Update of /cvsroot/fink/fink/t/Services
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29059/t/Services

Added Files:
      Tag: uidgid
        ChangeLog eval_conditional.t execute_nonroot_okay.t 
        expand_percent.t prepare_script.t 
Log Message:
Starting to sync this branch to sort stuff out see if it's worth using, or 
restarting it

--- NEW FILE: expand_percent.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';


my $map = { 'f' => 'm',
            'F' => '%f',
            'r' => 'st',
            'l' => '%F',
            '%' => '%%'

# basic stuff

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'Fink for life', undef ),
    'Fink for life',
    'undef map'

eval { Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'Fink for li%r', undef ) };
like( $@,
      'undef map but try to use expansion'

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'Give 110%%, son', undef ),
    'Give 110%, son',
    'undef map but need percent expansion'

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'Fink for life', $map ),
    'Fink for life',
    'No expansions needed'

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'Fink %fo%r li%fe', $map ),
    'Fink most lime',
    'One pass'

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( '%Fink %fo%r li%fe', $map ),
    'mink most lime',
    'Two passes'

eval { Fink::Services::expand_percent( '%Fink %fo%r %li%fe', $map ) };
like( $@,
      qr/too deep/i,
      'Three passes is too deep recursion'

eval { Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'F%ink for life', $map ) };
like( $@,
      'Unknown percent char',

# protected percent signs

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'Give 110%%, son', $map ),
    'Give 110%, son',
    'Simple %%'

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'woo %%%% woo', $map ),
    'woo %% woo',
    'Do not recurse on it'

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'printf(%%s)', $map ),
    '%% takes precedence over overlapping legal expansion'

is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'hash %%%rreets', $map ),
    'hash %streets',
    'Actual expansion following %%'

# long keys
is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'M%iss%iss%ippi', {qw/iss ith ipp iss/} ),
    'Long keys'

# braces
is( Fink::Services::expand_percent( 'po%{ta}%{t}o', {qw/ta n t ch/} ),

--- NEW FILE: execute_nonroot_okay.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More tests=>12;

require_ok('Fink::Services');          # 1

# exported functions
use_ok('Fink::Services','execute');    # 2

# needed for passing 'fink --build-as-nobody' flag to execute()
# (don't really care how it's implemented, but these tests are currently
# written for it being implemented with Fink::Config options)
require_ok('Fink::Config');            # 3
can_ok('Fink::Config','get_option');   # 4
can_ok('Fink::Config','set_options');  # 5

# need a a safe place to create files

# OS X 10.2 comes with perl 5.6.0, but File::Temp isn't in core until 5.6.1
#use File::Temp (qw/ tempdir /);
#my $tmpdir = tempdir( 'execute_nonroot_okay.t_XXXXX',
#                     DIR => '/tmp',  # dir itself be accessible to *all* users
##                    CLEANUP => 1    # CLEANUP is unsafe (see 'rmtree' below)
#                   );

# OS X 10.2 mktemp does not have the -p flag implemented
my $tmpdir = `/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/execute_nonroot_okay.t_XXXXX`;
chomp $tmpdir;

if (!defined $tmpdir or !length $tmpdir or !-d $tmpdir) {
    print "Bail out! Cannot create scratchdir\n";
    die "\n";
chmod 0755, $tmpdir;  # must have only root be able to write to dir but all read

# Need a world-readable Fink/Services.pm but don't want to go changing
# perms on the whole hierarchy leading to whereever user is running test,
# so make a copy in a known place with known perms.
if (system qq{ mkdir "$tmpdir/Fink" && cp ../perlmod/Fink/Services.pm 
"$tmpdir/Fink" }) {
    diag "Could not create temp Services.pm; using local copy 
instead.\nDepending on permissions and the presence of an existing Fink, 
this\nsituation may result in an apparently-missing Services.pm.\n";
} else {
    chmod 0755, "$tmpdir/Fink";
    chmod 0644, "$tmpdir/Fink/Services.pm";
    $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} = defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'}  # so subprocesses see it
        ? "$tmpdir:$ENV{'PERL5LIB'}"
        : $tmpdir;

chdir "/tmp";         # set local dir to where user="nobody" can start shells

# 6
Fink::Config::set_options( {'build_as_nobody' => 0} );
cmp_ok( &execute("touch $tmpdir/f1", nonroot_okay=>1),
        '==', 0,
        'disabling build_as_nobody causes normal execution'

# 7
Fink::Config::set_options( {'build_as_nobody' => 1} );
cmp_ok( &execute("touch $tmpdir/f2"),
        '==', 0,
        'omitting nonroot_okay option causes normal execution'

# 8
Fink::Config::set_options( {'build_as_nobody' => 1} );
cmp_ok( &execute("touch $tmpdir/f3", nonroot_okay=>0),
      '==', 0,
        'false nonroot_okay option causes normal execution'

# 9
 SKIP: {
     Fink::Config::set_options( {'build_as_nobody' => 1} );
     skip "You must be non-root for this test", 1 if $> == 0;
     # this touch should fail noisily, so redirect
     cmp_ok( &execute("touch $tmpdir/f4 > /dev/null 2>&1", nonroot_okay=>1),
             '!=', 0,
             'try to switch users when not root'

# 10
 SKIP: {
     Fink::Config::set_options( {'build_as_nobody' => 1} );
     skip "You must be root for this test", 1 if $> != 0;
     # this touch should fail noisily, so redirect
     cmp_ok( &execute("touch $tmpdir/f5 > /dev/null 2>&1", nonroot_okay=>1, 
             '!=', 0,
             'requires normal user but build_as_nobody enabled'

# 11
 SKIP: {
     Fink::Config::set_options( {'build_as_nobody' => 1} );
     skip "You must be root for this test", 1 if $> != 0;
     my $file = "$tmpdir/f6";
     open FOO, ">$file";
     close FOO;
     chmod 0666, $file;  # create a file that all users can touch
     cmp_ok( &execute("touch $file", nonroot_okay=>1),
             '==', 0,
             'user "nobody" can do this and build_as_nobody enabled'

# 12
 SKIP: {
     skip "You must be root for this test", 1 if $> != 0;

     # this test should use the exact same perl binary as is running
     # this test (which is the same as the one to be used to run fink)
     Fink::Config::set_options( {'build_as_nobody' => 1} );
     cmp_ok( &execute('/usr/bin/perl -e "1;"', nonroot_okay=>1),
             '==', 0,
             'command is not run under setuid'

# We cannot use tempdir(CLEANUP=>1) because that works by installing
# an END block to do the cleanup, which breaks us because &execute may
# be implemented with forks: the END block runs when each child ends
# not just at the end of the parent (== this test script). Damn it.
use File::Path (qw/ rmtree /);
rmtree($tmpdir, 0, 1);

--- NEW FILE: ChangeLog ---
2005-1-11  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: execute() may fork a process that needs
        to find Services.pm, so make a copy of that file that is
        guaranteed to be readable by "nobody".

2005-1-5  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: delete expected tempfile.

2004-12-30  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: rework a test to avoid using "touch" on
        a dir.

2004-12-30  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: OS X 10.2 (perl 5.6.0) portability fix:
        use /usr/bin/mktemp instead of File::Temp.

2004-12-30  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: Don't use Test tests for test-suite
        prereqs. Fix tempdir sanity-check bail-out. More output-hiding

2004-12-28  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: Specify /usr/bin/touch since binutils'
        can't touch directories. Don't hide output of tests that should be

2004-12-28  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: Majorly reworked for new execute().

2004-12-22  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: Explicitly use correct perl interp

2004-12-22  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * prepare_script.t: Improved test for blank line removal.

2004-12-21  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: Lots of cleanups. Add TODO test for not
        script not running in setuid mode.

2004-12-21  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t: execute_nonroot_okay() wrapper merged
        into underlying execute(). Extract common parts of some tests. Add
        tests to make sure root not dropped when it's not supposed to be.

2004-12-20  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_script_nonroot_okay.t: function removed so scrap the test.

2004-12-20  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * prepare_script.t: Wrote a test suite.

2004-11-23  Daniel Macks  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * execute_nonroot_okay.t,execute_script_nonroot_okay.t: Wrote some
        basic tests.

--- NEW FILE: eval_conditional.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';

BEGIN { use_ok( 'Fink::Services', qw(eval_conditional) ) };

# "str1 op str2" forms

my @stringsets = (
    [qw/ a b /],
    [qw/ b b /],
    [qw/ b a /],
    [ 0, 1  ],
    [ 2, 10 ]

foreach my $optest (
    # each list is $op then ref to list of results parallelling @stringsets
    [ ">>" => [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ] ],
    [ "<<" => [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ] ],
    [ ">=" => [ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 ] ],
    [ "<=" => [ 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 ] ],
    [ "="  => [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ] ],
    [ "!=" => [ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 ] ]
) {
    for( my $setnum=0; $setnum<@stringsets; $setnum++ ) {
        my $test = $stringsets[$setnum]->[0] . " " . $optest->[0] . " " .  
        cmp_ok( &eval_conditional( $test, "eval_consitional.t" ),
            '==', $optest->[1]->[$setnum],

# "str1 op str2" whitespace tests
foreach my $str1 ( "a", " a" ) {
    foreach my $op ( "=", " =", "= ", " = " ) {
        foreach my $str2 ( "a", "a " ) {
            my $test = $str1 . $op . $str2;
            cmp_ok( &eval_conditional( $test, "eval_conditional.t" ),
                    '==', 1,

# "str" forms
foreach my $testitem (
    [ ""    => 0 ],
    [ " "   => 0 ],
    [ "a"   => 1 ],
    [ "a "  => 1 ],
    [ " a"  => 1 ],
    [ " a " => 1 ],
    [ 0     => 1 ]   # these are stringified comparisons!
) {
    cmp_ok( &eval_conditional( $testitem->[0], "eval_conditional.t" ),
            '==', $testitem->[1],

# bogus forms
foreach my $testitem (
    "a a",
    "a=a a"
) {
    eval {  &eval_conditional( $testitem, "eval_conditional.t" ) };
    like( $@,

--- NEW FILE: prepare_script.t ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';

can_ok('Fink::Services','prepare_script');  # not exported

my( @script, $script, $result );
my $scriptref = \$script;

$script = 'test1';
eval { $result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($script) };
isnt($@, '', 'fails for non-ref');

$script = undef;
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
isnt(defined $script, 'undef returns undef');

$script = '';
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
isnt(defined $script, 'blank returns undef');

$script = 'test1';
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
cmp_ok($result, '==', 0, 'simple command returns 0');
is($script, 'test1', 'simple command is unchanged');

$script = "test1\n";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($$scriptref, 'test1', 'removes trailing newline');
cmp_ok($scriptref, 'eq', \$script, 'chomps; changes original scalar');

$script = "#!/bin/sh\ntest1";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
cmp_ok($result, '==', 1, 'magic-char script returns 1');
like($script, '/\/tmp/', 'magic-char script returns scriptname');
like($script, '/^\//', 'scriptname is absolute path');
ok(-f $script, 'scriptname file exists');
open SCRIPT, "<$script";
@script = <SCRIPT>;
close SCRIPT;
unlink $script;
is($script[-1], "test1\n", 'trailing newline added');

$script = "   #!/bin/sh\ntest\\\n test1\n\n# a\nfoo\n";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
cmp_ok($result, '==', 1, 'whitespace before magic-char is okay');
open SCRIPT, "<$script";
@script = <SCRIPT>;
close SCRIPT;
unlink $script;
cmp_ok(scalar @script, '==', 6, 'read all lines');
is($script[0], "#!/bin/sh\n", 'whitespace befor magic-char is removed');
is($script[1], "test\\\n", 'trailing slash does not cause rejoining');
is($script[2], " test1\n", 'leading whitespace in other lines remains');
is($script[3], "\n", 'blank lines remain');
is($script[4], "# a\n", 'comments remain');
is($script[5], "foo\n", 'no chomp');

$script = " testing\n1, 2, 3\n   over\nand out  \ncharlie\n";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, "testing\n1, 2, 3\nover\nand out  \ncharlie", 'leading whitespace 
is removed');

$script = "\nhi\n  \n\nwocka\nwocka2\n\n  wiff\n\n\n    \n\n\n";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, "hi\nwocka\nwocka2\nwiff", 'blanks are removed');

$script = "Hello\nI am # Sam\n#Sam I am\n  # leave now\nwoof";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, "Hello\nI am # Sam\nwoof", 'comments are removed');

$script = "I hate\\\nwriting tests";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, 'I hate writing tests', 'simple continuation works');

$script = "Tests    \\   \n       are important";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, 'Tests are important', 'continuation handles excess whitespace');

$script = "Windows C:\\DOESNT.TST enough\nbummer";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, "Windows C:\\DOESNT.TST enough\nbummer", 'internal backslashes 

$script = "That's\nbad news\\\nfor\\\nversion x.0 \\\nusers";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, "That's\nbad news for version x.0 users", 'multiple-rejoin works');

$script = "Maybe\\\n# woof!";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, 'Maybe # woof!', 'rejoin happens before comment removal (simple)');

$script = "Maybe\\\n# woof!\\\nnot?";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, 'Maybe # woof! not?', 'rejoin happens before comment removal 

$script = "Maybe\n# woof!\\\nso.";
$result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($scriptref);
is($script, 'Maybe', 'rejoined comment is fully removed');

$script = 'test1\\';
eval { $result = &Fink::Services::prepare_script($script) };
isnt($@, '', 'fails for trailing backslash');

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