Update of /cvsroot/fink/experimental/asari
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30564

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
New package: qt4mac-static check

Index: check.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/experimental/asari/check.info,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- check.info  11 Jan 2006 04:29:08 -0000      1.1
+++ check.info  12 Jan 2006 00:42:13 -0000      1.2
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 InstallScript: <<
   make install DESTDIR=%d
   make install-docDATA DESTDIR=%d
-  ( cd doc && make install-docDATA DESTDIR=%d )
+  make -C doc install-docDATA DESTDIR=%d
 Description: Unit test framework for C 
 DescDetail: <<
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@
 License: LGPL
 Homepage: http://check.sourceforge.net
-Maintainer: Jeremy Erwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+Maintainer: ASARI Takashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+#Original maintainer: Jeremy Erwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- NEW FILE: qt4mac.info ---
Package: qt4mac-static
Version: 4.1.0
Revision: 1
Source: ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-mac-opensource-src-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 6afd1fb082b38bca7809fdd240cfaf33
Description: Aqua version of QT4 library and tools
Depends: pkgconfig
BuildDepends: <<
  cctools (>= 446) | cctools-single-module,
  cups-dev, fink (>= 0.17.3-1), freetype219, gcc4.0,
  libpng3 (>= 1.2.5-4), libjpeg
BuildConflicts: qt3, qt3-designer, qt3-dev, qt3mac
BuildDependsOnly: true
GCC: 4.0
SetCC: /usr/bin/gcc-4.0
SetCXX: /usr/bin/g++-4.0
NoSetLDFLAGS: true
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ex

 export QTDIR=%b
 export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$QTDIR/lib:%p/lib/freetype219/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH"
 export PATH="$QTDIR/bin:%p/lib/freetype219/bin:$PATH"
# export INSTALL_ROOT=""
# LIBRESOLV="-lresolv"
 echo "yes" | ./configure \
   -prefix %p/lib/%n -docdir %p/share/doc/%n -datadir %p/share/%n \
   -release -static -I%p/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2 -I%p/include \
   -L%p/lib/freetype219/lib -L%p/lib -qt-gif
# '-I$(QTDIR)/include' 
# '-L$(QTDIR)/lib'  $LIBRESOLV \
# -platform macx-g++ -xplatform macx-g++ \
# -translationdir '%p/share/%n/translations' \
# -shared -no-exceptions -thread -cups -stl \
# -qt-gif -plugin-imgfmt-png -plugin-imgfmt-jpeg -plugin-imgfmt-mng \
# -system-libpng -system-libjpeg -system-zlib -largefile -verbose \
# -plugin-sql-sqlite -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql
# don't link against older versions of self
/usr/bin/find . -name Makefile -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 
# attempt to counterfix qmake's warped fileFixify logic that makes install break
# when %p is a symlink and something exists already at -libdir or -datadir etc
# second, better attempt at unfixifying %p:
 pushd %p; FixifiedSW=`/bin/pwd`; popd
 /usr/bin/find . -name Makefile -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -e
 make install INSTALL_ROOT=%d
# remove stuff from the libtool archive that libtool doesn't understand
 perl -pi.bak -e 's,\$\(QTDIR\),%p,g;s,\-framework.*,\-lz \-ldl'\'',g' 
# move the app bundles; the AppBundles field seems not to work here...
 /usr/bin/install -d -m 755 %i/Applications
 /usr/bin/install -d -m 755 %d/Applications/Fink
 for APP in assistant designer linguist qtconfig
     /bin/mv %i/lib/%n/bin/${APP}.app %i/Applications/
     ln -s %p/Applications/${APP}.app %d/Applications/Fink/
License: GPL
DescUsage: <<
 This version is independent of X11. 
 It installs the applications assistant, designer, linguist, qtconfig in 
 %p/Applications and makes double-clickable symbolic links to them
 in /Applications/Fink/.
 Since it installs into %p/lib/qt3mac and %/share/qt3mac, it can coexist with 
 the qt3 packages. To use its dylibs, set QTDIR to %p/lib/qt3mac.
 Fink packages that want to use it will also have to use
  BuildConflicts: qt3, qt3-dev
DescPort: Adapted from Martin Costabel's qt3mac package
Maintainer: ASARI Takashi
Homepage: http://www.trolltech.com/

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