
++def get_package_url(system, package, mirrors=None, source=False,
++                    archived=False, repeatmerged=True):
++    return (cgi_package_url(system, package, archived, source, repeatmerged) or
++            package_url(system, package, mirrors, source, repeatmerged))
++def get_report_url(system, number, mirrors=None, archived=False, mbox=False):
++    return (cgi_report_url(system, number, archived, mbox) or
++            report_url(system, number, mirrors))
++def parse_bts_url(url):
++    bits = url.split(':', 1)
++    if len(bits) != 2: return None
++    type, loc = bits
++    if loc.startswith('//'): loc = loc[2:]
++    while loc.endswith('/'): loc = loc[:-1]
++    return type, loc
++# Dynamically add any additional systems found
++for origin in glob.glob('@FINKPREFIX@/etc/dpkg/origins/*'):
++    try:
++        fp = file(origin)
++        system = os.path.basename(origin)
++        SYSTEMS[system] = SYSTEMS.get(system, { 'otherpkgs' : {},
++                                                'query-dpkg' : 1,
++                                                'mirrors' : {},
++                                                'cgiroot' : None } )
++        for line in fp:
++            try:
++                (header, content) = line.split(': ', 1)
++                header = header.lower()
++                content = content.strip()
++                if header == 'vendor':
++                    SYSTEMS[system]['name'] = content
++                elif header == 'bugs':
++                    (type, root) = parse_bts_url(content)
++                    SYSTEMS[system]['type'] = type
++                    if type == 'debbugs':
++                        SYSTEMS[system]['btsroot'] = 'http://'+root+'/'
++                        SYSTEMS[system]['email'] = '%s@'+root
++                    elif type == 'mailto':
++                        SYSTEMS[system]['btsroot'] = None
++                        SYSTEMS[system]['email'] = root
++                    else:
++                        # We don't know what to do...
++                        pass
++            except ValueError:
++                pass
++        fp.close()
++    except IOError:
++        pass
++# For summary pages, we want to keep:
++# - Contents of <title>...</title>
++# - Contents of <h2>...</h2>
++# - Contents of each <li>
++# For individual bugs, we want to keep:
++# - Contents of <title>...</title>
++# - Contents of every <pre>...</pre> after a <h2>....</h2> tag.
++class BTSParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
++    def __init__(self, mode='summary', cgi=False, followups=False):
++        sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self)
++        self.hierarchy = []
++        self.lidata = None
++        self.lidatalist = None
++        self.savedata = None
++        self.title = None
++        self.bugcount = 0
++        self.mode = mode
++        self.cgi = cgi
++        self.followups = followups
++        if followups:
++            self.preblock = []
++        else:
++            self.preblock = ''
++        self.endh2 = False
++    # --- Formatter interface, taking care of 'savedata' mode;
++    # shouldn't need to be overridden
++    def handle_data(self, data):
++        if self.savedata is not None:
++            self.savedata = self.savedata + data
++    # --- Hooks to save data; shouldn't need to be overridden
++    def save_bgn(self):
++        self.savedata = ''
++    def save_end(self, mode=False):
++        data = self.savedata
++        self.savedata = None
++        if not mode: data = ' '.join(data.split())
++        return data
++    def check_li(self):
++        if self.mode == 'summary':
++            data = self.save_end()
++            if data:
++                self.lidatalist.append(data)
++                self.bugcount = self.bugcount + 1
++            self.lidata = False
++    def start_h1(self, attrs):
++        self.save_bgn()
++        self.oldmode = self.mode
++        self.mode = 'title'
++    def end_h1(self):
++        self.title = self.save_end()
++        self.mode = self.oldmode
++    def start_h2(self, attrs):
++        if self.lidata: self.check_li()
++        self.save_bgn()
++    def end_h2(self):
++        if self.mode == 'summary':
++            self.hierarchy.append( (self.save_end(), []) )
++        self.endh2 = True # We are at the end of a title, flag <pre>
++    def do_br(self, attrs):
++        if self.lidata and self.mode == 'summary': self.check_li()
++        if self.mode == 'title':
++            self.savedata = ""
++    def do_li(self, attrs):
++        if self.mode == 'summary':
++            if self.lidata: self.check_li()
++            self.lidata = True
++            if self.hierarchy:
++                self.lidatalist = self.hierarchy[-1][1]
++            else:
++                self.lidatalist = []
++            self.save_bgn()
++    def start_pre(self, attrs):
++        "Save <pre> when we follow a </h2>"
++        if self.followups:
++            if not self.endh2: return
++        else:
++            if self.cgi and self.preblock: return
++        self.save_bgn()
++    def end_pre(self):
++        if self.followups:
++            if not self.endh2: return
++            self.endh2 = False        # Done with a report, reset </h2>.
++            stuff = self.save_end(1)
++            if not self.cgi:
++                self.preblock.insert(0, stuff)
++            else:
++                self.preblock.append(stuff)
++        elif not (self.preblock and self.cgi):
++            self.preblock = self.save_end(1)
++def parse_html_report(number, url, http_proxy, followups=False, cgi=True):
++    page = open_url(url, http_proxy)
++    if not page:
++        return None
++    content = page.read()
++    parser = BTSParser(cgi=cgi, followups=followups)
++    parser.feed(content)
++    parser.close()
++    items = parser.preblock
++    title = "#%d: %s" % (number, parser.title)
++    if not followups:
++        items = [items]
++    output = []
++    for stuff in items:
++        parts = stuff.split('\n\n')
++        match = re.search('^Date: (.*)$', parts[0], re.M | re.I)
++        date_submitted = ''
++        if match:
++            date_submitted = 'Date: %s\n' % match.group(1)
++        stuff = ('\n\n'.join(parts[1:])).rstrip()
++        if not stuff:
++            continue
++        item = date_submitted+stuff+os.linesep
++        output.append(item)
++    if not output:
++        return None
++    return (title, output)
++def get_cgi_reports(package, system='fink', http_proxy='', archived=False,
++                    source=False):
++    page = open_url(cgi_package_url(system, package, archived, source),
++                    http_proxy)
++    if not page:
++        return (0, None, None)
++    content = page.read()
++    if 'Maintainer' not in content:
++        return (0, None, None)
++    parser = BTSParser(cgi=True)
++    parser.feed(content)
++    parser.close()
++    return parser.bugcount, parser.title, parser.hierarchy
++def get_cgi_report(number, system='fink', http_proxy='', archived=False,
++                   followups=False):
++    number = int(number)
++    url = cgi_report_url(system, number, archived='no')
++    return parse_html_report(number, url, http_proxy, followups, cgi=True)
++def get_btsroot(system, mirrors=None):
++    if mirrors:
++        alternates = SYSTEMS[system]['mirrors']
++        for mirror in mirrors:
++            if alternates.has_key(mirror):
++                return alternates[mirror]
++    return SYSTEMS[system]['btsroot']
++def get_reports(package, system='fink', mirrors=None,
++                http_proxy='', archived=False, source=False):
++    if isinstance(package, StringTypes):
++        if SYSTEMS[system]['cgiroot']:
++            result = get_cgi_reports(package, system, http_proxy, archived,
++                                     source)
++            if result: return result
++        url = package_url(system, package, mirrors, source)
++        page = open_url(url, http_proxy)
++        if not page:
++            return (0, None, None)
++        content = page.read()
++        if 'Maintainer' not in content:
++            return (0, None, None)
++        parser = BTSParser()
++        parser.feed(content)
++        parser.close()
++        return parser.bugcount, parser.title, parser.hierarchy
++    # A list of bug numbers
++    this_hierarchy = []
++    package = [int(x) for x in package]
++    package.sort()
++    for bug in package:
++        result = get_report(bug, system, mirrors, http_proxy, archived)
++        if result:
++            title, body = result
++            this_hierarchy.append(title)
++            #print title
++    title = "Multiple bug reports"
++    bugcount = len(this_hierarchy)
++    hierarchy = [('Reports', this_hierarchy)]
++    return bugcount, title, hierarchy
++def get_report(number, system='fink', mirrors=None,
++               http_proxy='', archived=False, followups=False):
++    number = int(number)
++    if SYSTEMS[system]['cgiroot']:
++        result = get_cgi_report(number, system, http_proxy, archived,followups)
++        if result: return result
++    url = report_url(system, number, mirrors)
++    if not url: return None
++    return parse_html_report(number, url, http_proxy, followups, cgi=False)
 diff -ruN reportbug/querybts reportbug.new/querybts
 --- reportbug/querybts Mon Mar 15 03:59:39 2004
 +++ reportbug.new/querybts     Sat Oct  9 23:35:38 2004

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