Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/main/finkinfo/text
In directory 

Added Files:
        csv2xml.info csv2xml.patch 
Log Message:
New package from tracker (# 1118996)

--- NEW FILE: csv2xml.patch ---
diff -urN csv2xml-0.5.2/man/csv2xml.1 csv2xml-0.5.2.new/man/csv2xml.1
--- csv2xml-0.5.2/man/csv2xml.1 Fri Nov 19 21:50:22 2004
+++ csv2xml-0.5.2.new/man/csv2xml.1     Tue Feb  8 18:25:12 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 .\" $Id: csv2xml.1,v 1.1 2004/11/12 14:36:26 jacob Exp $
-.TH ckemail 1
+.TH csv2xml 1
 csv2xml - csv to xml converter.

--- NEW FILE: csv2xml.info ---
Package: csv2xml
Version: 0.6
Revision: 1
Description: CSV to XML converter
License: BSD
Maintainer: Jason Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: bc8db6e8b77935ed26a5867536b7cafd
PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/%n.patch | patch -p1
GCC: 3.3
CompileScript: <<
InstallScript: <<
 install -d -m 755 %i/bin %i/share/man/man1
 install -c -m 755 src/csv2xml %i/bin
 install -c -m 644 man/csv2xml.1 %i/share/man/man1
DocFiles: README TODO man/csv2xml.1 src/test.csv
Homepage: http://csv2xml.sourceforge.net/
DescDetail: <<
A simle csv to xml converter. Reads csv files and writes valid xml records to 
standard output.  
DescUsage: <<
If a field in your file contains a comma, or a CR/LF then you need to escape 
these special characters, you do this by starting the text field with a 
quote (") and ending it with another quote.  Because a quote is the escape 
character, you need to be able to escape the escape character, this is done by 
placing a quote in front of the quote ("").

Here are descriptions of each mode format.  

Mode 0:
shell# csv2xml -m=0 < test.csv

Mode 1:
shell# csv2xml -m=1 < test.csv
  <field0 value="one" />
  <field1 value="two" />
  <field2 value="three" />
  <field0 value="field0" />
  <field1 value="field1" />
  <field2 value="field2" />

Mode 2:
shell# csv2xml -m=2 < test.csv
  <item name="field0">one</item>
  <item name="field1">two</item>
  <item name="field2">three</item>
  <item name="field0">fish</item>
  <item name="field1">fishing</item>
  <item name="field2">fishes</item>
DescPackaging: <<
Had to patch man page to correct man page title.  

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