Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sound
In directory sc8-pr-cvs17.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv16063

Added Files:
      Tag: pangocairo-branch
        libtremor.info livemedia.info portaudio2.info 
        timidity-freepats.info ttaenc.info vorbisgain.info 
Log Message:
more syncing

--- NEW FILE: ttaenc.info ---
Package: ttaenc
Version: 3.4.1
Revision: 1
Description: TTA Lossless Audio Codec
License: GPL
Homepage: http://tta.sourceforge.net/

Source: mirror:sourceforge:tta/%n-%v-src.tgz
Source-MD5: c9ab8194984b34e7f7bf55d579c97f39

CompileScript: <<

InstallScript: <<
  mkdir -p %i
  make install INSDIR=%i/bin

DocFiles: COPYING ChangeLog-%v README

DescDetail: <<
The True Audio (TTA) codec is a free, simple, realtime lossless audio
compressor. Based on adaptive prognostic filters, TTA has compared
favorably to a majority of its popular open-source peers. The codec
was built to offer adequate compression levels while maintaining high
operation speeds.

--- NEW FILE: portaudio2.info ---
Package: portaudio2
Version: 2.19.0
Revision: 2

Conflicts: portaudio
Replaces: portaudio
BuildDependsOnly: true
Depends: portaudio2-shlibs (= %v-%r)
Source: http://www.portaudio.com/archives/pa_stable_v19_20071207.tar.gz
Source-MD5: d2943e4469834b25afe62cc51adc025f
SourceDirectory: portaudio

ConfigureParams: --without-jack

InstallScript: <<
  mkdir %i/include
  cp include/portaudio.h %i/include
  mkdir %i/lib
  cp lib/.libs/libportaudio.2.0.0.dylib %i/lib/libportaudio.2.19.0.dylib
  (cd %i/lib; ln -s libportaudio.2.19.0.dylib libportaudio.2.dylib)
  (cd %i/lib; ln -s libportaudio.2.19.0.dylib libportaudio.dylib) 
  cp lib/.libs/libportaudio.a %i/lib
  ranlib %i/lib/libportaudio.a
  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
  cp -r doc %i/share/doc/%n/
  mkdir %i/lib/pkgconfig
  perl -p -e "s/^Libs:.*$/Libs: -L${libdir} -lportaudio 
-Wl,-framework,CoreAudio \
       -Wl,-framework,AudioToolbox -Wl,-framework,AudioUnit 
-Wl,-framework,Carbon/" \
       portaudio-2.0.pc > portaudio-2.0.pc-new
  cp portaudio-2.0.pc-new %i/lib/pkgconfig/portaudio-2.0.pc
  cp -r bin %i/bin

SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Files: << 
  Shlibs: %p/lib/libportaudio.2.dylib 3.0.0 %n (>= 2.19.0-2)
  DocFiles: LICENSE.txt
  DescDetail: <<
  PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross
  Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs
  in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio
  is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between
  developers on different platforms.

  The shlibs package contains the shared library only.
  It provides the v19 API and is build from the pa_stable_v19_20071207 release.

SplitOff2: <<
  Package: %N-doc
  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
  Conflicts: portaudio-doc
  Replaces: portaudio-doc
  Files: bin share
  DocFiles: LICENSE.txt
  DescDetail: <<
  PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross
  Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs
  in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio
  is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between
  developers on different platforms.

  The bin package contains compiled test applications and the documentation.

  It provides the v19 API and is build from the pa_stable_v19_20071207 release.

DocFiles: index.html LICENSE.txt README.txt

Description: Cross platform audio I/O library

DescDetail: <<
PortAudio is a cross platform, open-source audio I/O library proposed by Ross
Bencina to the music-dsp mailing list. It lets you write simple audio programs
in 'C' that will compile and run on Windows, Macintosh, Unix, BeOS. PortAudio
is intended to promote the exchange of audio synthesis software between
developers on different platforms.

This package contains the headers only.

It provides the v19 API and is build from the pa_stable_v19_20071207 release.

DescPort: <<
libtool not used, so links for shared library had to be created manually
copied doc files manually

License: BSD
Homepage: http://www.portaudio.com
Maintainer: Matthias Ringwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
--- NEW FILE: timidity-freepats.info ---
Package: timidity-freepats
Version: 20060219
Revision: 1
Description: Set of patches for the timidity
License: GPL
Homepage: http://freepats.opensrc.org/

Source: http://freepats.opensrc.org/freepats-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: b947806304bc559a644a2c06deda8404
SourceDirectory: freepats

Provides: timidity-patches

CompileScript: <<
  echo "dir %p/share/timidity" >  timidity.cfg
  echo "source freepats.cfg"   >> timidity.cfg
  echo "source crude.cfg"      >> timidity.cfg

InstallScript: <<
  mkdir -p %i/share/timidity
  cp -r Drum_000  %i/share/timidity
  cp -r Tone_000  %i/share/timidity
  cp crude.cfg    %i/share/timidity
  cp freepats.cfg %i/share/timidity
  cp timidity.cfg %i/share/timidity

ConfFiles: %p/share/timidity/timidity.cfg

DescDetail: <<
This package provides a set of patches for the timidity.

Freepats is a project to create a free and open set of instrument
patches, in any format, that can be used with softsynths. Please use
the Wiki for notes and documentation.

We would like to collect and host samples and instrument patches in
any format so if you are interested in contributing to the project
then send a message to freepats at opensrc dot org and ask for a FTP
login account. Needless to say, any uploaded content must either be in
the Public Domain or have an open and free redistribution license.

--- NEW FILE: libtremor.info ---
Package: libtremor
Version: 1.0.2
Revision: 1
Source: http://members.chello.nl/~g.mast/distfiles/tremor_snapshot_02132004.tgz
Source-MD5: d1e6e5b76f7120e55dd33e8002e394a1
SourceDirectory: Tremor
License: OSI-Approved
Maintainer: Pierre-Henri Lavigne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/
Description: Ogg Vorbis Decoder
The Tremor decoder library is an integer-only fully Ogg Vorbis compliant
software decoder library.
BuildDependsOnly: true
BuildDepends: libtool14, libtool14-shlibs, automake1.9, autoconf
  perl -pi -e "s,libtool,glibtool," autogen.sh
  perl -pi -e "s,configure,configure --prefix=%p 
--with-extra-includes=%p/include --with-extra-libs=%p/lib 
--disable-dependency-tracking," autogen.sh
#!/bin/sh -ev
SplitOff: <<
  Package: %N-shlibs
  Description: Shared libraries for %N
  Files: lib/libvorbisidec.1.dylib lib/libvorbisidec.1.0.2.dylib
  Shlibs: %p/lib/libvorbisidec.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 1.0.2-1)
  DocFiles: CHANGELOG COPYING README doc/*.html  

--- NEW FILE: vorbisgain.info ---
Package: vorbisgain
Version: 0.34
Revision: 1
Description: Calculate ReplayGain for OggVorbis files
License: LGPL
Homepage: http://www.sjeng.org/vorbisgain.html

Source: http://sjeng.org/ftp/vorbis/%n-%v.zip
Source-MD5: ee62352b74c610bb3eeddda038819fc8

PatchScript: <<
  chmod +x configure

Depends: <<

BuildDepends: <<

ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man

InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d


DescDetail: <<
VorbisGain is a utility that uses a psychoacoustic method to correct
the volume of an Ogg Vorbis file to a predefined standardized

It is meant as a replacement for the normalization that is commonly
used before encoding. Although normalization will ensure that each
song has the same peak volume, this unfortunately does not say
anything about the apparent loudness of the music, with the end result
being that many normalized files still don't sound equally
loud. VorbisGain uses psychoacoustics to address this
deficiency. Moreover, unlike normalization, it's a lossless procedure
which works by adding tags to the file. Additionally, it will add
hints that can be used to prevent clipping on playback. It is based
upon the ReplayGain technology.

The end result is that playback is both more convenient and of higher
quality compared to a non-VorbisGain'ed file.

It needs player support to work. Non-supporting players will play back
the files without problems, but you'll miss out on the
benefits. Nowadays most good players such as Winamp or Foobar2K or
recent XMMS are already compatible. If your player isn't, consider
upgrading to one that is. 

--- NEW FILE: livemedia.info ---
Package: livemedia
Version: 0.0.2008.01.04
Revision: 1 
Source: http://www.getphuture.com/pub/fink/%n/live.2008.01.04.tar.gz
Source-MD5: c774c9b284a36717b488002e53d07ac7
SourceDirectory: live
GCC: 4.0
License: LGPL
Maintainer: Pierre-Henri Lavigne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
HomePage: http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/
Description: LIVE555 Streaming Media
DescDetail: <<
This code forms a set of C++ libraries for multimedia streaming, using
open standard protocols (RTP/RTCP, RTSP, SIP). These libraries - which
can be compiled for Unix (including Linux and Mac OS X), Windows, and
QNX (and other POSIX-compliant systems) - can be used to build
streaming applications. The libraries are already being used to
implement applications such as "the LIVE555 Media Server" (a RTSP
server application), "liveCaster" and "playRTPMPEG" (for streaming MP3
audio using RTP/RTCP), and "vobStreamer" (for streaming DVD content
using RTP/RTCP/RTSP). The libraries can also be used to stream, receive,
and process MPEG, H.263+ or JPEG video, and several audio codecs. They
can easily be extended to support additional (audio and/or video) codecs,
and can also be used to build basic RTSP or SIP clients and servers, and
have been used to add streaming support to existing media player
applications, such as "VLC" and "MPlayer"
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
./genMakefiles macosx
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
install -d  %i/lib %i/lib/live
install -d %i/lib/live/UsageEnvironment %i/lib/live/UsageEnvironment/include 
install -m 644 UsageEnvironment/libUsageEnvironment.a 
install -m 644 UsageEnvironment/include/*.hh 
install -d %i/lib/live/groupsock %i/lib/live/groupsock/include
install -m 644 groupsock/libgroupsock.a %i/lib/live/groupsock
install -m 644 groupsock/include/*.hh %i/lib/live/groupsock/include
install -m 644 groupsock/include/NetCommon.h %i/lib/live/groupsock/include
install -d %i/lib/live/liveMedia %i/lib/live/liveMedia/include
install -m 644 liveMedia/libliveMedia.a %i/lib/live/liveMedia
install -m 644 liveMedia/include/*.hh %i/lib/live/liveMedia/include
install -d %i/lib/live/BasicUsageEnvironment 
install -m 644 BasicUsageEnvironment/libBasicUsageEnvironment.a 
install -m 644 BasicUsageEnvironment/include/*.hh 
install -d %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/MPEG2TransportStreamIndexer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/openRTSP %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/playSIP %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/sapWatch %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testAMRAudioStreamer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMP3Receiver %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMP3Streamer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG1or2AudioVideoStreamer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG1or2AudioVideoToDarwin %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG1or2ProgramToTransportStream 
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG1or2Splitter %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG1or2VideoReceiver %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG1or2VideoStreamer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG2TransportStreamer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG2TransportStreamTrickPlay %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG4VideoStreamer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testMPEG4VideoToDarwin %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testOnDemandRTSPServer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testRelay %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/testWAVAudioStreamer %i/lib/live/testProgs
install -m 644 testProgs/vobStreamer %i/lib/live/testProgs

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