Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/crypto/finkinfo
In directory sc8-pr-cvs5.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9774/crypto/finkinfo

Modified Files:
        libapache2-ssl-mod-svn.info svn-ssl-javahl.info 
        svn-ssl-swig-pm.info svn-ssl-swig-py.info svn-ssl.info 
Log Message:
New upstream version of svn (1.4.3) and neon26 (0.26.3)
- svn working with neon 0.26.3
- svn using expat1
- Added --disable-dependency-tracking
- Patched tests to also run as root
- mod_dav tests should no longer fail on loaded systems
- Changed tests to InfoTest for svn
- Made tests check for packages needed to be installed
- No longer using "echo -n"
- Refering to statically linked svnadmin package for bdb upgrades

Index: libapache2-ssl-mod-svn.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -d -r1.15 -r1.16
--- libapache2-ssl-mod-svn.info 8 Nov 2006 00:05:31 -0000       1.15
+++ libapache2-ssl-mod-svn.info 2 Apr 2007 10:35:09 -0000       1.16
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Package: libapache2-ssl-mod-svn
-Version: 1.4.2
+Version: 1.4.3
 Revision: 1
 Description: Subversion - mod_svn (with SSL)
 License: BSD
@@ -7,23 +7,44 @@
 # Dependencies:
 Depends: apache2-ssl (>= 2.0.58-1), apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1), 
svn-ssl-shlibs (>= %v-1)
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1), apr-ssl (>= 
0.9.12-1), apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1), db43-ssl, gdbm3, expat (>= 1.95.6-2), 
libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12), neon26, openldap23-dev, cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23), 
openssl097-dev, libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11), apache2-ssl-dev (>= 2.0.58-1), 
gettext-bin, gettext-tools, libgettext3-dev, io-string-pm, libtool14 (>= 
1.5.10-1), autoconf (>= 2.60-1), automake1.9
+BuildDepends: <<
+  fink (>= 0.24.12-1),
+  svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1),
+  apr-ssl (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  db43-ssl,
+  gdbm3,
+  expat1,
+  libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12),
+  neon26,
+  openldap23-dev,
+  cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23),
+  openssl097-dev,
+  libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11),
+  apache2-ssl-dev (>= 2.0.58-1),
+  gettext-bin,
+  gettext-tools,
+  libgettext3-dev,
+  io-string-pm,
+  libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1),
+  autoconf (>= 2.60-1),
+  automake1.9
 Conflicts: svn-client-ssl (<= 0.26.0-2), apache2 (<< 2.0.47-1)
 # Unpack Phase:
 Source: http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: edebb06afb3266d09e75f728a8259677
+Source-MD5: de0e792c9804c7bce397d267af5eb30d
 # Patch Phase:
 PatchFile: svn-ssl.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: 78a6c8f6362fa505a3079fcd5f8e660c
+PatchFile-MD5: 3c9732e196c12132cc36fb97cf6cbe13
 PatchScript: <<
  sed 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1
- perl -pi.bak -e  's| 0\.26\.1| 0.26.1  0.26.2|' configure.in
 # Compile Phase:
-ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --with-apxs=%p/sbin/apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl 
--with-jikes=no --disable-swig-bindings --without-swig --without-python 
--without-perl --without-ruby --with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib 
--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain
+ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --with-apxs=%p/sbin/apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl 
--with-jikes=no --disable-swig-bindings --without-swig --without-python 
--without-perl --without-ruby --with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib 
--disable-neon-version-check --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain
 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4 -no-cpp-precomp
 GCC: 3.3
 CompileScript: <<
@@ -53,26 +74,27 @@
 PreInstScript: <<
  if [ "$1" = upgrade ]; then
    if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "1.2.0"; then
-     echo ""
-     echo "WARNING: Subversion (svn) 1.2 or later uses Berkeley DB 4.3 (db43)."
-     echo "If you are upgrading from an earlier version and you are using"
-     echo "BDB repositories please read"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#bdb43-upgrade";
-     echo ""
-     echo "and"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#dumpload";
-     echo ""
-     echo "To install svnadmin binary linked to an older Berkeley DB version"
-     echo "please install the fink package 'svnadmin-dbXX', e.g. by typing"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  fink install svnadmin-db42"
-     echo "and following the documentation of svnadmin-dbXX, e.g.:"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  fink info svnadmin-db42"
-     echo ""
-     echo -n "Do you want to continue [Y/n] ? ";
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "WARNING: Subversion (svn) 1.2 or later uses Berkeley DB 4.3 
+     /bin/echo "If you are upgrading from an earlier version and you are using"
+     /bin/echo "BDB repositories please read"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#bdb43-upgrade";
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "and"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#dumpload";
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "To install svnadmin binary linked to an older Berkeley DB 
+     /bin/echo "please install the fink package 'svnadmin-dbXX', e.g. by 
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  fink install svnadmin-db42"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "and following the documentation of svnadmin-dbXX, e.g.:"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  fink info svnadmin-db42"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "Do you want to continue [Y/n] ?\c";
      if read -t 3600 CONTINUECHOICE; then
        case $CONTINUECHOICE in
          y|Y|'' ) ;;

Index: svn-ssl-swig-py.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- svn-ssl-swig-py.info        8 Nov 2006 00:05:31 -0000       1.16
+++ svn-ssl-swig-py.info        2 Apr 2007 10:35:10 -0000       1.17
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: svn-ssl-swig-py%type_pkg[python]
-Version: 1.4.2
+Version: 1.4.3
 Revision: 1
 Description: Subversion - Swig Python %type_raw[python] bindings (with SSL)
 Type: python (2.3 2.4)
@@ -9,21 +9,39 @@
 # Dependencies:
 Depends: python%type_pkg[python] | python%type_pkg[python]-nox, %{Ni}-shlibs
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.25.0-1), svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1), apr-ssl (>= 
0.9.12-1), apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1), db43-ssl, gdbm3, expat (>= 1.95.6-2), 
libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12), neon26, openldap23-dev, cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23), 
openssl097-dev, libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11), gettext-bin, gettext-tools, 
libgettext3-dev, io-string-pm, libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1), autoconf (>= 2.60-1), 
automake1.9, gcc3.3
+BuildDepends: <<
+  fink (>= 0.25.0-1),
+  svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1),
+  apr-ssl (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  db43-ssl,
+  gdbm3,
+  expat1,
+  libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12),
+  neon26,
+  openldap23-dev,
+  cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23),
+  openssl097-dev,
+  libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11),
+  gettext-bin,
+  gettext-tools,
+  libgettext3-dev,
+  io-string-pm,
+  libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1),
+  autoconf (>= 2.60-1),
+  automake1.9,
+  gcc3.3
 Conflicts: %{Ni}23, %{Ni}24
 Replaces: %{Ni}23, %{Ni}24, svn-ssl-shlibs (<< 1.0.4-11)
 # Unpack Phase:
 Source: http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: edebb06afb3266d09e75f728a8259677
+Source-MD5: de0e792c9804c7bce397d267af5eb30d
 # Patch Phase:
 PatchFile: svn-ssl.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: 78a6c8f6362fa505a3079fcd5f8e660c
-PatchScript: <<
- %{default_script}
- perl -pi.bak -e  's| 0\.26\.1| 0.26.1  0.26.2|' configure.in
+PatchFile-MD5: 3c9732e196c12132cc36fb97cf6cbe13
 # Compile Phase:
 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4 -no-cpp-precomp
@@ -37,13 +55,23 @@
  ./gen-make.py --installed-libs 
  ### Configure shared
- export CC=gcc-3.3; export CXX=g++-3.3; export F77=no; ./configure --prefix=%p 
--libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' 
--infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p --with-apr=%p 
--with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs --without-apache 
--disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl --with-jikes=no 
--enable-swig-bindings=python --with-python=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] 
--without-perl PYTHON2=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] --without-ruby 
--with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib --disable-dependency-tracking 
+ export CC=gcc-3.3; export CXX=g++-3.3; export F77=no; ./configure --prefix=%p 
--libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' 
--infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p --with-apr=%p 
--with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs --without-apache 
--disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl --with-jikes=no 
--enable-swig-bindings=python --with-python=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] 
--without-perl PYTHON2=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] --without-ruby 
--with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib --disable-neon-version-check 
--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain
  ### Build swig python bindings
  make CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3 swig-py
 InfoTest: <<
- TestScript: make check-swig-py || exit 2
+ TestScript: <<
+#! /bin/sh -ev
+ if [ "`fink list -i -t %N-shlibs | cut -f 3`" != "%v-%r" ]; then
+  echo 
+  echo 'WARNING:' 
+  echo '%N-shlibs-%v-%r needs to be installed for python bindings tests to 
+  echo
+ else
+  make check-swig-py || exit 2
+ fi
+ <<
 # Install Phase:

Index: svn-ssl-javahl.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- svn-ssl-javahl.info 8 Nov 2006 00:05:31 -0000       1.16
+++ svn-ssl-javahl.info 2 Apr 2007 10:35:10 -0000       1.17
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: svn-ssl-javahl
-Version: 1.4.2
+Version: 1.4.3
 Revision: 1
 Description: Subversion - Java bindings (with SSL)
 Type: java(1.4)
@@ -9,22 +9,41 @@
 # Dependencies:
 Depends: system-java%type_pkg[java], svn-ssl-shlibs (>= %v-1)
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.25.0-1), svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1), apr-ssl (>= 
0.9.12-1), apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1), db43-ssl, gdbm3, expat (>= 1.95.6-2), 
libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12), neon26, openldap23-dev, cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23), 
openssl097-dev, libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11), gettext-bin, gettext-tools, 
libgettext3-dev, io-string-pm, libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1), autoconf (>= 2.60-1), 
automake1.9, system-java%type_pkg[java]-dev, gcc3.3
+BuildDepends: <<
+  fink (>= 0.25.0-1),
+  svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1),
+  apr-ssl (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  db43-ssl,
+  gdbm3,
+  expat1,
+  libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12),
+  neon26,
+  openldap23-dev,
+  cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23),
+  openssl097-dev,
+  libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11),
+  gettext-bin,
+  gettext-tools,
+  libgettext3-dev,
+  io-string-pm,
+  libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1),
+  autoconf (>= 2.60-1),
+  automake1.9,
+  system-java%type_pkg[java]-dev,
+  gcc3.3
 # Unpack Phase:
 Source: http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: edebb06afb3266d09e75f728a8259677
+Source-MD5: de0e792c9804c7bce397d267af5eb30d
 # Patch Phase:
 PatchFile: svn-ssl.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: 78a6c8f6362fa505a3079fcd5f8e660c
-PatchScript: <<
- %{default_script}
- perl -pi.bak -e  's| 0\.26\.1| 0.26.1  0.26.2|' configure.in
+PatchFile-MD5: 3c9732e196c12132cc36fb97cf6cbe13
 # Compile Phase:
-ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation 
--enable-javahl --with-jikes=no --disable-swig-bindings --without-swig 
--without-python --without-perl --without-ruby 
--with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib --disable-dependency-tracking 
+ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation 
--enable-javahl --with-jikes=no --disable-swig-bindings --without-swig 
--without-python --without-perl --without-ruby 
--with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib --disable-neon-version-check 
--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain
 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4 -no-cpp-precomp
 GCC: 3.3
 CompileScript: <<

Index: svn-ssl.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/crypto/finkinfo/svn-ssl.patch,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -d -r1.11 -r1.12
--- svn-ssl.patch       8 Nov 2006 00:05:32 -0000       1.11
+++ svn-ssl.patch       2 Apr 2007 10:35:11 -0000       1.12
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 diff -ruN subversion-1.4.0_orig/fink/httpd.conf 
 --- subversion-1.4.0_orig/fink/httpd.conf        1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 
 +++ subversion-1.4.0/fink/httpd.conf     2006-10-13 17:30:32.000000000 -0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
 +ServerRoot "@FINKBUILD@/fink/apache2"
 +LockFile @FINKBUILD@/fink/apache2/accept.lock
 +PidFile @FINKBUILD@/fink/apache2/apache2.pid
@@ -138,6 +138,10 @@
 +ServerName localhost:52080
 +AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
++Timeout 300
++KeepAlive On
++MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
++KeepAliveTimeout 15
 +LoadModule auth_module @FINKPREFIX@/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth.so
 +LoadModule dav_module @FINKPREFIX@/lib/apache2/modules/mod_dav.so
 +LoadModule dav_svn_module @FINKPREFIX@/lib/apache2/modules/mod_dav_svn.so
@@ -161,3 +165,19 @@
 +  AuthUserFile @FINKBUILD@/tools/test-scripts/svntest/dav_svn.passwd
 +  Require valid-user
+--- subversion-1.4.3_orig/subversion/tests/cmdline/switch_tests.py     
2007/01/17 19:54:18     22378
++++ subversion-1.4.3/subversion/tests/cmdline/switch_tests.py  2007/01/17 
20:48:37     22379
+@@ -984,6 +984,13 @@
+ # Issue 2306.
+ def refresh_read_only_attribute(sbox):
+   "refresh the WC file system read-only attribute "
++  # This test will fail when run as root. Since that's normal behavior, just 
++  # the test.
++  if os.name == 'posix':
++    if os.geteuid() == 0:
++      raise svntest.Skip
+   sbox.build()
+   wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir

Index: svn-ssl-swig-pm.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -d -r1.20 -r1.21
--- svn-ssl-swig-pm.info        25 Jan 2007 19:54:58 -0000      1.20
+++ svn-ssl-swig-pm.info        2 Apr 2007 10:35:10 -0000       1.21
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: svn-ssl-swig-pm%type_pkg[perl]
-Version: 1.4.2
-Revision: 3
+Version: 1.4.3
+Revision: 1
 Description: Subversion - Swig Perl %type_raw[perl] bindings (SSL)
 Type: perl (5.8.1 5.8.4 5.8.6)
 License: BSD
@@ -9,19 +9,37 @@
 # Dependencies:
 Depends: perl%type_pkg[perl]-core, %{Ni}-shlibs
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.25.0-1), svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1), apr-ssl (>= 
0.9.12-1), apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1), db43-ssl, gdbm3, expat (>= 1.95.6-2), 
libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12), neon26, openldap23-dev, cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23), 
openssl097-dev, libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11), gettext-bin, gettext-tools, 
libgettext3-dev, io-string-pm, libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1), autoconf (>= 2.60-1), 
automake1.9, gcc3.3
+BuildDepends: <<
+  fink (>= 0.25.0-1),
+  svn-ssl-dev (>= %v-1),
+  apr-ssl (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  db43-ssl,
+  gdbm3,
+  expat1,
+  libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12),
+  neon26,
+  openldap23-dev,
+  cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23),
+  openssl097-dev,
+  libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11),
+  gettext-bin,
+  gettext-tools,
+  libgettext3-dev,
+  io-string-pm,
+  libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1),
+  autoconf (>= 2.60-1),
+  automake1.9,
+  gcc3.3
 # Unpack Phase:
 Source: http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: edebb06afb3266d09e75f728a8259677
+Source-MD5: de0e792c9804c7bce397d267af5eb30d
 # Patch Phase:
 PatchFile: svn-ssl.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: 78a6c8f6362fa505a3079fcd5f8e660c
-PatchScript: <<
- %{default_script}
- perl -pi.bak -e  's| 0\.26\.1| 0.26.1  0.26.2|' configure.in
+PatchFile-MD5: 3c9732e196c12132cc36fb97cf6cbe13
 # Compile Phase:
 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4 -no-cpp-precomp
@@ -36,7 +54,7 @@
  ./gen-make.py --installed-libs 
  ### Configure shared
- export CC=gcc-3.3; export CXX=g++-3.3; export F77=no; ./configure --prefix=%p 
--libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' 
--infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p --with-apr=%p 
--with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs --without-apache 
--disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl --with-jikes=no 
--enable-swig-bindings=perl --without-python --with-perl=perl%type_raw[perl] 
--without-ruby --with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib 
--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain PERL=`which 
+ export CC=gcc-3.3; export CXX=g++-3.3; export F77=no; ./configure --prefix=%p 
--libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' 
--infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p --with-apr=%p 
--with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs --without-apache 
--disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl --with-jikes=no 
--enable-swig-bindings=perl --without-python --with-perl=perl%type_raw[perl] 
--without-ruby --with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib 
--disable-neon-version-check --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain 
PERL=`which perl%type_raw[perl]`
  ### Build swig perl bindings
  make CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3 swig-pl-lib

Index: svn-ssl.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.3/unstable/crypto/finkinfo/svn-ssl.info,v
retrieving revision 1.52
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -d -r1.52 -r1.53
--- svn-ssl.info        14 Nov 2006 15:18:05 -0000      1.52
+++ svn-ssl.info        2 Apr 2007 10:35:11 -0000       1.53
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Package: svn-ssl
-Version: 1.4.2
+Version: 1.4.3
 Revision: 1
 Description: Subversion - svnserve, tools (with SSL)
 License: BSD
@@ -7,24 +7,44 @@
 # Dependencies:
 Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), daemonic
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1), apr-ssl (>= 0.9.12-1), apr-ssl-common (>= 
0.9.12-1), db43-ssl, gdbm3, expat (>= 1.95.6-2), libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12), 
neon26, openldap23-dev, cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23), openssl097-dev, texinfo 
(>= 4.2-22), libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11), gettext-bin, gettext-tools, 
libgettext3-dev, io-string-pm, libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1), autoconf (>= 2.60-1), 
+BuildDepends: <<
+  fink (>= 0.24.12-1),
+  apr-ssl (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  apr-ssl-common (>= 0.9.12-1),
+  db43-ssl,
+  gdbm3,
+  expat1,
+  libxml2 (>= 2.5.10-12),
+  neon26,
+  openldap23-dev,
+  cyrus-sasl2-dev (>= 2.1.15-23),
+  openssl097-dev,
+  texinfo (>= 4.2-22),
+  libiconv-dev (>= 1.9.1-11),
+  gettext-bin,
+  gettext-tools,
+  libgettext3-dev,
+  io-string-pm,
+  libtool14 (>= 1.5.10-1),
+  autoconf (>= 2.60-1),
+  automake1.9
 Conflicts: svn-client, svn-client-ssl (<= 0.26.0-2), apache2 (<< 2.0.47-1)
 Replaces: svn-client, svn-client-ssl (<= 1.1.1-11)
 # Unpack Phase:
 Source: http://subversion.tigris.org/downloads/subversion-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: edebb06afb3266d09e75f728a8259677
+Source-MD5: de0e792c9804c7bce397d267af5eb30d
 # Patch Phase:
 PatchFile: %n.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: 78a6c8f6362fa505a3079fcd5f8e660c
+PatchFile-MD5: 3c9732e196c12132cc36fb97cf6cbe13
 PatchScript: <<
  sed -e 's|@FINKBUILD@|%b|g' -e 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch 
- perl -pi.bak -e  's| 0\.26\.1| 0.26.1  0.26.2|' configure.in
 # Compile Phase:
-ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl 
--with-jikes=no --disable-swig-bindings --without-swig --without-python 
--without-perl --without-ruby --with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib 
--disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain
+ConfigureParams: --libexecdir='${prefix}/lib/svn' 
--mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --with-neon=%p 
--with-apr=%p --with-apr-util=%p --enable-shared --without-apxs 
--without-apache --disable-mod-activation --without-jdk --disable-javahl 
--with-jikes=no --disable-swig-bindings --without-swig --without-python 
--without-perl --without-ruby --with-berkeley-db=%p/include/db4:%p/lib 
--disable-neon-version-check --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-keychain
 SetCPPFLAGS: -I%p/include/db4 -no-cpp-precomp
 GCC: 3.3
 CompileScript: <<
@@ -37,50 +57,69 @@
  ### make everything shared
+InfoTest: <<
+ TestConfigureParams: --disable-keychain
+ TestScript: <<
+#! /bin/sh -ev
  ### Run tests over ra_local using BDB:
-# echo "Running tests over ra_local using BDB..."
-# make check CLEANUP=true FS_TYPE=bdb
+ echo "Running tests over ra_local using BDB..."
+ make check CLEANUP=true FS_TYPE=bdb
  ### Run tests over ra_local using fs_fs:
-# echo "Running tests over ra_local using fs_fs..."
-# make check CLEANUP=true FS_TYPE=fsfs
+ echo "Running tests over ra_local using fs_fs..."
+ make check CLEANUP=true FS_TYPE=fsfs
  ### Run tests over ra_svn using BDB:
-# echo "Running tests over ra_svn using BDB..."
-# killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
-# ./subversion/svnserve/svnserve -d -r `pwd`/subversion/tests/cmdline
-# sleep 1
-# make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=svn://localhost FS_TYPE=bdb
-# killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
+ echo "Running tests over ra_svn using BDB..."
+ killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
+ ./subversion/svnserve/svnserve -d -r `pwd`/subversion/tests/cmdline
+ sleep 1
+ make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=svn://localhost FS_TYPE=bdb
+ killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
  ### Run tests over ra_svn using fs_fs:
-# echo "Running tests over ra_svn using fs_fs..."
-# killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
-# ./subversion/svnserve/svnserve -d -r `pwd`/subversion/tests/cmdline
-# sleep 1
-# make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=svn://localhost FS_TYPE=fsfs
-# killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
+ echo "Running tests over ra_svn using fs_fs..."
+ killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
+ ./subversion/svnserve/svnserve -d -r `pwd`/subversion/tests/cmdline
+ sleep 1
+ make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=svn://localhost FS_TYPE=fsfs
+ killall -v -u `whoami` svnserve || true
  ### Run tests over ra_dav using BDB:
- # See DescPackaging on how to set up for tests over ra_dav
-# echo "Running tests over ra_dav using BDB..."
-# /usr/bin/install -d %b/fink/apache2
-# %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k start
-# sleep 1
-# make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=http://localhost:52080 FS_TYPE=bdb
-# %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k stop
-# sleep 3
+ if [ "`fink list -i -t libapache2-ssl-mod-svn | cut -f 3`" != "%v-%r" ]; then
+  echo 
+  echo 'WARNING:' 
+  echo 'libapache2-ssl-mod-svn-%v-%r needs to be installed for dav tests to 
+  echo
+ else
+  echo "Running tests over ra_dav using BDB..."
+  /usr/bin/install -d %b/fink/apache2
+  %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k start
+  sleep 1
+  make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=http://localhost:52080 FS_TYPE=bdb
+  %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k stop
+  sleep 3
+ fi
  ### Run tests over ra_dav using fs_fs:
- # See DescPackaging on how to set up for tests over ra_dav
-# echo "Running tests over ra_dav using fs_fs..."
-# /usr/bin/install -d %b/fink/apache2
-# %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k start
-# sleep 1
-# make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=http://localhost:52080 FS_TYPE=fsfs
-# %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k stop
-# sleep 3
+ if [ "`fink list -i -t libapache2-ssl-mod-svn | cut -f 3`" != "%v-%r" ]; then
+  echo 
+  echo 'WARNING:' 
+  echo 'libapache2-ssl-mod-svn-%v-%r needs to be installed for dav tests to 
+  echo
+ else
+  echo "Running tests over ra_dav using fs_fs..."
+  /usr/bin/install -d %b/fink/apache2
+  %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k start
+  sleep 1
+  make check CLEANUP=true BASE_URL=http://localhost:52080 FS_TYPE=fsfs
+  %p/sbin/apachectl -f %b/fink/httpd.conf -k stop
+  sleep 3
+ fi
+# End InfoTest
 # Install Phase:
@@ -143,26 +182,27 @@
 PreInstScript: <<
  if [ "$1" = upgrade ]; then
    if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "1.2.0"; then
-     echo ""
-     echo "WARNING: Subversion (svn) 1.2 or later uses Berkeley DB 4.3 (db43)."
-     echo "If you are upgrading from an earlier version and you are using"
-     echo "BDB repositories please read"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#bdb43-upgrade";
-     echo ""
-     echo "and"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#dumpload";
-     echo ""
-     echo "To install svnadmin binary linked to an older Berkeley DB version"
-     echo "please install the fink package 'svnadmin-dbXX', e.g. by typing"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  fink install svnadmin-db42"
-     echo "and following the documentation of svnadmin-dbXX, e.g.:"
-     echo ""
-     echo "  fink info svnadmin-db42"
-     echo ""
-     echo -n "Do you want to continue [Y/n] ? ";
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "WARNING: Subversion (svn) 1.2 or later uses Berkeley DB 4.3 
+     /bin/echo "If you are upgrading from an earlier version and you are using"
+     /bin/echo "BDB repositories please read"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#bdb43-upgrade";
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "and"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#dumpload";
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "To install svnadmin binary linked to an older Berkeley DB 
+     /bin/echo "please install the fink package 'svnadmin-dbXX', e.g. by 
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  fink install svnadmin-db42"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "and following the documentation of svnadmin-dbXX, e.g.:"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "  fink info svnadmin-db42"
+     /bin/echo ""
+     /bin/echo "Do you want to continue [Y/n] ?\c";
      if read -t 3600 CONTINUECHOICE; then
        case $CONTINUECHOICE in
          y|Y|'' ) ;;
@@ -175,9 +215,8 @@
  exit 0
 SplitOff: <<
-  Description: Subversion - Development headers and libraries (with SSL)
+  Description: Subversion - Development headers and libs (with SSL)
   Package: %N-dev
   Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
   BuildDependsOnly: True
@@ -208,7 +247,19 @@
   Package: %N-shlibs
   Conflicts: svn-client-ssl (<= 0.26.0-2)
   Replaces: svn-client-ssl (<= 0.26.0-2)
-  Depends: apr-ssl-shlibs (>= 0.9.12-1), db43-ssl-shlibs, gdbm3-shlibs, 
expat-shlibs (>= 1.95.6-2), libiconv, libxml2-shlibs (>= 2.5.10-12), 
neon26-shlibs, openldap23-shlibs, cyrus-sasl2-shlibs (>= 2.1.15-23), 
openssl097-shlibs, libgettext3-shlibs
+  Depends: <<
+    apr-ssl-shlibs (>= 0.9.12-1),
+    db43-ssl-shlibs,
+    gdbm3-shlibs,
+    expat1-shlibs,
+    libiconv,
+    libxml2-shlibs (>= 2.5.10-12),
+    neon26-shlibs,
+    openldap23-shlibs,
+    cyrus-sasl2-shlibs (>= 2.1.15-23),
+    openssl097-shlibs,
+    libgettext3-shlibs
+  <<
   Files: <<
@@ -388,8 +439,8 @@
    fink info svnadmin-db42
 DescPackaging: <<
- To run the tests over ra_dav 'libapache2-ssl-mod-svn' needs to be already 
- The ra_dav tests only work with --build-as-nobody.  
+ To run the tests over ra_dav 'libapache2-ssl-mod-svn' needs to be already 
+ and installed.
  The "Replaces: %N (<= 1.1.1-11)" is needed since svnlook was 
  (incorrectly) in the svn-client-ssl package < 1.1.1 and was 
@@ -404,6 +455,8 @@
 having -ldb-4.1 or libdb-4.1.la in there, so that libtool ignores 
+Tests patched to not fail if run as root.
 Many thanks to Peter O'Gorman for the help with the libtool patch.
 Many thanks to Ben Reser for fixing the perl bindings. The patch is

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