Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text
In directory 

Modified Files:
        ptex.info ptex-babel.info utf-fontfiles.info 
Added Files:
Log Message:
ptex[-nox]-base is separated from ptex.info, and ptex becomes a bundle package.

Index: ptex-babel.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text/ptex-babel.info,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- ptex-babel.info     28 Apr 2007 14:14:53 -0000      1.4
+++ ptex-babel.info     29 Apr 2007 14:23:47 -0000      1.5
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
 Package: ptex-babel
 Version: 20060322
-Revision: 1
-Depends: ptex-texmf (>= 2.4-53)
+Revision: 2
+Depends: ptex3-base
 Conflicts: ptex-texmf (= 2.4-51)
 Source: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/ptetex3-20070304.tar.gz
 Source-MD5: 37b5a7f1cf1e21cdeb44eb3cab19ab38
-Source2: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/japanese-jis-%v.tar.gz
-Source2-MD5: 8c75089d9104d274a2c2b00a63ef5516
-Source3: mirror:sourceforge:fink/lppl-1.2.txt
-Source3-MD5: 5af7e4b8e7dde262cf18bd7224f454b5
+Source2: mirror:sourceforge:fink/lppl-1.2.txt
+Source2-MD5: 5af7e4b8e7dde262cf18bd7224f454b5
 PatchScript: <<
  echo "TMP_PREFIX=`pwd`/tmp"          >> my_option
  echo "TEXMFDIST=%p/share/texmf-dist" >> my_option
- mkdir -p              tmp/share/texmf/ptex/generic/babel
- mv ../japanese-jis-%v tmp/share/texmf/ptex/generic/babel/japanese
- sed -i.bak '/### japanese style/,/platex-sjis/d' 6babel.sh
- ./6babel.sh
+ sed -i.bak '/## update fmt/,/fi #/d' 6babel.sh
-CompileScript: echo
+CompileScript: ./6babel.sh
 InstallScript: mkdir -p %i/etc && mv tmp/share/texmf %i/etc/texmf.local
 DocFiles: ../lppl-1.2.txt:lppl.txt
 PostInstScript: <<

Index: utf-fontfiles.info
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- utf-fontfiles.info  28 Apr 2007 14:12:55 -0000      1.1
+++ utf-fontfiles.info  29 Apr 2007 14:23:47 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 Package: utf-fontfiles
-Revision: 1
-Depends: ptex-texmf (>= 2.4-53)
-Source: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/utfbin-%v.zip
-Source-MD5: c6ce455d1fce1c49acb0720875fc8938
+Revision: 2
+Depends: ptex3-base
+Source: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/utfsrc-%v.zip
+Source-MD5: 3461345204c3762e910d0fb7a8a890dd
+SourceDirectory: utfsrc
 Source2-MD5: 37b5a7f1cf1e21cdeb44eb3cab19ab38
 Tar2FilesRename: ptetex3-20070304:ptetex3
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
  cd ../ptetex3 && ./5macro.sh
  mv       ../tmp/share/texmf/fonts/map/dvipdfm/* fontmap/
-CompileScript: echo
+CompileScript: ./makeutf
 InstallScript: <<
  install -m 755 -d    %i/etc/texmf.local/ptex/platex/utf
  install -m 644 sty/* %i/etc/texmf.local/ptex/platex/utf
@@ -62,11 +63,6 @@
   # if updmap.cfg is not changed, updmap-sys returns 1. :-<
   updmap-sys --nomkmap --disable [EMAIL PROTECTED]@.map || /usr/bin/true
-  if [ -f %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg ]
-  then
-    perl -pi -e 's/(KanjiMap utf-)/#! \1/' %p/etc/texmf-config/web2c/updmap.cfg
-  fi
 if [ -x %p/bin/mktexlsr ]

Index: ptex.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text/ptex.info,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -d -r1.16 -r1.17
--- ptex.info   28 Apr 2007 14:30:50 -0000      1.16
+++ ptex.info   29 Apr 2007 14:23:47 -0000      1.17
@@ -1,338 +1,21 @@
-Info2: <<
-Package: ptex%type_pkg[-nox]
-Type: -nox (boolean)
+Package: ptex
+Type: bundle
 Version: 3.1.9
 # ptex-3.1.10-Beta3
-Revision: 1054
-GCC: 4.0
-Description: ASCII publishing TeX
-Depends: %N-base (= %v-%r), texinfo, debianutils, texi2html, nkf, ptex-babel, 
-BuildDepends: <<
- libkpathsea4 (>= 3.0-1006), t1lib5, libpng3 (>= 1:1.2.8-1), libwww, 
libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006),
- libjpeg, libiconv-dev, ptexenc,
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .)  gd2 (>= 2.0.33-1), 
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11, 
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) freetype219 (>= 2.2.1-4),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) openmotif3
+Revision: 1055
+Description: Bundle package for ASCII publishing TeX
+Depends: ptex-base (= %v-%r) | ptex-nox-base (= %v-%r), texinfo, debianutils, 
texi2html, ptex-babel, utf-fontfiles, dvipdfmx
 Conflicts: <<
  system-tetex, tetex, tetex-nox, ptex, ptex-nox,
- (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) tetex-base (<= 2.0.2-24),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) ptex-base (<= 3.1.3-7)
+ tetex-base (<= 2.0.2-24),
+ ptex-base (<= 3.1.3-7)
 Replaces: <<
 tetex, tetex-nox, ptex, ptex-nox,
- (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) tetex-base (<= 2.0.2-24),
- (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) ptex-base (<= 3.1.3-7)
+ tetex-base (<= 2.0.2-24),
+ ptex-base (<= 3.1.3-7)
-Provides: bundle-tetex
+Provides: bundle-tetex, ptex-nox
 Recommends: detex, ifmslide, latex2html, pdfscreen, pdfslide, ppower4, tex4ht, 
-Suggests: foiltex, latex2html-ja
-Source: mirror:ctan:systems/unix/teTeX/3.0/distrib/tetex-src-3.0.tar.gz
-Source-MD5: 944a4641e79e61043fdaf8f38ecbb4b3
-Source2: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/ptetex3-20070304.tar.gz
-Source2-MD5: 37b5a7f1cf1e21cdeb44eb3cab19ab38
-Tar2FilesRename: ptetex3-20070304:ptetex3
-Source3: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/ptexenc-0.91.tar.gz
-Source3-MD5: adeb23894fb201a004a98a94adc7503b
-PatchScript: <<
-#!/bin/sh -ev
- # Update ptexenc
- rm      ../ptetex3/archive/ptexenc-*.tar.gz
- tar zcf ../ptetex3/archive/ptexenc-0.91.tar.gz ../ptexenc-0.91
- # 1. -dNOKANJI option is not needed
- # 2. avoid conflict with the original tetex.patch
- # 3. skip md5sum checks
- sed -i.bak \
-  -e 's/-dNOKANJI //' \
-  -e '/## use TEXMFMAIN/,/Makefile.in/d' \
-  -e '/## post/,$d'                 ../ptetex3/2extract-src.sh
- # not to extract teTeX src (already extracted) and use system's freetype2.
- echo "TEXSRC_EXTRACTED=../" >> ../my_option
- echo "SYSTEM_FREETYPE2=yes" >> ../my_option
- # extract pTeX src and apply patches of ptetex3
- (cd ../ptetex3 && ./2extract-src.sh) || exit
- # fix forgotten nkf_close()
- sed -i.bak 's|fclose(fp)|nkf_close(fp)|g' texk/mendexk/convert.c
- sed -i.bak 's|\(lines=i;\)|\1 if (filename != NULL) nkf_close(fp);|g' \
-                                           texk/mendexk/fread.c
- cat <<PATCHEOF | patch -u                 texk/mendexk/styfile.c
---- styfile.c.orig
-+++ styfile.c
-@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
-               if (getparam(buff,"page_precedence",page_precedence)) continue;
-               if (getparam(buff,"character_order",character_order)) continue;
-       }
-+      nkf_close(fp);
- }
- int convline(buff1,start,buff2)
- # copy ptetex3's docs
- cp  ../ptetex3/README    ptetex-README
- cp  ../ptetex3/README.en ptetex-README.en
- cp  ../ptetex3/LICENSE   ptetex-LICENSE.src
- # don't run mktexlsr, texlinks and fmtutil-sys.
- # (Run these commands in InstallScript and PostInstScript)
- perl -pi -e 's|\$\(scriptdir\)/mktexlsr|echo "Done."|' \
-  texk/web2c/%{ni}/Makefile.in texk/web2c/%{ni}/jmpost/Makefile.in
- perl -pi -e 's|\$\(scriptdir\)/texlinks|echo "Done."|' \
-  texk/web2c/%{ni}/Makefile.in texk/web2c/%{ni}/jmpost/Makefile.in
- perl -pi -e 's|\$\(scriptdir\)/fmtutil-sys.*|echo "Done."|' \
-  texk/web2c/%{ni}/Makefile.in texk/web2c/%{ni}/jmpost/Makefile.in
- # apply the same patches in tetex.info
- sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/tetex.patch | sed 's|@PACKAGE@|%n-%v-%r|g' | patch 
- perl -pi -e "s|hardcode_direct=yes|hardcode_direct=no|" texk/configure 
texk/kpathsea/configure utils/texinfo/configure 
- perl -pi -e 's,-flat_namespace -undefined suppress,-twolevel_namespace 
-undefined error,g' texk/configure texk/kpathsea/configure 
- perl -pi -e 's,\*\.obj\),*.obj | *.dSYM),' texk/configure 
texk/kpathsea/configure utils/texinfo/configure
-SetCPPFLAGS:-I%p/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2 -I%p/lib/freetype219/include
-SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/freetype219/lib
-ConfigureParams: <<
- --without-texi2html --without-texinfo --enable-shared \
- --datadir='${prefix}/share' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \
- --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --disable-multiplatform --with-system-ncurses \
- --with-system-pnglib --with-system-t1lib --with-system-wwwlib \
- --with-system-zlib \
- --enable-freetype --enable-kanji-iconv --with-ptexenc=UTF8 \
- (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --with-system-gd 
- (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --without-x 
-CompileScript: <<
- export PATH=%p/lib/freetype219/bin:${PATH} && ./configure %c && make
-InstallScript: <<
-#!/bin/bash -ev
- make install prefix=%i texmf=%i/share/texmf
-echo "Removing files that belong to the libkpathsea4 and ptexenc package..."
- rm -R %i/include
- rm -R %i/lib
- rm %i/share/info/kpathsea.info
-echo "Setting up symlinks ..."
- export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="%b/texk/kpathsea/SHARED" PATH=%i/bin:$PATH 
TEXMFMAIN=%p/share/texmf-dist ; texlinks --cnffile 
%i/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf --verbose %i/bin
-echo "Creating a local texmf tree, and symlinking it into place ..."
- mkdir -p %i/etc/texmf.local
- %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/etc/texmf.local
- mkdir -p %i/share
- ln -s %p/etc/texmf.local %i/share/texmf-local
-echo "Creating a VARTEXMF tree, including a fonts directory ..."
- mkdir -p %i/var/lib/texmf/fonts
- %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/var/lib/texmf
-echo "Creating a TEXMFCONFIG tree ..."
- mkdir -p %i/etc/texmf-config
- %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/etc/texmf-config
-echo "Removing the ls-R file, which is supplied in the tetex-texmf package ..."
- rm -f %i/share/texmf-dist/ls-R
- rm -f %i/share/texmf/ls-R
-echo "Removing readlink, which is supplied in the debianutils package ..."
- rm -f %i/bin/readlink
- rm -f %i/share/man/man1/readlink.1
-if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
-echo "Preparing xdvi for the alternatives system ..."
- mv %i/bin/xdvi %i/bin/xdvik
- mv %i/share/man/man1/xdvi.1 %i/share/man/man1/xdvik.1
- mv %i/bin/xdvizilla %i/bin/xdvizillak
- mv %i/share/man/man1/xdvizilla.1 %i/share/man/man1/xdvizillak.1
-# make font dirs and make links for apple's fonts
-install -m 755 -d                %i/share/texmf/fonts/{opentype,truetype}
-if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
- ln -s %p/lib/X11/fonts/appleotf %i/share/texmf/fonts/opentype
- ln -s %p/lib/X11/fonts/applettf %i/share/texmf/fonts/truetype
-# don't edit vfontmap, use updmap-sys instead.
-if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
- cat <<-EOF > %i/share/texmf/xdvi/vfontmap || exit
-       %%
-       %% vfontmap -- Do NOT edit this file BY HAND!!
-       %%
-       %% An effective file is
-       %% "%p/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/xdvi/updmap/xdvi-ptex.map"
-       %% which is generated by 'updmap-sys'.
-       %%
-       %% Use "updmap-sys --setoption xdviRml mincho-font"
-       %% and "updmap-sys --setoption xdviGbm gothic-font".
-       %%
-       EOF
-# make links for convenience
-ln -s dvips %i/bin/pdvips
-if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
- ln -s xdvik %i/bin/pxdvi
-DocFiles: <<
-LICENSE.src:tetex-LICENSE.src README:tetex-README README.fink:tetex-README.fink
-texk/web2c/%{ni}/COPYRIGHT texk/web2c/%{ni}/COPYRIGHT.jis
-ptetex-README ptetex-README.en ptetex-LICENSE.src
-RuntimeVars: PTEX_IN_FILTER: "%p/bin/nkf -j"
-SplitOff: <<
- Package: %N-base
- Description: Base programs for a pTeX installation
- Depends: <<
-  t1lib5-shlibs, libpng3-shlibs (>= 1:1.2.8-1), 
-  libwww-bin, libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), ncurses (>= 
-  fink (>= 0.12.0-1), ptexenc-shlibs, ptex-texmf (>= 2.4-52),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) applesystemfonts,
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) appleotffonts,
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) ghostscript-nox, 
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) ghostscript, 
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gd2-shlibs (>= 2.0.33-1), 
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11, 
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11-shlibs,
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) freetype219-shlibs (>= 2.2.1-4),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) openmotif3-shlibs
- Conflicts: <<
-  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base, ptex-base, ptex-nox-base,
-  ptex (<= 3.1.3-8), ptex-dev (<= 3.1.3-8), ptex-shlibs (<= 3.1.3-8),
-  mendexk (<= 2.5-1),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvik (<= 22.40y1-7)
- <<
- Replaces: <<
-  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base, ptex-base, ptex-nox-base,
-  context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, pdftex, tetex-macosx, tetex (<= 2.0-3),
-  ptex (<= 3.1.3-8), ptex-dev (<= 3.1.3-8), ptex-shlibs (<= 3.1.3-8),
-  mendexk (<= 2.5-1),
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvi (<= 22.70-1), 
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvik (<= 22.40y1-7)
- <<
- Provides: <<
-  tetex-base, tetex3-base, ptex3-base, mendexk,
-  context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, pdftex, tetex-macosx, 
-  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvik
- <<
- Files: bin etc share/info share/man share/texmf share/texmf-local var
- InfoDocs: web2c.info dvips.info latex.info
- DocFiles: <<
- INSTALL:tetex-INSTALL INSTALL.generic:tetex-INSTALL.generic
- README:tetex-README README.fink:tetex-README.fink
- QuickInstall:tetex-QuickInstall
- texk/web2c/%{Ni}/COPYRIGHT texk/web2c/%{Ni}/COPYRIGHT.jis
- texk/web2c/%{Ni}/Changes.txt texk/web2c/%{Ni}/INSTALL.txt 
- ptetex-README ptetex-README.en ptetex-LICENSE.src
- <<
- PreInstScript: <<
-  echo "Removing any leftover files from obsolete teTeX installations ..."
-  rm -f %p/etc/texmf.local/web2c/*
-  rm -f %p/etc/ls-R/texmf.macosx
-  rm -Rf %p/share/texmf.macosx
-  rm -Rf %p/etc/texmf-var
-  rm -Rf %p/var/lib/texmf
- <<
- PostInstScript: <<
-  if [ ! -e %p/share/texmf-dist/tex/context ] ; then
-    echo " "
-    echo 
-    echo "+ UPGRADE PROBLEM: We apologize for the inconvenience, but please 
reinstall +"
-    echo "+ tetex-texmf and then update or install tetex or tetex-base again.  
-    echo 
-    echo " "
-    exit 1
-  fi
-if [ -e %p/bin/xdvik ] ; then
-  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/xdvi xdvi %p/bin/xdvik 30 --slave 
%p/share/man/man1/xdvi.1 xdvi.1 %p/share/man/man1/xdvik.1
-  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/xdvizilla xdvizilla %p/bin/xdvizillak 
30 --slave %p/share/man/man1/xdvizilla.1 xdvizilla.1 
-  mktexlsr %p/share/texmf %p/etc/texmf-config %p/etc/texmf.local
-  PATH=%p/bin:${PATH} texconfig-sys init
-  echo "Adjusting permissions ..."
-  chmod -R a+rX %p/etc/texmf.local
-  chmod -R a+rwX %p/var/lib/texmf
-  chmod -R a+rwX %p/etc/texmf-config
-  if [ -f ~/Library/texmf/ls-R ]; then chmod a+rw ~/Library/texmf/ls-R; fi
- <<
- PreRmScript: <<
-  if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
-    if [ -e %p/bin/xdvik ]; then
-      update-alternatives --remove xdvi %p/bin/xdvik
-      update-alternatives --remove xdvizilla %p/bin/xdvizillak
-    fi
-  fi
- <<
- DescDetail: <<
- pTeX is the ASCII publishing TeX distribution. This package can handle
- Japanese TeX file and also takes account of vertical writing.
- Now provides context, epstopdf, pdftex, and the former tetex-macosx
- package.
- <<
-License: Restrictive/Distributable
-DescDetail: <<
-pTeX is the ASCII publishing TeX distribution. This package can handle
-Japanese TeX file and also takes account of vertical writing.
-DescPort: <<
---- original teTeX Fink package DescPort ----
- The Makefile is patched to prevent the mktexlsr, fmtutil, updmap, and texlinks
- utilities from running during the install phase (although texlinks is run
- after "make install").  The mktexlsr, fmtutil, and updmap utilities are run in
- the PostInstall script (the latter two called by texconfig-sys).
- User files are stored in $HOME/Library/texmf (not $HOME/texmf) for
- backwards-compatibility with earlier Fink teTeX installations.
- We also set up a VARTEXMF directory for storing format and font files,
- and a TEXMFCONFIG directory for storing configuration files.  These latter
- can be modified by running "sudo texconfig-sys".
- We use update-alternatives for xdvi to allow users to install a different
- version if they choose.
- We patch libkpathsea's configure script to prevent it linking against an 
- old copy of the library as it builds.
-DescPackaging: <<
- This package contains teTeX Fink package. So other pTeX related packages
- should follow original teTeX's packaging rule.
- -----  original DescPackaging of tetex.info -----
- Other TeX related packages should use %p/etc/texmf.local/ as their texmf
- tree for storing files, rather than %p/share/texmf/.  In this way, the
- original texmf tree will be preserved. Any such package should list
- tetex-base as a dependency, and take care to run
-   mktexlsr %p/etc/texmf.local
- in both PostInstScript and PostRmScript.
- There is a variant tetex-nox package with X11 disabled.
- texinfo and texi2html are separate packages.
- readlink and its manpage are removed since they conflict with debianutils,
-  an essential Fink package.
- Many thanks to the original teTeX maintainer Jeff Whitaker.
- -----  end of text  -----
- Many thanks to Jeff Whitaker and Dave Morrison.
+Suggests: foiltex
 Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-Homepage: http://www.tug.org/teTeX  and  http://www.ascii.co.jp/pb/ptex/

--- NEW FILE: ptex-base.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: ptex%type_pkg[-nox]-base
Type: -nox (boolean)
Version: 3.1.9
# ptex-3.1.10-Beta3
Revision: 1055
GCC: 4.0
Description: ASCII publishing TeX
BuildDepends: <<
 libkpathsea4 (>= 3.0-1006), t1lib5, libpng3 (>= 1:1.2.8-1), libwww, 
libncurses5 (>= 5.4-20041023-1006),
 libjpeg, libiconv-dev, ptexenc,
 (%type_raw[-nox] = .)  gd2 (>= 2.0.33-1), 
 (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11, 
 (%type_raw[-nox] = .) freetype219 (>= 2.2.1-4),
 (%type_raw[-nox] = .) openmotif3
Source: mirror:ctan:systems/unix/teTeX/3.0/distrib/tetex-src-3.0.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 944a4641e79e61043fdaf8f38ecbb4b3
Source2: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/ptetex3-20070304.tar.gz
Source2-MD5: 37b5a7f1cf1e21cdeb44eb3cab19ab38
Tar2FilesRename: ptetex3-20070304:ptetex3
Source3: http://fink.sodan.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pkgdists/ptexenc-0.91.tar.gz
Source3-MD5: adeb23894fb201a004a98a94adc7503b
PatchScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
 # Update ptexenc
 rm      ../ptetex3/archive/ptexenc-*.tar.gz
 tar zcf ../ptetex3/archive/ptexenc-0.91.tar.gz ../ptexenc-0.91

 # 1. -dNOKANJI option is not needed
 # 2. avoid conflict with the original tetex.patch
 # 3. skip md5sum checks
 sed -i.bak \
  -e 's/-dNOKANJI //' \
  -e '/## use TEXMFMAIN/,/Makefile.in/d' \
  -e '/## post/,$d'                 ../ptetex3/2extract-src.sh

 # not to extract teTeX src (already extracted) and use system's freetype2.
 echo "TEXSRC_EXTRACTED=../" >> ../my_option
 echo "SYSTEM_FREETYPE2=yes" >> ../my_option

 # extract pTeX src and apply patches of ptetex3
 (cd ../ptetex3 && ./2extract-src.sh) || exit

 # fix forgotten nkf_close()
 sed -i.bak 's|fclose(fp)|nkf_close(fp)|g' texk/mendexk/convert.c
 sed -i.bak 's|\(lines=i;\)|\1 if (filename != NULL) nkf_close(fp);|g' \
 cat <<PATCHEOF | patch -u                 texk/mendexk/styfile.c
--- styfile.c.orig
+++ styfile.c
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
                if (getparam(buff,"page_precedence",page_precedence)) continue;
                if (getparam(buff,"character_order",character_order)) continue;
+       nkf_close(fp);
 int convline(buff1,start,buff2)

 # copy ptetex3's docs
 cp  ../ptetex3/README    ptetex3-README
 cp  ../ptetex3/README.en ptetex3-README.en
 cp  ../ptetex3/LICENSE   ptetex3-LICENSE.src

 # don't run mktexlsr, texlinks and fmtutil-sys.
 # (Run these commands in InstallScript and PostInstScript)
 perl -pi -e 's|\$\(scriptdir\)/mktexlsr|echo "Done."|' \
  texk/web2c/ptex/Makefile.in texk/web2c/ptex/jmpost/Makefile.in
 perl -pi -e 's|\$\(scriptdir\)/texlinks|echo "Done."|' \
  texk/web2c/ptex/Makefile.in texk/web2c/ptex/jmpost/Makefile.in
 perl -pi -e 's|\$\(scriptdir\)/fmtutil-sys.*|echo "Done."|' \
  texk/web2c/ptex/Makefile.in texk/web2c/ptex/jmpost/Makefile.in

 # apply the same patches in tetex.info
 sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %a/tetex.patch | sed 's|@PACKAGE@|%n-%v-%r|g' | patch 
 perl -pi -e "s|hardcode_direct=yes|hardcode_direct=no|" texk/configure 
texk/kpathsea/configure utils/texinfo/configure 
 perl -pi -e 's,-flat_namespace -undefined suppress,-twolevel_namespace 
-undefined error,g' texk/configure texk/kpathsea/configure 
 perl -pi -e 's,\*\.obj\),*.obj | *.dSYM),' texk/configure 
texk/kpathsea/configure utils/texinfo/configure
SetCPPFLAGS:-I%p/lib/freetype219/include/freetype2 -I%p/lib/freetype219/include
SetLDFLAGS: -L%p/lib/freetype219/lib
ConfigureParams: <<
 --without-texi2html --without-texinfo --enable-shared \
 --datadir='${prefix}/share' --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' \
 --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' --disable-multiplatform --with-system-ncurses \
 --with-system-pnglib --with-system-t1lib --with-system-wwwlib \
 --with-system-zlib \
 --enable-freetype --enable-kanji-iconv --with-ptexenc=UTF8 \
 (%type_raw[-nox] = .) --with-system-gd 
 (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) --without-x 
CompileScript: <<
 export PATH=%p/lib/freetype219/bin:${PATH} && ./configure %c && make
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/bash -ev
 make install prefix=%i texmf=%i/share/texmf

echo "Removing files that belong to the libkpathsea4 and ptexenc package..."

 rm -R %i/include
 rm -R %i/lib
 rm %i/share/info/kpathsea.info

echo "Setting up symlinks ..."
 export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="%b/texk/kpathsea/SHARED" PATH=%i/bin:$PATH 
TEXMFMAIN=%p/share/texmf-dist ; texlinks --cnffile 
%i/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf --verbose %i/bin

echo "Creating a local texmf tree, and symlinking it into place ..."
 mkdir -p %i/etc/texmf.local
 %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/etc/texmf.local
 mkdir -p %i/share
 ln -s %p/etc/texmf.local %i/share/texmf-local

echo "Creating a VARTEXMF tree, including a fonts directory ..."
 mkdir -p %i/var/lib/texmf/fonts
 %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/var/lib/texmf

echo "Creating a TEXMFCONFIG tree ..."
 mkdir -p %i/etc/texmf-config
 %i/bin/mktexlsr %i/etc/texmf-config

echo "Removing the ls-R file, which is supplied in the tetex-texmf package ..."
 rm -f %i/share/texmf-dist/ls-R
 rm -f %i/share/texmf/ls-R

echo "Removing readlink, which is supplied in the debianutils package ..."
 rm -f %i/bin/readlink
 rm -f %i/share/man/man1/readlink.1

if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
echo "Preparing xdvi for the alternatives system ..."
 mv %i/bin/xdvi %i/bin/xdvik
 mv %i/share/man/man1/xdvi.1 %i/share/man/man1/xdvik.1
 mv %i/bin/xdvizilla %i/bin/xdvizillak
 mv %i/share/man/man1/xdvizilla.1 %i/share/man/man1/xdvizillak.1

# make font dirs and make links for apple's fonts
install -m 755 -d                %i/share/texmf/fonts/{opentype,truetype}
if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
 ln -s %p/lib/X11/fonts/appleotf %i/share/texmf/fonts/opentype
 ln -s %p/lib/X11/fonts/applettf %i/share/texmf/fonts/truetype

# don't edit vfontmap, use updmap-sys instead.
if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
 cat <<-EOF > %i/share/texmf/xdvi/vfontmap || exit
        %% vfontmap -- Do NOT edit this file BY HAND!!
        %% An effective file is
        %% "%p/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/xdvi/updmap/xdvi-ptex.map"
        %% which is generated by 'updmap-sys'.
        %% Use "updmap-sys --setoption xdviRml mincho-font"
        %% and "updmap-sys --setoption xdviGbm gothic-font".

# make links for convenience
ln -s dvips %i/bin/pdvips
if [ "%type_raw[-nox]" == "." ]; then
 ln -s xdvik %i/bin/pxdvi
RuntimeVars: PTEX_IN_FILTER: "%p/bin/nkf -j"
Depends: <<
  t1lib5-shlibs, libpng3-shlibs (>= 1:1.2.8-1), 
  libwww-bin, libncurses5-shlibs (>= 5.4-20041023-1006), ncurses (>= 
  fink (>= 0.12.0-1), ptexenc-shlibs, ptex-texmf (>= 2.4-53), nkf,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) applesystemfonts,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) appleotffonts,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = -nox) ghostscript-nox, 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) ghostscript, 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) gd2-shlibs (>= 2.0.33-1), 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11, 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) x11-shlibs,
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) freetype219-shlibs (>= 2.2.1-4),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) openmotif3-shlibs
Conflicts: <<
  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base, ptex-base, ptex-nox-base,
  ptex (<= 3.1.9-1054), ptex-nox (<= 3.1.9-1054), ptex-dev (<= 3.1.3-8), 
ptex-shlibs (<= 3.1.3-8),
  mendexk (<= 2.5-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvik (<= 22.40y1-7)
Replaces: <<
  tetex-base (>= 0), tetex-nox-base, ptex-base, ptex-nox-base,
  context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, pdftex, tetex-macosx, tetex (<= 2.0-3),
  ptex (<= 3.1.9-1054), ptex-nox (<= 3.1.9-1054), ptex-dev (<= 3.1.3-8), 
ptex-shlibs (<= 3.1.3-8),
  mendexk (<= 2.5-1),
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvi (<= 22.70-1), 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvik (<= 22.40y1-7)
Provides: <<
  tetex-base, tetex3-base, ptex3-base, mendexk,
  context, dvipdfm, epstopdf, pdftex, tetex-macosx, 
  (%type_raw[-nox] = .) xdvik
InfoDocs: web2c.info dvips.info latex.info
DocFiles: <<
 INSTALL:tetex-INSTALL INSTALL.generic:tetex-INSTALL.generic
 README:tetex-README README.fink:tetex-README.fink
 texk/web2c/ptex/COPYRIGHT texk/web2c/ptex/COPYRIGHT.jis
 texk/web2c/ptex/Changes.txt texk/web2c/ptex/INSTALL.txt 
 ptetex3-README ptetex3-README.en ptetex3-LICENSE.src
PreInstScript: <<
  echo "Removing any leftover files from obsolete teTeX installations ..."
  rm -f %p/etc/texmf.local/web2c/*
  rm -f %p/etc/ls-R/texmf.macosx
  rm -Rf %p/share/texmf.macosx
  rm -Rf %p/etc/texmf-var

  rm -Rf %p/var/lib/texmf
PostInstScript: <<
  if [ ! -e %p/share/texmf-dist/tex/context ] ; then
    echo " "
    echo "+ UPGRADE PROBLEM: We apologize for the inconvenience, but please 
reinstall +"
    echo "+ tetex-texmf and then update or install tetex or tetex-base again.   
    echo " "
    exit 1

if [ -e %p/bin/xdvik ] ; then
  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/xdvi xdvi %p/bin/xdvik 30 --slave 
%p/share/man/man1/xdvi.1 xdvi.1 %p/share/man/man1/xdvik.1
  update-alternatives --install %p/bin/xdvizilla xdvizilla %p/bin/xdvizillak 30 
--slave %p/share/man/man1/xdvizilla.1 xdvizilla.1 %p/share/man/man1/xdvizillak.1
  mktexlsr %p/share/texmf %p/etc/texmf-config %p/etc/texmf.local
  PATH=%p/bin:${PATH} texconfig-sys init

  echo "Adjusting permissions ..."
  chmod -R a+rX %p/etc/texmf.local
  chmod -R a+rwX %p/var/lib/texmf
  chmod -R a+rwX %p/etc/texmf-config
  if [ -f ~/Library/texmf/ls-R ]; then chmod a+rw ~/Library/texmf/ls-R; fi
PreRmScript: <<
  if [ $1 != "upgrade" ]; then
    if [ -e %p/bin/xdvik ]; then
      update-alternatives --remove xdvi %p/bin/xdvik
      update-alternatives --remove xdvizilla %p/bin/xdvizillak
DescDetail: <<
 pTeX is the ASCII publishing TeX distribution. This package can handle
 Japanese TeX file and also takes account of vertical writing.

 Now provides context, epstopdf, pdftex, and the former tetex-macosx
License: Restrictive/Distributable
DescPort: <<
--- original teTeX Fink package DescPort ----
 The Makefile is patched to prevent the mktexlsr, fmtutil, updmap, and texlinks
 utilities from running during the install phase (although texlinks is run
 after "make install").  The mktexlsr, fmtutil, and updmap utilities are run in
 the PostInstall script (the latter two called by texconfig-sys).

 User files are stored in $HOME/Library/texmf (not $HOME/texmf) for
 backwards-compatibility with earlier Fink teTeX installations.
 We also set up a VARTEXMF directory for storing format and font files,
 and a TEXMFCONFIG directory for storing configuration files.  These latter
 can be modified by running "sudo texconfig-sys".

 We use update-alternatives for xdvi to allow users to install a different
 version if they choose.

 We patch libkpathsea's configure script to prevent it linking against an 
 old copy of the library as it builds.
DescPackaging: <<
 This package contains teTeX Fink package. So other pTeX related packages
 should follow original teTeX's packaging rule.

 -----  original DescPackaging of tetex.info -----
 Other TeX related packages should use %p/etc/texmf.local/ as their texmf
 tree for storing files, rather than %p/share/texmf/.  In this way, the
 original texmf tree will be preserved. Any such package should list
 tetex-base as a dependency, and take care to run
   mktexlsr %p/etc/texmf.local
 in both PostInstScript and PostRmScript.

 There is a variant tetex-nox package with X11 disabled.

 texinfo and texi2html are separate packages.

 readlink and its manpage are removed since they conflict with debianutils,
  an essential Fink package.

 Many thanks to the original teTeX maintainer Jeff Whitaker.
 -----  end of text  -----
 Many thanks to Jeff Whitaker and Dave Morrison.
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://www.tug.org/teTeX  and  http://www.ascii.co.jp/pb/ptex/

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