Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory sc8-pr-cvs17.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv15246

Added Files:
Log Message:
update for 10.5 compatibility and version update

--- NEW FILE: apbs-mpi.info ---
Info2: <<
Package: apbs-mpi-%type_pkg[handler]
Version: 0.5.1
Revision: 1000
Type: handler (lammpi openmpi)
Conflicts: apbs, apbs-mpi-lammpi, apbs-mpi-openmpi
Replaces: apbs, apbs-mpi-lammpi, apbs-mpi-openmpi
Source: http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/apbs/apbs-%v-source.tar.gz
Source-MD5: e0619222398c499de8f4457c455bdaf4
SourceDirectory: apbs-%v-source
Depends: (%type_pkg[handler] = lammpi) lammpi (>= 7.1.2-1000), 
(%type_pkg[handler] = openmpi) openmpi, readline-shlibs (>= 4.3-1028), gnuplot 
(>= 4.0.0-1002)
BuildDepends: gcc42, (%type_pkg[handler] = lammpi) lammpi-dev (>= 7.1.2-1000), 
(%type_pkg[handler] = openmpi) openmpi-dev
Description: Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/zsh -efv
F77=gfortran ./configure %c  --enable-mpi --disable-blas  
--with-blas="-L${BLAS_DIR} -lblas -Wl,-framework -Wl,vecLib -Wl,-undefined 
-Wl,dynamic_lookup" --with-mpi --with-mpilib=%p/lib/%type_raw[handler] 
perl -pi -e 's|cp -Rf tools \${prefix}||g' Makefile
perl -pi -e 's|cp -Rf examples \${prefix}||g' Makefile
perl -pi -e 's|cp -Rf doc \${prefix}||g' Makefile
perl -pi -e 's|\$\(DESTDIR\)\$\(libdir\)|share/apbs/lib|g'  
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/zsh -efv
make install DESTDIR=%d
rm -Rf **/CVS     # fink validate complains if this junk is left behind.
# rm -Rf **/.svn  # fink validate complains if this junk is left behind.
mkdir -p %i/share/%n
mkdir -p %i/lib
perl -pi -e 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/python|g' examples/**/*.py
perl -pi -e 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/python|g' tools/**/*.py
mv examples %i/share/%n
mv tools %i/share/%n
mv doc %i/share/%n
rm -Rf %i/src
rm -f **/*.o
PostInstScript: <<
# per request of software's author
echo ""
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo "Please issue \"open http://agave.wustl.edu/apbs/download/\",";
echo "to register your use of this software to help the author" 
echo "maintain funding for apbs.  apbs is released under the GPL and this is"
echo "not required, but would be very helpful."
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo ""
sleep 5
SplitOff: <<
        Package: %N-dev
        BuildDependsOnly: true
        Description: apbs headers, static libraries and libtool files
Homepage: http://apbs.sourceforge.net/
RunTimeVars: <<
DescDetail: <<
APBS is a software package for the numerical solution of the 
Poisson-Boltzmann equation, a popular continuum model for describing 
electrostatic interactions between molecular solutes over a wide range 
of length scales. The Fink pymol package is pre-configured to permit
apbs to be used as a plug-in.
The software is released under the GPL, but the author requests that you
register your use with him to aid him in obtaining funding to continue to
develop the code.  Most electrostatics software is payware, so please help
him continue to support this free software. You can do so at this URL:
License: GPL          
Maintainer: W. G. Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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