Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/x11
In directory 

Modified Files:
        appleotffonts.info mlterm.info mlterm.patch 
Added Files:
        aquafont.info aquapfont.info hotbabe.info hotbabe.patch 
        ipafonts.info kterm.info mikachan.info mplus-bitmap-fonts.info 
        mplus-bitmap-fonts.patch naga10.info rxvt-unicode.info 
        rxvt-unicode.patch shinonome.info 
Log Message:
Sync with stable.

--- NEW FILE: rxvt-unicode.info ---
Package: rxvt-unicode
Version: 8.2
Revision: 1001
Source: http://dist.schmorp.de/%n/%n-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 7876a1e2a82794c5ebbea8791561daba
BuildDepends: x11-dev, fink (>= 0.24.12)
Depends: x11, system-perl
PatchFile: %n.patch
PatchFile-MD5: 96bb4ee2e717638307cee3eb300b1b19
ConfigureParams: --enable-everything --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' 
GCC: 4.0
DocFiles: COPYING Changes INSTALL README* doc/README* doc/changes.txt doc/etc/*
Description: Clone of rxvt with XFT and Unicode support
License: GPL
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/rxvt-unicode.html

--- NEW FILE: naga10.info ---
Package: naga10
Version: 1.1
Revision: 4
Depends: xfontpath
Source: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013391/fonts/knj10-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 5836501841546f41406092b10858fd17
Description: Japanese 10dot font suitable for small screen
Homepage: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA013391/fonts/
License: Restrictive/Distributable
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#! /bin/sh -e
  patch -o maru10.bdf < maru10.bdf.diff
  patch -o min10.bdf < min10.bdf.diff
  for i in *.bdf ; do
    echo "Converting $i into ${i/bdf/pcf} ..."
    /usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -o ${i/bdf/pcf} ${i}
    echo "Compressing ${i/bdf/pcf} ..."
    gzip -9 ${i/bdf/pcf}
  install -m 755 -d %i/lib/X11/fonts/naga10
  install -m 644 *.pcf.gz %i/lib/X11/fonts/naga10 

  echo "generating fonts.scale"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/naga10 ; /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontscale
  echo "generating fonts.dir"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/naga10 ; /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir 
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install naga10
  echo "All done. You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts"
  echo "in some applications."
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove naga10

--- NEW FILE: mikachan.info ---
Package: mikachan
Version: 9.1
Revision: 1
Depends: xfontpath
Source: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.jp/mikachan/5513/%nfont-8.9.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 8ac2b94336e76fa80996d0be70c557de
# taken from http://mikachan.sourceforge.jp/mikachanALL.exe
# and        http://mikachan.sourceforge.jp/puchi.exe
Source2: ftp://ftp.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GENTOO/distfiles/%n-font-%v.tar.bz2
Source2-MD5: 25f668cec8abe36a7078dd5e629484b7
Description: Handwritten Japanese TrueType fonts
Homepage: http://mikachan-font.com/
License: Restrictive/Distributable
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do..."
  install -m 755 -d                        %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n
  install -m 644 ../mikachan-font-%v/*.ttc %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n
  echo "generating fonts.scale"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n ; /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontscale
  echo "generating fonts.dir"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n ; /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir
DocFiles: COPYRIGHT* ChangeLog README*
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install %n
  echo "All done. You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts"
  echo "in some applications."
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove %n

--- NEW FILE: hotbabe.patch ---
diff -Nru hot-babe-0.2.2/hot-babe.c hot-babe-0.2.2.fink/hot-babe.c
--- hot-babe-0.2.2/hot-babe.c   Mon Dec  6 07:59:38 2004
+++ hot-babe-0.2.2.fink/hot-babe.c      Fri May 27 15:43:33 2005
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
 #include <sys/dkstat.h>
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#include <mach/mach_host.h>
+#include <mach/mach_init.h>
 /* x11 includes */
 #include <gdk/gdk.h>
@@ -99,6 +103,13 @@
   long cp_time[CPUSTATES];
   size_t len = sizeof(cp_time);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  unsigned long load, total, oload, ototal;
+  unsigned long ab, ac, ad, ae;
+  static mach_port_t port = NULL;
+  mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO_COUNT;
+  host_cpu_load_info_data_t aa;
 #ifdef __linux__
   stat = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
@@ -113,6 +124,16 @@
   ac = cp_time[CP_NICE];
   ad = cp_time[CP_SYS];
   ae = cp_time[CP_IDLE];
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+  if (port == NULL)
+  port = mach_host_self();
+  if (host_statistics(port, HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO, (host_info_t)&aa, &count) != 
+  (void)fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO");
+  ab = aa.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER];
+  ac = aa.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_NICE];
+  ad = aa.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM];
+  ae = aa.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE];

--- NEW FILE: rxvt-unicode.patch ---
diff -Naur rxvt-unicode-8.2.orig/doc/Makefile.in 
--- rxvt-unicode-8.2.orig/doc/Makefile.in       2006-12-08 22:28:07.000000000 
+++ rxvt-unicode-8.2/doc/Makefile.in    2007-04-28 11:18:14.000000000 +0000
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
 @IF_PERL@      $(SED) $(SEDREPLACE) < $(srcdir)/rxvtperl.3.man.in 
 @IF_PERL@      $(INSTALL_DATA) rxvtperl.3.man 
        if test -x "@TIC@"; then if test -n "@TIC@"; then @TIC@ 
$(srcdir)/etc/rxvt-unicode.terminfo; fi; fi
+       if test -x "@TIC@"; then if test -n "@TIC@"; then @TIC@ -o 
$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/share/terminfo $(srcdir)/etc/rxvt-unicode.terminfo; fi; fi
        -(cd $(mandir); rm -f $(RXVTNAME).$(manext) )

Index: mlterm.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/x11/mlterm.patch,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- mlterm.patch        21 Apr 2007 13:38:48 -0000      1.3
+++ mlterm.patch        5 May 2007 12:02:06 -0000       1.4
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 diff -Naur mlterm-2.9.3.orig/kiklib/src/kik_pty_streams.c 
 --- mlterm-2.9.3.orig/kiklib/src/kik_pty_streams.c     2005-11-21 
14:24:03.000000000 +0000
-+++ mlterm-2.9.3/kiklib/src/kik_pty_streams.c  2007-04-14 07:46:13.000000000 
++++ mlterm-2.9.3/kiklib/src/kik_pty_streams.c  2007-04-29 03:09:10.000000000 
 @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
   *    $Id$
@@ -51,6 +51,27 @@
  #include  "kik_pty.h"
+@@ -244,6 +248,12 @@
+               }
+ #endif /*TIOCNOTTY*/
+ #endif /*HAVE_SETSID*/
++#ifdef TIOCSCTTY /* BSD (in addition Linux also knows TIOCSCTTY) */
++              if(ioctl(*slave, TIOCSCTTY, NULL) < 0)
++              {
++                      return -1 ;
++              }
++#else /* no TIOCSCTTY (SysV) */
+               fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
+               if (fd >= 0)
+               {
+@@ -260,6 +270,7 @@
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               close(fd);
++#endif /* no TIOCSCTTY (SysV) */
+               dup2( *slave , 0) ;
+               dup2( *slave , 1) ;
 diff -Naur mlterm-2.9.3.orig/tool/mlconfig/po/Makefile.in.in 
 --- mlterm-2.9.3.orig/tool/mlconfig/po/Makefile.in.in  2003-01-12 
10:08:51.000000000 +0000
 +++ mlterm-2.9.3/tool/mlconfig/po/Makefile.in.in       2005-04-02 
17:29:55.000000000 +0000

--- NEW FILE: ipafonts.info ---
Package: ipafonts
Version: 0.0.20040715
Revision: 1
Depends: xfontpath
Source-MD5: 38358c8d9e083f5e68dd403113b849ef
NoSourceDirectory: true
Description: Japanese TrueType fonts developed by IPA
Homepage: http://www.grass-japan.org/FOSS4G/readme-grass-i18n-ipafonts.eucjp.htm
License: Restrictive
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do..."
  install -m 755 -d          %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n
  install -m 644 fonts/*.ttf %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n
  echo "generating fonts.scale"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n && /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontscale
  echo "generating fonts.dir"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/%n && /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir
DocFiles: README license-ipafonts.eucjp readme-grass-i18n-ipafonts.eucjp
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install %n
  echo "All done. You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts"
  echo "in some applications."
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove %n

--- NEW FILE: shinonome.info ---
Package: shinonome
Version: 0.9.11p1
Revision: 1
Description: Japanese bitmap fonts for X11
License: Public Domain
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Depends: xfontpath
Source: http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/efont/dist/shinonome/%n-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 5fb94de9a9971ac67a4d53d62f77bc1d
SourceDirectory: %n-0.9.11
ConfigureParams: --enable-fontdir=%p/lib/X11/fonts/%n --enable-compress
CompileScript: <<
 ./configure %c
InstallScript: make install install-alias fontdir=%i/lib/X11/fonts/%n
PostInstScript: <<
 if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath; then
   %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install %n
PreRmScript: <<
 if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath; then
   %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove %n
Homepage: http://openlab.jp/efont/shinonome/

--- NEW FILE: kterm.info ---
Package: kterm
Version: 6.2.0
Revision: 3
BuildDepends: x11-dev
Depends: x11-shlibs, app-defaults
Source: ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/applications/%n-%v.tar.gz
Source-MD5: 9cc72841b50dfba92bce01dbbebf3039
CompileScript: xmkmf -a; make
InstallScript: <<
make install DESTDIR=%d BINDIR=%p/bin CONFDIR=%p/etc INSTALLFLAGS=-c
make install.man DESTDIR=%d MANDIR=%p/share/man/man1 DOCDIR=%p/share/doc/%n 
install -d -m 755 %i/share/man/ja/man1
install -c -m 644 kterm.jman %i/share/man/ja/man1/kterm.1
install -c -m 644 README.kt DEMO.* %i/share/doc/%n
rm -rf %d/usr
Description: X11 terminal emulator that can handle CJK text
License: BSD
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DescPackaging: <<
 Originally packaged by Masanori Sekino.
Homepage: http://ftp.x.org/contrib/applications/kterm-6.2.0.README

--- NEW FILE: mplus-bitmap-fonts.patch ---
--- mplus_bitmap_fonts-2.2.4.orig/install_mplus_fonts   Mon Apr  4 16:09:31 2005
+++ mplus_bitmap_fonts-2.2.4/install_mplus_fonts        Mon Apr  4 16:38:15 2005
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@
 # Finish
 echo -e "\ncreate: fonts.dir file"
 mkfontdir $PREFIX
-if [ -z $DESTDIR ]; then
-    echo -n "xset fp rehash..."
-    xset fp rehash &&
-    echo " done"
+#if [ -z $DESTDIR ]; then
+#    echo -n "xset fp rehash..."
+#    xset fp rehash &&
+#    echo " done"

--- NEW FILE: mplus-bitmap-fonts.info ---
Package: mplus-bitmap-fonts
Version: 2.2.4
Revision: 2
Depends: xfontpath
Source-MD5: a97a99acbee54976407dec828d03850c
Description: M+ BITMAP FONTS
Homepage: http://mplus-fonts.sourceforge.jp/mplus-bitmap-fonts/index.html
License: Restrictive/Distributable
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Patch: %n.patch
CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do..."
  DESTDIR=%i/lib/X11/fonts/mplus ./install_mplus_fonts
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install mplus
  echo "All done. You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts"
  echo "in some applications."
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove mplus

--- NEW FILE: hotbabe.info ---
Package: hotbabe
Version: 0.2.2
Revision: 1002
Description: Displays the system activity
License: Artistic
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Depends: gtk+2-shlibs, glib2-shlibs (>= 2.6.6-1111), pango1-xft2-shlibs, 
libgettext3-shlibs, libiconv, x11
BuildDepends: gtk+2-dev, glib2-dev (>= 2.6.6-1111), pango1-xft2-dev, pkgconfig, 
libgettext3-dev, libiconv-dev, x11-dev

Source: http://dindinx.net/%n/downloads/hot-babe-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 482a9496b493d2394601689659971042

Patch: %n.patch

CompileScript: make PREFIX=%p

InstallScript: make install PREFIX=%p DESTDIR=%d

DescDetail: <<
Hot-babe is a small graphical utility which displays the system activity in a
very special way. When the CPU is idle, it displays a dressed girl, and when
the activity goes up, as the temperature increases, the girl begins to undress,
to finish totally naked when the system activity reaches 100%. Of course, if
you can be shocked by nudity, don't use it!
DescPort: <<
The patch is provided by 2ch.net. Thanks, Nanashi-san!
Homepage: http://dindinx.net/hotbabe/

Index: appleotffonts.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/x11/appleotffonts.info,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- appleotffonts.info  20 Jan 2006 20:13:02 -0000      1.1
+++ appleotffonts.info  5 May 2007 12:02:05 -0000       1.2
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 Package: appleotffonts
 Version: 0.1
-Revision: 5
-Depends: x11, xfontpath
+Revision: 8
+Depends: xfontpath
 Type: nosource
 CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do."
 InstallScript:         install -d -m 755 %d`%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/appleotf
+PreRmScript: rm -f `%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/appleotf/*
 PostInstScript: <<
   export LANG=C
   cd `%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/appleotf
@@ -19,14 +20,14 @@
   export HiraMinProW6="?????????????????????_Pro_W6.otf"
   export HiraKakuProW3="????????????????????????_Pro_W3.otf"
   export HiraKakuProW6="????????????????????????_Pro_W6.otf"
-  export HirakakuStdW8="????????????????????????_Std_W8.otf"
+  export HiraKakuStdW8="????????????????????????_Std_W8.otf"
   if [ -a `%p/bin/xfontpath basedir`/appleotf/$HiraMaruProW4 ] ; then
     mv $HiraMaruProW4 HiraMaruPro-W4.otf
     mv $HiraMinProW3  HiraMinPro-W3.otf
     mv $HiraMinProW6  HiraMinPro-W6.otf
     mv $HiraKakuProW3 HiraKakuPro-W3.otf
     mv $HiraKakuProW6 HiraKakuPro-W6.otf
-    mv $HirakakuStdW8 HirakakuStd-W8.otf
+    mv $HiraKakuStdW8 HiraKakuStd-W8.otf
     echo "# Renamed Japanese Open Type Font files into Roma-ji filename."

--- NEW FILE: aquapfont.info ---
Package: aquapfont
Version: 2.6
Revision: 4
Depends: xfontpath
Source: http://aquablue.milkcafe.to/tears/font/aquap2_6.zip
Source-MD5: 0edde0f36d09821b9682a52db908264e
Description: Handwritten Japanese proportional TrueTypeFont
Homepage: http://aquablue.milkcafe.to/
License: Restrictive
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do..."
  install -m 755 -d %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquapfont
  install -m 644 aqua_pfont.ttf %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquapfont
  echo "generating fonts.scale"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquapfont && /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontscale
  echo "generating fonts.dir"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquapfont && /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir
DocFiles: readme.txt
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install aquapfont
  echo "All done. You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts"
  echo "in some applications."
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove aquapfont

--- NEW FILE: aquafont.info ---
Package: aquafont
Version: 2.8
Revision: 3
Depends: xfontpath
Source: http://aquablue.milkcafe.to/tears/font/aqua2_8.zip
Source-MD5: 3918aa490dfa57d3e13653465aaa444b
Description: Handwritten Japanese fixed-width TrueTypeFont
Homepage: http://aquablue.milkcafe.to/
License: Restrictive
Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CompileScript: echo "Nothing to do..."
  install -m 755 -d %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquafont
  install -m 644 aquafont.ttf %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquafont
  echo "generating fonts.scale"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquafont ; /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontscale
  echo "generating fonts.dir"
  cd %i/lib/X11/fonts/aquafont ; /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir
DocFiles: readme.txt
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent install aquafont
  echo "All done. You may need to restart X to get antialiased fonts"
  echo "in some applications."
  if test -x %p/bin/xfontpath ; then
    %p/bin/xfontpath --silent remove aquafont

Index: mlterm.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/x11/mlterm.info,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- mlterm.info 21 Apr 2007 13:38:48 -0000      1.6
+++ mlterm.info 5 May 2007 12:02:06 -0000       1.7
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: mlterm
 Version: 2.9.3
-Revision: 1
+Revision: 2
 License: BSD
 Maintainer: Todai Fink Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Description: Multilingual terminal emulator on X11
@@ -73,5 +73,10 @@
   is used in this step.
   We define datarootdir in makefiles to prevent warnings by autoconf >= 2.6.
+  MacOS X >= 10.4 has posix_openpt() but needs ioctl(TIOCSTTY) instead of
+  open(slavetty) to acquire a controlling tty. The patch to
+  kik_pty_streams.c solves the problem. MacOS X <= 10.3 only has the
+  traditional BSD ptys and does not affected by the problem.
 Homepage: http://mlterm.sourceforge.net/

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