Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/crypto/finkinfo
In directory 

Modified Files:
Log Message:
make sure have bdep for each dep, switch to newer readline lib, switch to 
patchfile for sed safety

Index: grads.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/crypto/finkinfo/grads.info,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- grads.info  23 Feb 2008 21:27:32 -0000      1.3
+++ grads.info  28 Jul 2008 05:27:54 -0000      1.4
@@ -1,12 +1,30 @@
 Package: grads
 Version: 1.9
-Revision: 1004
+Revision: 1005
 GCC: 4.0
 Source: ftp://grads.iges.org/grads/%v/%n-%vb3-src.tar.gz
 Source-MD5: e09427e20cddecd3e57ee9540856ced8
-BuildDepends: netcdf (>= 3.6.0-1002), x11-dev, readline (>= 4.3-1028), gd2
-Depends: netcdf-shlibs (>= 3.6.0-1002), hdf (>= 4.2r0-3), dods (>= 
3.4.5-1005), readline-shlibs (>= 4.3-1028), gd2-shlibs, x11, udunits, 
-PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' <  %a/%n.patch | patch -p1
+BuildDepends: <<
+       fink (>= 0.24.12-1),
+       gd2,
+       netcdf (>= 3.6.0-1002),
+       openssl097-dev,
+       readline5,
+       x11-dev
+Depends: <<
+       dods (>= 3.4.5-1005),
+       gd2-shlibs,
+       hdf (>= 4.2r0-3),
+       netcdf-shlibs (>= 3.6.0-1002),
+       openssl097-shlibs,
+       readline5-shlibs,
+       udunits,
+       x11
+PatchFile: %n.patch
+PatchFile-MD5: 8e3a3b1a8bca2203cf1bbe6f79ce351d
+PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1
 SourceDirectory: %n-%vb3
 ConfigureParams: --with-hdf --with-dods --with-lats --with-nc --with-readline 
--with-printim --without-gui
 CompileScript: <<

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