Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4-transitional/unstable/crypto/finkinfo
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16586/finkinfo

Modified Files:
Log Message:
This version 1.1.4-11 from 10.3 should work. Could anybody confirm?

Index: svn-ssl.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- svn-ssl.info        28 Apr 2005 14:26:01 -0000      1.2
+++ svn-ssl.info        12 May 2005 07:07:38 -0000      1.3
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
 Package: svn-ssl
-Version: 1.1.1
-Revision: 15
+Version: 1.1.4
+Revision: 11
 Description: Subversion - svnserve, tools (with SSL)
 License: BSD
 Maintainer: Christian Schaffner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 # Dependencies:
 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), daemonic
-BuildDepends: apr-ssl (>= 0.9.5-15), apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.5-15), db42-ssl, 
gdbm3, expat (>= 1.95.6-2), libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12), python23 (>= 1:2.3.3-23) | 
python23-nox (>= 1:2.3.3-23), fink (>= 0.16.0-1), neon24-ssl (>= 0.24.7-11), 
openldap-ssl-dev (>= 2.1.22-24), cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23), 
openssl097-dev, swig (>= 1.3.20-2), texinfo (>= 4.2-22), libiconv-dev (>= 
1.9.1-11), apache2-ssl-dev (>= 2.0.50-10), system-java14-dev, perl586-core, 
gettext-bin, gettext-tools, gettext-dev, io-string-pm, libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1), 
autoconf2.5, automake1.9, gcc3.3
-# Only needs to be enabled for 'make check-javahl':
-#, junit
+BuildDepends: apr-ssl (>= 0.9.5-15), apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.5-15), db42-ssl, 
gdbm3, expat (>= 1.95.6-2), libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12), fink (>= 0.16.0-1), 
neon24-ssl (>= 0.24.7-11), openldap-ssl-dev (>= 2.1.22-24), cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 
2.1.15-23), openssl097-dev, swig (>= 1.3.20-2), texinfo (>= 4.2-22), 
libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11), gettext-bin, gettext-tools, gettext-dev, 
io-string-pm, libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1), autoconf2.5, automake1.9, gcc3.3
 Conflicts: svn-client, svn-client-ssl (<= 0.26.0-2), apache2 (<< 2.0.47-1)
 Replaces: svn-client, svn-client-ssl (<= 1.1.1-11)
 # Unpack Phase:
 Source: http://subversion.tigris.org/tarballs/subversion-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: a180c3fe91680389c210c99def54d9e0
+Source-MD5: 6e557ae65b6b8d7577cc7704ede85a23
 # Patch Phase:
 Patch: %n.patch
 # Compile Phase:
-ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --with-apxs=%p/sbin/apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation 
--enable-javahl --with-jikes=no --enable-swig-bindings=java,perl,python 
--with-swig=%p --with-python=%p/bin/python2.3 --with-perl=perl5.8.6 
PYTHON2=%p/bin/python2.3 PERL=perl5.8.6
-# Only needs to be enabled for 'make check-javahl':
-# --with-junit=%p/share/java/junit/junit.jar 
+ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl 
--with-jikes=no --disable-swig-bindings --with-swig=%p --without-python 
 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4 -no-cpp-precomp
 GCC: 3.3
 CompileScript: <<
@@ -33,14 +29,17 @@
  rm -rf apr
  rm -rf apr-util
- # recreate configure with libtool 1.5. The javahl bindings fail to build
- # correctly with libtool 1.4
+ # recreate configure with libtool 1.5.
  ### Configure shared
- ./configure %c
+ export CC=gcc-3.3; export CXX=g++-3.3; export F77=no; ./configure %c
+ ### force SWIG to use gcc 3.3 too
+ perl -pi.bak -e 's|(SWIG.*)gcc|${1}gcc-3.3|g' Makefile
  ### make everything shared
- make
+ make CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3
  ### Run tests over ra_local:
 #  echo "Running tests over ra_local using BDB..."
@@ -62,41 +61,10 @@
 #  echo "Running tests over ra_dav..."
 #  make check BASE_URL=http://localhost
- ### Build swig python bindings
- make swig-py
- ### Build swig perl bindings
- make swig-pl-lib
- (cd subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native && perl5.8.6 Makefile.PL 
PERL=perl5.8.6 FULLPERL=perl5.8.6 INSTALLDIRS=vendor PREFIX=%p 
LIB=%p/lib/perl5/5.8.6 INSTALLBIN=%i/bin INSTALLSCRIPT=%i/bin 
INSTALLMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3 
INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3 
INSTALLVENDORMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 INSTALLVENDORMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3  )
- curdir=`pwd`
- dylibs=`find $curdir -name "*.dylib"`
- for dylib in $dylibs
- do
- install_name=`otool -XD $dylib`
- case "$dylibfile" in
-  *"$install_name:"*) ;;
-  *) dylibfile="$dylibfile -dylib_file $install_name:$dylib" ;;
- esac
- done
- PERL_DYLIB_FLAGS=$dylibfile
- (cd subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native && PERL=perl5.8.6 FULLPERL=perl5.8.6 
INSTALLDIRS=vendor PREFIX=%p LIB=%p/lib/perl5/5.8.6 INSTALLBIN=%i/bin 
INSTALLSCRIPT=%i/bin INSTALLPRIVLIB=%p/lib/perl5/5.8.6 
INSTALLMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3 
INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3 
INSTALLVENDORMAN1DIR=%p/share/man/man1 INSTALLVENDORMAN3DIR=%p/share/man/man3 
-#  (cd subversion/bindings/swig/perl/native && make test)
  ### Build swig java bindings (they don't build yet!)
+ ### need to add --enable-swig-bindings=java to configure
  #make swig-java-lib
  #make swig-java-java
- ### Build javahl bindings
- # this makdir should no longer be necessary once svn issue #2032 is released
- mkdir -p subversion/bindings/java/javahl/classes/org/tigris/subversion/javahl
- make javahl
- # On Mac OS X jni libraries have to be named libfoo.jnilib
- # We are doing it with a symlink here.
- (cd subversion/bindings/java/javahl/native/.libs && ln -s 
libsvnjavahl-1.dylib libsvnjavahl-1.jnilib)
- ### The javahl tests don't work yet without already installed packages
- # see svn issue #2040 for more info
-#  make check-javahl
 # Install Phase:
@@ -141,33 +109,14 @@
  ### Install binaries
  /usr/bin/install -d %i/bin
  /usr/bin/install -m 755 svn-config %i/bin
+ # Install default directory for repositories
  /usr/bin/install -d %i/var
  /usr/bin/install -m 770 -d %i/var/svn
  chown www:admin %i/var/svn
- ### Install swig python bindings
- make install-swig-py DESTDIR=%d DISTUTIL_PARAM=--prefix=%d 
- cp subversion/bindings/swig/INSTALL INSTALL.swig
- cp subversion/bindings/swig/README README.swig
- ### Install swig perl bindings
- make install-swig-pl DESTDIR=%d
  ### Install swig java bindings
  #make install-swig-java DESTDIR=%d swig_javadir=%p/share/java/svn-swig-java
- ### Install javahl bindings
- # INSTALL_EXTRA_JAVAHL_LIB is set to nothing since it would generate
- # a symbolic link directly in %p instead of %i
- make install-javahl INSTALL_EXTRA_JAVAHL_LIB="" DESTDIR=%d 
- #### make a symlink for the jnilib
- ln -sf libsvnjavahl-1.dylib %i/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.jnilib
- ln -sf %p/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.dylib 
- ### Check the javahl bindings (needs to be done after installation)
- # see svn issue #2040 for more info
-#  javac -d subversion/bindings/java/javahl/classes -classpath 
-#  java -Djava.library.path=%i/lib -classpath 
 DaemonicName: svnserve
@@ -287,8 +236,8 @@
   DescUsage: <<
     This installs the subversion client.
-    Type 'svn help' for usage and look in /sw/share/svn-ssl/tools and 
-    /sw/share/svn-ssl/contrib.
+    Type 'svn help' for usage and look in %p/share/svn-ssl/tools and 
+    %p/share/svn-ssl/contrib.
     This client may be incompatible with ra_dav servers <= 0.35
@@ -299,144 +248,6 @@
     moved to the client split off in 1.0.2-11.
-SplitOff4: <<
-  Package: libapache2-ssl-mod-svn
-  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), apache2-ssl (>= 2.0.50-10), apr-ssl-common
-  Files: <<
-    lib/apache2
-    var/svn
-  <<
-  Description: Subversion - mod_svn (with SSL)
-  DescUsage: <<
-    This installs the subversion network server for apache2.
-    Please read section III C in the file 
-    /sw/share/doc/libapache2-ssl-mod-svn/INSTALL
-    for informations on how to run a subversion server via apache2.
-    You could install the repositories under the preconfigured directory
-    /sw/var/svn
-    which should have the correct permissions. Make sure that all files
-    in the new repository have the correct permissions for apache (and 
-    to read and write. E.g. run 'chown -R www /sw/var/svn/yourrepos' and 
-    'chmod -R go-rwx /sw/var/svn/yourrepos'.
-    You then need to add the following lines to your /sw/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
-    file:
-    <Location /svn/yourrepos>
-      DAV svn
-      SVNPath /sw/var/svn/yourrepos
-    </Location>
-    Your repository should show up at <http://localhost/svn/yourrepos>. If it 
-    does not check your apache2 logs at /sw/var/apache2/logs/error_log
-    If you need the examples or the tools (e.g. svnadmin) install the 
-    'svn-ssl' package.
-  <<
-  PostInstScript: <<
-    APXS=%p/sbin/apxs
-    # Enable svn modules
-    MODULENAME=dav_svn
-    echo "Enabling mod_$MODULENAME module..."
-    MODULENAME=authz_svn
-    echo "Enabling mod_$MODULENAME module..."
-    if test `ps -U www | grep -c %p/sbin/httpd` -ge 1; then
-      echo "Restarting apache2..."
-      %p/sbin/apachectl graceful
-    fi
-  <<
-  PreRmScript: <<
-    if [ "$1" != "remove" -a "$1" != "purge" ]; then
-      exit 0
-    fi
-    # Disable svn modules
-    APXS=%p/sbin/apxs
-    MODULENAME=dav_svn
-    echo "Disabling mod_$MODULENAME module..."
-    MODULENAME=authz_svn
-    echo "Disabling mod_$MODULENAME module..."
-    if %p/sbin/apachectl configtest > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      # httpd.conf is correct, e.g. doesn't contain any DAV provider
-      if test `ps -U www | grep -c %p/sbin/httpd` -ge 1; then
-        echo "Restarting apache2..."
-        %p/sbin/apachectl graceful
-      fi
-    else
-      # httpd.conf has syntax errors, e.g. remaining DAV providers
-      echo 
-      echo "The subversion apache modules are now disabled in the"
-      echo "%p/etc/apache2/httpd.conf file and will be removed. Please make 
-      echo "that you haven't any svn repositories still enabled in your"
-      echo "%p/etc/apache2/httpd.conf file. You then should restart apache by"
-      echo "typing '%p/sbin/apachectl graceful'."
-      echo 
-    fi
-  <<
-SplitOff5: <<
-  Package: %N-swig-pm586
-  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), perl586-core, swig-shlibs (>= 1.3.20-2)
-  Files: <<
-    lib/perl5
-    share/man/man3
-    lib/libsvn_swig_perl-
-    lib/libsvn_swig_perl-1.0.dylib
-    lib/libsvn_swig_perl-1.dylib
-  <<
-  Shlibs: <<
-    %p/lib/libsvn_swig_perl-1.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 0.37.0-11)
-  <<
-  Description: Subversion - Swig Perl bindings (with SSL)
-  DescDetail: <<
-    Bindings to call svn functions from perl 5.8.6.
-  <<
-  DescUsage: <<
-    Please read the files in '/sw/share/doc/svn-ssl-swig-pm586/'.
-  <<
-SplitOff6: <<
-  Package: %N-swig-py23
-  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), python23 (>= 1:2.3.3-23) | python23-nox (>= 
1:2.3.3-23), swig-shlibs (>= 1.3.20-2)
-  Replaces: svn-ssl-shlibs (<< 1.0.4-11)
-  Files: <<
-    lib/python2.3
-    lib/libsvn_swig_py*
-  <<
-  Shlibs: <<
-    %p/lib/libsvn_swig_py-1.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.0.4-11)
-  <<
-  Description: Subversion - Swig Python bindings (with SSL)
-  DescDetail: <<
-    Bindings to call svn functions from python 2.3.
-  <<
-  DescUsage: <<
-    Please read the files in '/sw/share/doc/svn-ssl-swig-py23/'.
-  <<
-  DescPackaging: <<
-    The "Replaces: svn-ssl-shlibs (<< 1.0.4-11)" is needed since the 
-    libsvn_swig_py-1.0.dylib was (incorrectly) in the svn-ssl-shlibs package.
-  <<
 SplitOff8: <<
  Package: %N-doc
  Description: Subversion - Documentation
@@ -446,46 +257,6 @@
  DocFiles: COPYING
-SplitOff9: <<
-  Package: %N-javahl
-  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), system-java14, libiconv
-  Files: <<
-    share/java
-    lib/libsvnjavahl*
-  <<
-  JarFiles: subversion/bindings/java/javahl/svn-javahl.jar
-  Shlibs: <<
-    %p/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.0.dylib 1.0.0 %n (>= 1.1.0-11)
-  <<
-  DocFiles: <<
-    subversion/bindings/java/javahl/AUTHORS
-    subversion/bindings/java/javahl/README
-    subversion/bindings/java/javahl/README-HIGH-LEVEL-API.txt
-  <<
-  Description: Subversion - Java bindings (with SSL)
-  DescDetail: <<
-    Bindings to call svn functions from java 1.4.
-  <<
-  DescUsage: <<
-    Please read the files in '/sw/share/doc/svn-ssl-javahl/'.
-    If you get a java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception in java check 
-    to make sure that the path /sw/share/java/svn-ssl-javahl is in your
-    'java.library.path' or make a simbolic link to 
-    /sw/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.dylib that is called 'libsvnjavahl-1.jnilib'
-    in your working directory.
-    To use the bindings together with Subclipse (an SVN plugin for Eclipse)
-    do the following:
-    cd 
-    cp /sw/share/java/svn-ssl-javahl/svn-javahl.jar .
-    ln -sf /sw/lib/libsvnjavahl-1.jnilib
-    (Adjust the path to your subclise plugin accordingly.)
-  <<
 # SplitOff7: <<
 #   Package: %N-swig-java
 #   Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), system-java14, swig-shlibs (>= 1.3.20-2)
@@ -502,7 +273,7 @@
 #     Bindings to call svn functions from java 1.4.
 #   <<
 #   DescUsage: <<
-#     Please read the files in '/sw/share/doc/svn-ssl-swig-java/'.
+#     Please read the files in '%p/share/doc/svn-ssl-swig-java/'.
 #   <<
 # <<
@@ -548,8 +319,8 @@
 - The "svn-ssl-dev" package contains the development headers and libraries.
   It is installed automatically by fink when needed.
-- The "svn-ssl-swig-pm586" package contains the swig perl bindings to call
-  svn from perl. Type 'fink describe svn-ssl-swig-pm586' to get usage help.
+- The "svn-ssl-swig-pm581" package contains the swig perl bindings to call
+  svn from perl. Type 'fink describe svn-ssl-swig-pm581' to get usage help.
 - The "svn-ssl-swig-py23" package contains the swig python bindings to call
   svn from python. Type 'fink describe svn-ssl-swig-py23' to get usage help.
@@ -559,44 +330,44 @@
 For More Information, check the main Subversion website below and read the book
 at <http://svnbook.red-bean.com/>. Also check out the documentation in
-/sw/share/doc/svn-ssl. These files are in the "svn-ssl-doc" package.
+%p/share/doc/svn-ssl. These files are in the "svn-ssl-doc" package.
 DescUsage: <<
  Type 'svnserve --help', 'man svnserve', 'svnadmin help', or 'man svnadmin'
  for usage.
  Some tools (e.g. hook and back-up scripts) and examples are stored in 
- /sw/share/svn-ssl/tools and /sw/share/svn-ssl/contrib
+ %p/share/svn-ssl/tools and %p/share/svn-ssl/contrib
  You can start the Subversion server manually using a command similar to
- '/usr/bin/sudo -u www /sw/bin/svnserve -d -r /sw/var/svn' or you can 
+ '/usr/bin/sudo -u www %p/bin/svnserve -d -r %p/var/svn' or you can 
  run 'daemonic enable svnserve' as root to create a StartupItem for it.
  'svnserve' is run as user 'www' in order that apache and svnserve can
- access the same repositories at the same time under '/sw/var/svn'
+ access the same repositories at the same time under '%p/var/svn'
  You could install the repositories under the preconfigured directory
- /sw/var/svn
+ %p/var/svn
  which should have the correct permissions. Make sure that all files
  in the new repository have the correct permissions for svnserve (and apache)
- to read and write. E.g. run 'chown -R www /sw/var/svn/yourrepos' and 
- 'chmod -R go-rwx /sw/var/svn/yourrepos'.
+ to read and write. E.g. run 'chown -R www %p/var/svn/yourrepos' and 
+ 'chmod -R go-rwx %p/var/svn/yourrepos'.
 DescPackaging: <<
  To run the tests over ra_dav apache2 must be running with (an older) 
  fink 'libapache2-ssl-mod-svn' already installed. You need to add the
- following to your '/sw/etc/apache2/httpd.conf' file:
+ following to your '%p/etc/apache2/httpd.conf' file:
  <Location /repositories>
   DAV svn
-  SVNParentPath 
+  SVNParentPath 
  <Location /local_tmp/repos>
   DAV svn
-  SVNPath 
+  SVNPath 
  where %v and %r are replaced with the correct versions. Then do
- 'sudo apachectl graceful' to enable the mod_svn support.
+ 'sudo %p/sbin/apachectl graceful' to enable the mod_svn support.
  The "Replaces: svn-ssl (<= 1.1.1-11)" is needed since svnlook was 
  (incorrectly) in the svn-client-ssl package < 1.1.1 and was 
@@ -626,5 +397,11 @@
 The swig java bindings don't work currently. Check out this thread:
+Added 'export F77=no;' to configure in order not to fail if the 
+fort77 package is installed.
+Patched svn-config.in to remove no longer used values. NOTE: svn-config
+is not officially supported by the subversion team.
 Homepage: http://subversion.tigris.org/

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