Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/asari
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv3633

Modified Files:
        openoffice.org.experimental.info openoffice.org.info 
Log Message:
2.0RC1 can be build successfully. Many thanks to OpenOffice.org persons

Index: openoffice.org.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/asari/openoffice.org.info,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -d -r1.14 -r1.15
--- openoffice.org.info 16 Aug 2005 13:46:02 -0000      1.14
+++ openoffice.org.info 3 Oct 2005 05:55:48 -0000       1.15
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: openoffice.org
 Description: Integrated office productivity suite
-Version: 1.9m123
-Revision: 12
-License: OSI-Approved
+Version: 1.9m131-2.0rc1
+Revision: 3
+License: LGPL
 Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 BuildDepends: <<
   x11-dev, ant, bison, fileutils, system-java14-dev,
-  libjpeg, expat, freetype219, libwpd-1-dev, libxml2,
-  python24, db42-ssl | db42,
+  libjpeg, expat, freetype219, libwpd-0.8-dev, libxml2,
+  db42-ssl | db42,
   libsablot-dev, libsablot, unixodbc2 | unixodbc2-nox,
   sane-backends, libcurl3-ssl | libcurl3,
-  boost1.32-py23 | boost1.32-py24, libsndfile1-dev,
+  libsndfile1-dev,
   portaudio, neon24-ssl | neon24,
   mozilla-dev, libart2,
   atk1, audiofile, esound, gconf2-dev, libgettext3-dev, glib2-dev,
@@ -21,36 +21,36 @@
   gtk+2-dev, libbonobo2-dev, libbonoboui2-dev, libglade2,
   libgnome2-dev, libgnomecanvas2-dev, libgnomeprint2.2-dev,
   libgnomeprintui2.2-dev, libgnomeui2-dev, libiconv-dev, 
-  orbit2-dev, pango1-xft2-dev, pcre, pkgconfig, popt, vte-dev,
+  orbit2-dev, pango1-xft2-dev, pcre, pkgconfig, popt, vte-dev, 
+  python24, 
+  boost1.32-py23 | boost1.32-py24,
 Depends: <<
   x11, system-java14, system-perl,
-  libjpeg-shlibs, expat-shlibs, libwpd-1-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs,
-  python24-shlibs, db42-ssl-shlibs | db42-shlibs, db42-ssl-java,
+  libjpeg-shlibs, expat-shlibs, libwpd-0.8-shlibs, libxml2-shlibs,
+  db42-ssl-shlibs | db42-shlibs, db42-ssl-java,
   libsablot-shlibs, unixodbc2-shlibs | unixodbc2-nox-shlibs,
   sane-backends-shlibs, libcurl3-ssl-shlibs | libcurl3-shlibs,
-  boost1.32-py23-shlibs | boost1.32-py24-shlibs, libsndfile1-shlibs,
+  libsndfile1-shlibs,
   portaudio-shlibs, neon24-ssl-shlibs | neon24-shlibs,
+  python24-shlibs, 
+  boost1.32-py23-shlibs | boost1.32-py24-shlibs, 
   mozilla-shlibs, mozilla-mailnews, libart2-shlibs
-Source-MD5: bff4e15647e2bc41e79166962dd586d4
+Source-MD5: 8ac07e6d1d11476144afc6542bb50191
 NoSourceDirectory: true
-Source2-MD5: 8c0edf9234b3b96b0a32df596c2122e4
 PatchScript: <<
-  /usr/bin/bzip2 -dc openoffice.org.113to123.patch.bz2 | /usr/bin/patch -p1 
   /usr/bin/patch -p0 < %a/%n.patch
-  /bin/mkdir FINKLIBS
-  /bin/ln -s %p/lib/libdb_java-4.2.jnilib FINKLIBS
+  /usr/bin/patch -p0 < %a/%n.experimental.patch || true
 SetCC: gcc-3.3
 SetCXX: g++-3.3
-SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4
+SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4 -I%p/include/boost
 ConfigureParams: <<
   --with-gnu-cp=%p/bin/cp \
   --with-package-format=portable \
@@ -59,16 +59,9 @@
   --disable-crashdump \
   --with-build-version="%v-%r; Built with Fink <http://fink.sourceforge.net>" \
   --enable-libart \
-  --enable-gtk \
-  --enable-gnome-vfs \
-  --with-system-stdlibs \
-  --with-system-zlib \
-  --with-system-jpeg \
-  --with-system-expat \
-  --with-system-freetype \
-  --with-system-libxml \
   --with-system-db \
   --with-db-jar=%p/share/java/db42-ssl-java/db.jar \
+  --with-system-libwpd \
   --with-system-sablot \
   --with-system-odbc-headers \
   --with-system-sane-header \
@@ -77,21 +70,102 @@
   --with-system-sndfile \
   --with-system-portaudio \
   --with-system-neon \
+  --with-system-stdlibs \
+  --with-system-zlib \
+  --with-system-jpeg \
+  --with-system-expat \
+#  --with-system-boost \
+#  --with-system-python
+#  --enable-gtk \
+#  --with-system-freetype \
+#  --with-system-libxml \
 GCC: 3.3
 CompileScript: <<
-  #!/bin/bash -ev
+  #!/bin/bash
+  set -e
+  echo "Welcome to OpenOffice.org build script!"
+  echo ""
+  echo "1. This building process may take a week or more,"
+  echo "   and often fails with an error."
+  echo "2. This building process may consume much of your disk space,"
+  echo "   possibly up to 10GB."
+  echo "3. This building process needs your own WindowServer process."
+  echo "   i.e, it is not possible to build through simple SSH connection."
+  echo "   This is because the building process uses /usr/bin/osacompile ."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you faced a building problem, feel free to mail the maintainer,"
+  echo "with your build log. You can obtain the log by executing this line:"
+  echo "   /usr/bin/tail -1000 %b/%n-%v-%r.buildlog |"
+  echo "      bzip2 > ~/Desktop/%n-%v-%r.buildlog.tail.bz2"
+  echo "(Note: execute the command in one line.)"
+  echo ""
+  echo "The mail address is: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Please understand this Fink package is still experimental."
+  echo ""
+  echo "If you are ready, press RETURN/ENTER to proceed..."
+  read -t 60 || true
+  # Record the time
+  STARTTIME=`/bin/date +"%%F %%T %%Z(%%z)"`
+  set -v
+  # $X_LDFLAGS is needed to configure X correctly.  
+  # $PKG_CONFIG_PATH is needed to configure freetype219; not working?
   export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%p/lib/freetype219/lib/pkgconfig
-  (cd config_office && autoconf && ./configure %c)
-  ./bootstrap
+  (cd config_office && autoconf && ./configure %c) 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a 
+  ./bootstrap                                      2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a 
   . MacosxEnv.Set.sh
-  export SOLARINC=`echo $SOLARINC | /usr/bin/sed -e"s|-I/usr/X11R6/include 
-I/usr/X11R6/include/freetype2|-I%p/include/db4 -I%p/include 
-I%p/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2 -I%p/lib/freetype219/include 
-  export SOLARLIB=`echo $SOLARLIB | /usr/bin/sed -e"s|-L/usr/lib|-L%p/lib 
+  # Because we are using %p, $SOLARINC and $SOLARLIB need modified  
+  export SOLARINC=`echo $SOLARINC | /usr/bin/sed -e"s|-I/usr/X11R6/include 
-I%p/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2 -I%p/lib/freetype219/include 
-I%p/include -I/usr/X1186/include|g"`
+  export SOLARLIB=`echo $SOLARLIB | /usr/bin/sed 
-e"s|-L/usr/lib|-L%p/lib/freetype219/lib -L%p/lib -L/usr/lib|g"`
+  # Include libdb_java-4.2.jnilib to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH so that Java can find it
+  /bin/mkdir FINKLIBS
+  /bin/ln -s %p/lib/libdb_java-4.2.jnilib FINKLIBS
-  dmake
+  # Retry forever to build OOo until success!
+  until [ -n "$succeeded" ]; do
+    dmake 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a %n-%v-%r.buildlog
+    if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} == 0 ]; then
+      succeeded=TRUE
+      continue
+    fi
+    set > %n-%v-%r.env.sh
+    echo "Build faild with an error."
+    echo "Now you can get rid of the cause by hand, or call for help."
+    echo "The build directory is:"
+    echo "  %b"
+    echo "Environmental variable is available here:"
+    echo "  %b/%n-%v-%r.env.sh"
+    echo "and the full log file is available here:"
+    echo "  %b/%n-%v-%r.buildlog"
+    echo ""
+    echo "Press RETURN/ENTER to exit or input any key to restart dmake..."
+    read input
+    [ -n "$input" ] || false
+  done
+  set +v
+  # Record the time and disk usage
+  ENDTIME=`/bin/date +"%%F %%T %%Z(%%z)"`
+  DISKUSAGE=`/usr/bin/du -sh %b | /usr/bin/cut -f1`
+  echo "Congratulations! The building process of OpenOffice.org has completed!"
+  echo "   Started: $STARTTIME, Completed: $ENDTIME"
+  echo "   $DISKUSAGE is used for this building process (not including 
 InstallScript: <<
@@ -131,12 +205,17 @@
 DescPort: <<
 This package is advised by NAKATA Maho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
-I followed the instruction described here:
+And furthermore, many many advice from ssa, _rene_, ericb2, and paveljanik
+of #OpenOffice.org at irc.freenode.net. Thanks to all OOo persons!
+You can join discussions on porting here:
 It is reported that:
   * Mac OS X SDK (which comes with Xcode) is needed.
-  * Sometimes checking getaddrinfo() fails on configuring python (on Panther?)
+  * Sometimes checking getaddrinfo() fails on configuring python (on Panther?).
+  * %p/lib/openoffice.org/presets/config/standard.sog conflicts some of
+    language packs.
 Because DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH does not contain %p/lib by default,
 Java cannot find %p/lib/libdb_java-4.2.jnilib at compile time and runtime.
@@ -145,26 +224,22 @@
 DescPackaging: <<
 To Do & Memo:
 # --with-system-mspack       # not in Fink
-# --with-system-libwpd       # 0.8 not in Fink
 # --with-system-nas          # not in Fink
 # --with-system-myspell      # not in Fink
 # --with-system-mythes       # not in Fink
 # --with-system-altlinuxhyph # not in Fink
-# --with-system-boost        # TO DO 2 : error ocurres?
 # --with-system-python       # TO DO 3 : fails building instsetooo_native?
-# link to system freetype    # TO DO 1
-# --enable-gtk               # cool! export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk"
+# actually link with system freetype    # TO DO 1
 # --enable-openldap          # not needed?
 # --enable-libsn             # libstartup-notification is not in Fink
 # --enable-evolution2        # evolution2 not in Fink
-# --enable-pasf              # enabled by default?
-# checking whether to enable native CUPS support... no
 # checking whether to enable fontconfig support... no
-# checking for STLport4 headers... using internal stlport.
 # checking whether to build Mozilla addressbook connectivity... no, not 
possible with system-mozilla
 # checking whether to use Mozilla or Firefox... Mozilla
-# checking whether to enable GNOME VFS support... no
+DescUsage: <<
+export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk" enables the use of GTK+ UI plugin?

Index: openoffice.org.experimental.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/asari/openoffice.org.experimental.info,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- openoffice.org.experimental.info    30 Sep 2005 21:02:29 -0000      1.4
+++ openoffice.org.experimental.info    3 Oct 2005 05:55:48 -0000       1.5
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Package: openoffice.org
 Description: Integrated office productivity suite
 Version: 1.9m131-2.0rc1
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 4
 License: LGPL
 Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
@@ -59,13 +59,6 @@
   --disable-crashdump \
   --with-build-version="%v-%r; Built with Fink <http://fink.sourceforge.net>" \
   --enable-libart \
-  --enable-gtk \
-  --with-system-stdlibs \
-  --with-system-zlib \
-  --with-system-jpeg \
-  --with-system-expat \
-  --with-system-freetype \
-  --with-system-libxml \
   --with-system-db \
   --with-db-jar=%p/share/java/db42-ssl-java/db.jar \
   --with-system-libwpd \
@@ -77,10 +70,18 @@
   --with-system-sndfile \
   --with-system-portaudio \
   --with-system-neon \
+  --with-system-stdlibs \
+  --with-system-zlib \
+  --with-system-jpeg \
+  --with-system-expat \
   --with-system-mozilla \
-  --with-system-boost \
-  --with-system-python
+  \
+  --enable-gtk \
+  --with-system-freetype
+#  --with-system-boost \
+#  --with-system-python
+#  --with-system-libxml \
 GCC: 3.3
 CompileScript: <<
@@ -93,16 +94,16 @@
   echo "1. This building process may take a week or more,"
   echo "   and often fails with an error."
   echo "2. This building process may consume much of your disk space,"
-  echo "   possibly up to 10~20GB."
-  #echo "3. This building process needs your own WindowServer process."
-  #echo "   i.e, it is not possible to build through simple SSH connection."
-  #echo "   This is because the building process uses /usr/bin/osacompile ."
+  echo "   possibly up to 10GB."
+  echo "3. This building process needs your own WindowServer process."
+  echo "   i.e, it is not possible to build through simple SSH connection."
+  echo "   This is because the building process uses /usr/bin/osacompile ."
   echo ""
   echo "If you faced a building problem, feel free to mail the maintainer,"
   echo "with your build log. You can obtain the log by executing this line:"
   echo "   /usr/bin/tail -1000 %b/%n-%v-%r.buildlog |"
   echo "      bzip2 > ~/Desktop/%n-%v-%r.buildlog.tail.bz2"
-  echo "                          (Note: execute the command in one line.)"
+  echo "(Note: execute the command in one line.)"
   echo ""
   echo "The mail address is: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
   echo ""
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@
   echo ""
   echo "If you are ready, press RETURN/ENTER to proceed..."
-  read -t 120
+  read -t 60 || true
   # Record the time
   STARTTIME=`/bin/date +"%%F %%T %%Z(%%z)"`

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