Update of /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide
In directory fdv4jf1.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv23400/web/doc/users-guide

Modified Files:
        conf.en.php index.en.php install.en.php intro.en.php 
        packages.en.php uguide.en.html upgrade.en.php usage.en.php 
Log Message:
User's guide updates

Index: install.en.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/install.en.php,v
retrieving revision 1.51
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -u -d -r1.51 -r1.52
--- install.en.php      27 Jun 2008 01:16:26 -0000      1.51
+++ install.en.php      1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.52
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $title = "User's Guide - Install";
-$cvs_author = 'Author: dmrrsn';
-$cvs_date = 'Date: 2008/06/27 00:55:00';
+$cvs_author = 'Author: alexkhansen';
+$cvs_date = 'Date: 2009/03/01 01:50:36';
 $metatags = '<link rel="contents" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents"><link rel="next" href="packages.php?phpLang=en" 
title="Installing Packages"><link rel="prev" href="intro.php?phpLang=en" 
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 After that you must set up your shell environment to use the software
 installed by Fink.
 You only need to do this once; you can upgrade any Fink installation
-(starting with release 0.2.0) in place, without reinstalling.
+in place, without reinstalling.
 This is covered in the <a href="upgrade.php?phpLang=en">Upgrading
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/bindist.php";>download page</a>
 (you may have to use your browser's "Save Target as..." or "Download
 to Disk" function), double-click it to mount it.
-Open the "Fink 0.x.x Installer" disk icon that appears on your desktop (or 
wherever you downloaded it) after Disk Utility (Disk Copy for OS versions prior 
to 10.3) has verified the file.
+Open the "Fink 0.x.x Installer" disk icon that appears on your desktop (or 
wherever you downloaded it) after Disk Utility has verified the file.
 Inside you'll find some documentation and an installer package.
 Double-click the installer package and follow the instructions on

Index: conf.en.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/conf.en.php,v
retrieving revision 1.50
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -d -r1.50 -r1.51
--- conf.en.php 27 Jun 2008 01:16:26 -0000      1.50
+++ conf.en.php 1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.51
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $title = "User's Guide - fink.conf";
-$cvs_author = 'Author: dmrrsn';
-$cvs_date = 'Date: 2008/06/27 00:55:00';
+$cvs_author = 'Author: alexkhansen';
+$cvs_date = 'Date: 2009/03/01 01:50:36';
 $metatags = '<link rel="contents" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents"><link rel="next" href="usage.php?phpLang=en" title="Using the 
fink Tool from the Command Line"><link rel="prev" href="upgrade.php?phpLang=en" 
title="Upgrading Fink">';
@@ -99,15 +99,13 @@
 You may also add your own trees in <code>/sw/fink/dists</code> for your own 
purposes, but this is not necessary in most
 circumstances. The default trees are "local/main local/bootstrap
-stable/main". This list should be kept in sync with the
-<code>/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</code> file.  (As of fink 0.21.0, 
-does this for you automatically.)
-</p><p>The order of the trees is meaningful, as packages from later trees in 
the list may
+stable/main". This list is automatically kept in sync with the
+<code>/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</code> file.</p><p>The order of the trees is 
meaningful, as packages from later trees in the list may
            override packages from earlier ones.</p>
-            <b>Distribution:</b> 10.1, 10.2-gcc3.3, 10.3, or 10.4</p>
+            <b>Distribution:</b> 10.4</p>
           <p>Fink needs to know which version of Mac OS X you are
 running. Mac OS X 10.0 and earlier are not supported, and 10.1 and 10.2 are no
 longer supported by current versions of <code>fink</code>. Mac OS X 10.2 users 
@@ -268,7 +266,6 @@
 but only operates on that single <code>fink</code> invocation.  Passing 
<code>fink</code> the
            <code>--no-use-binary-dist</code> flag overrides this, and compiles 
from source
            for that single <code>fink</code> invocation.
-<b>Only available as of  fink version 0.23.0</b>.
           </p><p>Note that this mode instructs <code>fink</code> to download 
an available binary  
            if that version is the latest available version of the package; it 
does <b>not</b> cause <code>fink</code>
            to choose a version based on its binary availability.
@@ -411,7 +408,7 @@
     <h2><a name="sourceslist">5.9 Managing apt's sources.list file</a></h2>
-      <p>Starting with fink 0.21.0, fink actively manages the file
+      <p>Fink actively manages the file
 <code>/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</code> which is used by apt to locate
 binary files for installation.  The default sources.list file looks 
 something like this, adjusted to match your Distribution and Trees:
@@ -449,10 +446,6 @@
 modifications to the top of the file (above the first default line) and
 the bottom of the file (below the last default line).
-      <p>
-Note: If you had modified <code>/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</code> prior to 
-to fink 0.21.0, you will find your former file stored at 
<code>/sw/etc/apt/sources.list.finkbak</code> .
   <p align="right"><? echo FINK_NEXT ; ?>:
 <a href="usage.php?phpLang=en">6. Using the fink Tool from the Command 

Index: index.en.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/index.en.php,v
retrieving revision 1.55
retrieving revision 1.56
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--- index.en.php        27 Jun 2008 01:16:26 -0000      1.55
+++ index.en.php        1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.56
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $title = "User's Guide";
-$cvs_author = 'Author: dmrrsn';
-$cvs_date = 'Date: 2008/06/27 00:55:00';
+$cvs_author = 'Author: alexkhansen';
+$cvs_date = 'Date: 2009/03/01 01:50:36';
 $metatags = '<link rel="contents" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents"><link rel="next" href="intro.php?phpLang=en" 
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
        <li><a href="intro.php?phpLang=en"><b>1 Introduction</b></a><ul><li><a 
href="intro.php?phpLang=en#what">1.1 What is Fink?</a></li><li><a 
href="intro.php?phpLang=en#req">1.2 Requirements</a></li><li><a 
href="intro.php?phpLang=en#supported-os">1.3 Supported Systems</a></li><li><a 
href="intro.php?phpLang=en#src-vs-bin">1.4 Source vs. 
Binary</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="install.php?phpLang=en"><b>2 First Time 
Installation</b></a><ul><li><a href="install.php?phpLang=en#bin">2.1 Installing 
the Binary Distribution</a></li><li><a href="install.php?phpLang=en#src">2.2 
Installing the Source Distribution</a></li><li><a 
href="install.php?phpLang=en#setup">2.3 Setting Up Your 
Environment</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="packages.php?phpLang=en"><b>3 
Installing Packages</b></a><ul><li><a 
href="packages.php?phpLang=en#bin-dselect">3.1 Installing Binary Packages with
 dselect</a></li><li><a href="packages.php?phpLang=en#bin-apt">3.2 Installing 
Binary Packages with
 apt-get</a></li><li><a href="packages.php?phpLang=en#bin-exceptions">3.3 
Installing Dependent Packages that are Unavailable in the Binary 
Distribution</a></li><li><a href="packages.php?phpLang=en#src">3.4 Installing 
Binary and Source Packages with fink</a></li><li><a 
href="packages.php?phpLang=en#fink-commander">3.5 Fink Commander</a></li><li><a 
href="packages.php?phpLang=en#available-versions">3.6 Available 
versions</a></li><li><a href="packages.php?phpLang=en#x11">3.7 Getting X11 
Sorted Out</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="upgrade.php?phpLang=en"><b>4 
Upgrading Fink</b></a><ul><li><a href="upgrade.php?phpLang=en#bin">4.1 
Upgrading using Binary Packages</a></li><li><a 
href="upgrade.php?phpLang=en#src">4.2 Upgrading the Source 
Distribution</a></li><li><a href="upgrade.php?phpLang=en#mix">4.3 Mixing 
Binaries and Source</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="conf.php?phpLang=en"><b>5 
The Fink Configuration File</b></a><ul><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#about">5.1 About fink.conf</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#syntax">5.2 fink.conf syntax</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#required">5.3 Required Settings</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#optional">5.4 Optional User Settings</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#downloading">5.5 Download Settings</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#mirrors">5.6 Mirror Settings</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#developer">5.7 Developer Settings</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#advanced">5.8 Advanced Settings</a></li><li><a 
href="conf.php?phpLang=en#sourceslist">5.9 Managing apt's sources.list 
file</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en"><b>6 Using the fink 
Tool from the Command Line</b></a><ul><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#using">6.1 Using the fink tool</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#options">6.2 Global options</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#install">6.3 install</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#remove">6.4 remove</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#purge">6.5 purge</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#update-all">6.6 update-all</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#list">6.7 list</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#apropos">6.8 apropos</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#describe">6.9 describe</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#plugins">6.10 plugins</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#fetch">6.11 fetch</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#fetch-all">6.12 fetch-all</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#fetch-missing">6.13 fetch-missing</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#build">6.14 build</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#rebuild">6.15 rebuild</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#reinstall">6.16 reinstall</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#configure">6.17 configure</a></li><li><a 
href="usage.php?phpLang=en#selfupdate">6.18 selfupdate</a></li><li><a 
selfupdate-rsync</a></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#selfupdate-cvs">6.20 
selfupdate-cvs</a></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#index">6.21 
index</a></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#validate">6.22 
validate</a></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#scanpackages">6.23 
scanpackages</a></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#cleanup">6.24 
cleanup</a></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#dumpinfo">6.25 
dumpinfo</a></li><li><a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#show-deps">6.26 
-<!--Generated from $Fink: uguide.en.xml,v 1.51 2008/06/27 00:55:00 dmrrsn Exp 
+<!--Generated from $Fink: uguide.en.xml,v 1.52 2009/03/01 01:50:36 alexkhansen 
Exp $-->
 <? include_once "../../footer.inc"; ?>

Index: upgrade.en.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/upgrade.en.php,v
retrieving revision 1.49
retrieving revision 1.50
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--- upgrade.en.php      27 Jun 2008 01:16:28 -0000      1.49
+++ upgrade.en.php      1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.50
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $title = "User's Guide - Upgrade";
-$cvs_author = 'Author: dmrrsn';
-$cvs_date = 'Date: 2008/06/27 00:55:00';
+$cvs_author = 'Author: alexkhansen';
+$cvs_date = 'Date: 2009/03/01 01:50:36';
 $metatags = '<link rel="contents" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents"><link rel="next" href="conf.php?phpLang=en" title="The Fink 
Configuration File"><link rel="prev" href="packages.php?phpLang=en" 
title="Installing Packages">';
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@
       <p>For Fink Commander, select Binary-&gt;Update descriptions to update 
the package list, and then Binary-&gt;Dist-Upgrade packages to update to new 
-For more information, especially about upgrading from Fink versions
-older than 0.3.0, see the
+For more information, see the
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/upgrade.php";>Upgrade Matrix</a>.
@@ -51,12 +50,12 @@
 packages; the actual source code is downloaded as needed.
-If you have Fink 0.2.5 or later, the first step can be accomplished by
+The first step can be accomplished by
 running <code>fink selfupdate</code>.
 That command will check with the Fink website to see if a new point
 release is available, and will automatically download and install the
 package descriptions in that case.
-In recent versions of the <code>fink</code> command, you get the
+You also have the
 option to pull package descriptions directly from CVS or via rsync.
 CVS is a version-controlled repository where the package descriptions
 are stored and managed.
@@ -66,17 +65,6 @@
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/fix-upgrade.php";>these
 special instructions</a>.)</p>
-If you have a version of Fink older than 0.2.5, you must download the
-package descriptions manually.
-Visit the <a 
-area</a> and look for the latest packages-0.x.x.tar.gz tarball in
-the "distribution" module.
-Download it, then install it as follows:
-      <pre>tar -xzf packages-0.x.x.tar.gz
-cd packages-0.x.x
-      <p>
 Once you have updated your package descriptions (no matter which way),
 you should update all packages at once with the command <code>fink
@@ -96,7 +84,7 @@
-Starting with fink 0.23.0 using the UseBinaryDist option (settable via the
+You may use the UseBinaryDist option (settable via the
 <a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#options">--use-binary-dist (or -b) option</a>
 or in the <a href="conf.php?phpLang=en">Fink configuration file</a>) both 
source and
 binary descriptions will be updated if you call <code>fink selfupdate</code>.

Index: intro.en.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/intro.en.php,v
retrieving revision 1.49
retrieving revision 1.50
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--- intro.en.php        27 Jun 2008 01:16:27 -0000      1.49
+++ intro.en.php        1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.50
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $title = "User's Guide - Introduction";
-$cvs_author = 'Author: dmrrsn';
-$cvs_date = 'Date: 2008/06/27 00:55:00';
+$cvs_author = 'Author: alexkhansen';
+$cvs_date = 'Date: 2009/03/01 01:50:36';
 $metatags = '<link rel="contents" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents"><link rel="next" href="install.php?phpLang=en" title="First 
Time Installation"><link rel="prev" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents">';
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-An installed Mac OS X system, version 10.2 or later, or equivalent
+An installed Mac OS X system, version 10.4 or later, or equivalent
 Darwin releases.
 Earlier versions of both will <b>not</b> work.
 See below for more information about supported systems.
@@ -49,13 +49,12 @@
 Developer tools.  
-On Mac OS X, install the Developer.pkg package from the Developer
-Tools (known as XCode for 10.3 and 10.4) CD (they're on the main DVD for OS 
10.4), or <a href="http://connect.apple.com";>download</a> the latest 
version--this is often desirable, as later versions frequently fix issues 
(though admittedly sometimes they break things).    
+On Mac OS X, install the XcodeTools.mpkg package from the installation DVD,
+or <a href="http://connect.apple.com";>download</a> the latest version--this is 
often desirable, as later versions frequently fix issues (though admittedly 
sometimes they break things).    
 Note that the tools must match your Mac OS X version.
-On Darwin, the tools should be present in the default install.
-It's a good idea to have the Developer Tools installed even if you
+It's a good idea to have XCode installed even if you
 don't intend to build packages from source.
 Some of the programs installed by the package are actually general
 purpose command line tools.
@@ -73,23 +72,9 @@
     <h2><a name="supported-os">1.3 Supported Systems</a></h2>
-      <p><b>Mac OS X 10.4</b> is the leading-edge platform, and is considered 
to be <q>fully supported and tested</q>, though as a newer operating system 
there are still some issues.  Most of the developers run it, and those who are 
running 10.3 have 10.4 users test their work.  Note, however, that
-fink on intel hardware is still considered to be of <b>beta</b> quality.</p>
-      <p>
-        <b>Mac OS X 10.3</b> is considered to be <q>fully supported and 
tested</q>, although there may still be stray compile problems with single 
packages. Many of the developers run it, and those who don't have 10.3 users 
test their work.
-      <p><b>Mac OS X 10.2</b> is still supported to some extent.  Fink 0.6.4 
is the last distribution to suppport this OS.</p>
-      <p>
-        <b>Mac OS X 10.1</b> is still supported to some extent.
-You must run Fink 0.4.1 and no later versions.
+      <p><b>Mac OS X 10.5</b> is the leading-edge platform, and is considered 
to be <q>fully supported and tested</q>, though as a newer operating system 
there are still some issues.  Most of the developers run it, and those who are 
running 10.4 have 10.5 users test their work.</p>
-<b>Darwin 8.x</b> is the Darwin version corresponding to Mac OS X 10.4, 
<b>Darwin 7.x</b> is the Darwin version corresponding to Mac OS X 10.3, and 
<b>Darwin 6.x</b> is the Darwin version corresponding to Mac OS X
-They should work in general, but are not as well tested as most people
-just run Mac OS X proper instead.
-You may run into problems with packages that use features specific to
-Mac OS X - affected packages include XFree86 and possibly esound.
+        <b>Mac OS X 10.4</b> is considered to be <q>fully supported and 
tested</q>, although there may still be stray compile problems with single 
packages. Many of the developers run it, and those who don't have 10.4 users 
test their work.
     <h2><a name="src-vs-bin">1.4 Source vs. Binary</a></h2>

Index: uguide.en.html
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/uguide.en.html,v
retrieving revision 1.63
retrieving revision 1.64
diff -u -d -r1.63 -r1.64
--- uguide.en.html      27 Jun 2008 01:16:27 -0000      1.63
+++ uguide.en.html      1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.64
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
 <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-Generated from $Fink: uguide.en.xml,v 1.51 2008/06/27 00:55:00 dmrrsn Exp $
+Generated from $Fink: uguide.en.xml,v 1.52 2009/03/01 01:50:36 alexkhansen Exp 
 <title>Fink Documentation - Fink User's Guide</title></head><body>
 <table width="100%" cellspacing="0">
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 <a href="uguide.es.html">Espa&ntilde;ol</a> | 
 <a href="uguide.fr.html">Fran&ccedil;ais</a> | 
 <a href="uguide.ja.html">&#26085;&#26412;&#35486; (Nihongo)</a> | 
+<a href="uguide.pt.html">Portugu&ecirc;s</a> | 
 <a href="uguide.ru.html">&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081; 
(Russkiy)</a> | 
 <a href="uguide.zh.html">&#20013;&#25991; (&#31616;) (Simplified Chinese)</a> 
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
-An installed Mac OS X system, version 10.2 or later, or equivalent
+An installed Mac OS X system, version 10.4 or later, or equivalent
 Darwin releases.
 Earlier versions of both will <b>not</b> work.
 See below for more information about supported systems.
@@ -80,13 +81,12 @@
 Developer tools.  
-On Mac OS X, install the Developer.pkg package from the Developer
-Tools (known as XCode for 10.3 and 10.4) CD (they're on the main DVD for OS 
10.4), or <a href="http://connect.apple.com";>download</a> the latest 
version--this is often desirable, as later versions frequently fix issues 
(though admittedly sometimes they break things).    
+On Mac OS X, install the XcodeTools.mpkg package from the installation DVD,
+or <a href="http://connect.apple.com";>download</a> the latest version--this is 
often desirable, as later versions frequently fix issues (though admittedly 
sometimes they break things).    
 Note that the tools must match your Mac OS X version.
-On Darwin, the tools should be present in the default install.
-It's a good idea to have the Developer Tools installed even if you
+It's a good idea to have XCode installed even if you
 don't intend to build packages from source.
 Some of the programs installed by the package are actually general
 purpose command line tools.
@@ -104,23 +104,9 @@
     <h3><a name="intro.supported-os">1.3 Supported Systems</a></h3>
-      <p><b>Mac OS X 10.4</b> is the leading-edge platform, and is considered 
to be <q>fully supported and tested</q>, though as a newer operating system 
there are still some issues.  Most of the developers run it, and those who are 
running 10.3 have 10.4 users test their work.  Note, however, that
-fink on intel hardware is still considered to be of <b>beta</b> quality.</p>
-      <p>
-        <b>Mac OS X 10.3</b> is considered to be <q>fully supported and 
tested</q>, although there may still be stray compile problems with single 
packages. Many of the developers run it, and those who don't have 10.3 users 
test their work.
-      <p><b>Mac OS X 10.2</b> is still supported to some extent.  Fink 0.6.4 
is the last distribution to suppport this OS.</p>
-      <p>
-        <b>Mac OS X 10.1</b> is still supported to some extent.
-You must run Fink 0.4.1 and no later versions.
+      <p><b>Mac OS X 10.5</b> is the leading-edge platform, and is considered 
to be <q>fully supported and tested</q>, though as a newer operating system 
there are still some issues.  Most of the developers run it, and those who are 
running 10.4 have 10.5 users test their work.</p>
-<b>Darwin 8.x</b> is the Darwin version corresponding to Mac OS X 10.4, 
<b>Darwin 7.x</b> is the Darwin version corresponding to Mac OS X 10.3, and 
<b>Darwin 6.x</b> is the Darwin version corresponding to Mac OS X
-They should work in general, but are not as well tested as most people
-just run Mac OS X proper instead.
-You may run into problems with packages that use features specific to
-Mac OS X - affected packages include XFree86 and possibly esound.
+        <b>Mac OS X 10.4</b> is considered to be <q>fully supported and 
tested</q>, although there may still be stray compile problems with single 
packages. Many of the developers run it, and those who don't have 10.4 users 
test their work.
     <h3><a name="intro.src-vs-bin">1.4 Source vs. Binary</a></h3>
@@ -173,7 +159,7 @@
 After that you must set up your shell environment to use the software
 installed by Fink.
 You only need to do this once; you can upgrade any Fink installation
-(starting with release 0.2.0) in place, without reinstalling.
+in place, without reinstalling.
 This is covered in the <a href="#upgrade">Upgrading
@@ -193,7 +179,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/bindist.php";>download page</a>
 (you may have to use your browser's "Save Target as..." or "Download
 to Disk" function), double-click it to mount it.
-Open the "Fink 0.x.x Installer" disk icon that appears on your desktop (or 
wherever you downloaded it) after Disk Utility (Disk Copy for OS versions prior 
to 10.3) has verified the file.
+Open the "Fink 0.x.x Installer" disk icon that appears on your desktop (or 
wherever you downloaded it) after Disk Utility has verified the file.
 Inside you'll find some documentation and an installer package.
 Double-click the installer package and follow the instructions on
@@ -415,10 +401,10 @@
         <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">dselect</tt> has known difficulties 
with the Mac OS X Terminal application.  You should run the following commands 
before using it, or put them in the appropriate startup file (e.g. <tt 
style="white-space: nowrap;">.cshrc</tt> / <tt style="white-space: 
-      <p>tcsh users:</p>
-      <pre>setenv TERM xterm-color</pre>
       <p>bash users:</p>
       <pre>export TERM=xterm-color</pre>
+      <p>tcsh users:</p>
+      <pre>setenv TERM xterm-color</pre>
 The main menu has several choices:
@@ -572,7 +558,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/faq/";>FAQ</a>.
-For <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> versions since 0.23.0 you can 
tell it to try to download
+You can tell <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> to try to download
 pre-compiled binary packages, if available, instead of building them. Just pass
 the <a href="#usage.options">--use-binary-dist (or -b)
 option</a> to <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt>. This can save you a 
lot of time. E.g.
@@ -602,43 +588,29 @@
       <p>When you want to install a package, you should first check the <a 
href="http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/index.php";>package database</a> and see if 
it is available at all through Fink.  The available version(s) of the package 
will be shown in several rows of a table.  These are:</p>
         <li>Binary Distribution
-            <li><p>
-            <b>0.4.1:</b>  this is the version that can be installed from 
binaries for OS 10.1.</p></li>
-            <li><p><b>0.6.4:</b>  this is the version that can be installed 
from binaries for OS 10.2.</p></li>
-            <li><p><b>0.7.2</b>
-  This is the base version that can be installed from binaries for OS 10.3.  
If you <a href="#install.bin">update</a> Fink, later versions of some packages 
may be available.</p> 
-        </li>
-            <li><p><b>0.9.0:</b>  This is the base version that can be 
installed from binaries for OS 10.5.  If you <a href="#install.bin">update</a> 
Fink, later versions of some packages may be available.
-          </ol>
-        </li>
-      </ul>
-      <ul>
+          <ol>
+            <li><p><b>0.8.1:</b>  This is the base version that can be 
installed from binaries for OS 10.4.  If you <a href="#install.bin">update</a> 
Fink, later versions of some packages may be available.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>0.9.0:</b>  This is the base version that can be 
installed from binaries for OS 10.5.  If you <a href="#install.bin">update</a> 
Fink, later versions of some packages may be available.</p></li>
+          </ol></li>
         <li>CVS/rsync Distributions
-            <li>
-          <p>
-            <b>10.2-gcc3.3 stable:</b>  This is the most recent stable version 
that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.2 with the <tt 
style="white-space: nowrap;">gcc 3.3</tt> update to the Developer Tools.  To be 
able to install this version, you may need to enable <a 
href="http://www.finkproject.org/doc/cvsaccess/index.php";>CVS</a> or rsync 
access.  If you have not applied the <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">gcc 
3.3</tt> update you may not see this version (or possibly even the package).</p>
-          <p>Note:  Unlike the case for some other projects, Fink distributes 
the most recent stable versions of packages via CVS, as well as versions in 
need of testing (see the section on unstable below).  Enabling CVS or rsync 
updating  gives you access to new stable versions of packages before the binary 
distribution is updated. 
-        </li>
-            <li><p><b>10.3 stable:</b>  This is the most recent version that 
can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.3.</p></li>
+          <ol>
             <li><p><b>10.4/powerpc stable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users 
 on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
             <li><p><b>10.4/intel stable:</b>  This is the most recent version 
that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users
 on intel hardware.</p></li>
-            <li>
-          <p>
-            <b>10.2-gcc3.3 unstable:</b>  This is the latest version that can 
be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.2 with <tt 
style="white-space: nowrap;">gcc 3.3</tt>.  To install this version, follow the 
on how to install unstable packages.</p>
-          <p>Note:  <b>unstable</b> doesn't necessarily mean <b>unusable</b>, 
but install such packages at your own risk.
-        </li>
-            <li><p><b>10.3 unstable:</b>  This is the latest version that can 
be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.3.</p></li>
             <li><p><b>10.4/powerpc unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
 on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
             <li><p><b>10.4/intel unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
+on intel hardware.</p>
+                <p>Note:  <b>unstable</b> doesn't necessarily mean 
<b>unusable</b>, but install such packages at your own risk.</p>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/powerpc stable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users 
+on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/intel stable:</b>  This is the most recent version 
that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users
+on intel hardware.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/powerpc unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
+on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/intel unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
 on intel hardware.</p></li>
@@ -657,26 +629,18 @@
             <b>xfree86, xfree86-shlibs:</b>
-Install both of these packages for XFree86 4.3.0 (OS 10.2 only), 4.4.0 (10.2 
or 10.3), or 4.5.0 (10.3 or 10.4).  
+Install both of these packages for XFree86-4.5.0 (OS 10.4 only).  
-        <li><p><b>xorg, xorg-shlibs</b>(10.3 or 10.4)  Install these packages 
to get the 6.8.2 release of the X.org X11 distribution.</p></li>
+        <li><p><b>xorg, xorg-shlibs</b> (OS 10.4 only )  Install these 
packages to get the 6.8.2 release of the X.org X11 distribution.</p></li>
 <b>system-xfree86 + -shlibs, -dev:</b>
-These packages are automatically generated (for Fink 0.6.2 or later) if you 
install Apple's X11, or manually installed XFree86 or X.org.  
+These packages are automatically generated if you install Apple's X11, or 
manually installed XFree86 or X.org.  
 They will then act as
 dependency placeholders.
-        <li>
-          <p>
-            <b>xfree86-base, xfree86-rootless [-threaded] + -shlibs, -dev</b>
-(10.1 or 10.2 only) These packages install all of XFree86 (4.2.0 on 
10.1).  The <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">-threaded</tt> variant was 
provided for applications that required it, and this functionality is standard 
in later XFree86 versions.  The <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">-rootless</tt> 
packages include the XDarwin display server--the name is historical.
-</p><p>You must install all six packages to build X11-based packages from 
-        </li>
 For more information on installing and running X11, refer to the
@@ -713,8 +677,7 @@
       <p>For Fink Commander, select Binary-&gt;Update descriptions to update 
the package list, and then Binary-&gt;Dist-Upgrade packages to update to new 
-For more information, especially about upgrading from Fink versions
-older than 0.3.0, see the
+For more information, see the
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/upgrade.php";>Upgrade Matrix</a>.
@@ -728,12 +691,12 @@
 packages; the actual source code is downloaded as needed.
-If you have Fink 0.2.5 or later, the first step can be accomplished by
+The first step can be accomplished by
 running <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink selfupdate</tt>.
 That command will check with the Fink website to see if a new point
 release is available, and will automatically download and install the
 package descriptions in that case.
-In recent versions of the <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> command, 
you get the
+You also have the
 option to pull package descriptions directly from CVS or via rsync.
 CVS is a version-controlled repository where the package descriptions
 are stored and managed.
@@ -743,17 +706,6 @@
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/download/fix-upgrade.php";>these
 special instructions</a>.)</p>
-If you have a version of Fink older than 0.2.5, you must download the
-package descriptions manually.
-Visit the <a 
-area</a> and look for the latest packages-0.x.x.tar.gz tarball in
-the "distribution" module.
-Download it, then install it as follows:
-      <pre>tar -xzf packages-0.x.x.tar.gz
-cd packages-0.x.x
-      <p>
 Once you have updated your package descriptions (no matter which way),
 you should update all packages at once with the command <tt 
style="white-space: nowrap;">fink
@@ -773,7 +725,7 @@
-Starting with fink 0.23.0 using the UseBinaryDist option (settable via the
+You may use the UseBinaryDist option (settable via the
 <a href="#usage.options">--use-binary-dist (or -b) option</a>
 or in the <a href="#conf">Fink configuration file</a>) both source and
 binary descriptions will be updated if you call <tt style="white-space: 
nowrap;">fink selfupdate</tt>.
@@ -879,15 +831,13 @@
 You may also add your own trees in <tt style="white-space: 
nowrap;">/sw/fink/dists</tt> for your own purposes, but this is not necessary 
in most
 circumstances. The default trees are "local/main local/bootstrap
-stable/main". This list should be kept in sync with the
-<tt style="white-space: nowrap;">/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> file.  (As of 
fink 0.21.0, <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt>
-does this for you automatically.)
-</p><p>The order of the trees is meaningful, as packages from later trees in 
the list may
+stable/main". This list is automatically kept in sync with the
+<tt style="white-space: nowrap;">/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> file.</p><p>The 
order of the trees is meaningful, as packages from later trees in the list may
            override packages from earlier ones.</p>
-            <b>Distribution:</b> 10.1, 10.2-gcc3.3, 10.3, or 10.4</p>
+            <b>Distribution:</b> 10.4</p>
           <p>Fink needs to know which version of Mac OS X you are
 running. Mac OS X 10.0 and earlier are not supported, and 10.1 and 10.2 are no
 longer supported by current versions of <tt style="white-space: 
nowrap;">fink</tt>. Mac OS X 10.2 users are 
@@ -1048,7 +998,6 @@
 but only operates on that single <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> 
invocation.  Passing <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> the
            <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">--no-use-binary-dist</tt> flag 
overrides this, and compiles from source
            for that single <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> 
-<b>Only available as of  fink version 0.23.0</b>.
           </p><p>Note that this mode instructs <tt style="white-space: 
nowrap;">fink</tt> to download an available binary  
            if that version is the latest available version of the package; it 
does <b>not</b> cause <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt>
            to choose a version based on its binary availability.
@@ -1191,7 +1140,7 @@
     <h3><a name="conf.sourceslist">5.9 Managing apt's sources.list 
-      <p>Starting with fink 0.21.0, fink actively manages the file
+      <p>Fink actively manages the file
 <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> which is used 
by apt to locate
 binary files for installation.  The default sources.list file looks 
 something like this, adjusted to match your Distribution and Trees:
@@ -1229,10 +1178,6 @@
 modifications to the top of the file (above the first default line) and
 the bottom of the file (below the last default line).
-      <p>
-Note: If you had modified <tt style="white-space: 
nowrap;">/sw/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> prior to upgrading
-to fink 0.21.0, you will find your former file stored at <tt 
style="white-space: nowrap;">/sw/etc/apt/sources.list.finkbak</tt> .
   <h2><a name="usage">6 Using the fink Tool from the Command Line</a></h2>
@@ -1687,9 +1632,6 @@
     <h3><a name="usage.dumpinfo">6.25 dumpinfo</a></h3>
-Only available in <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> newer than 
version 0.21.0
-      </p>
-      <p>
        Shows how <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">fink</tt> parses parts of a 
package's <tt style="white-space: nowrap;">.info</tt> file. Various
        fields and percent expansions will be displayed according
        to <b>options</b> as follows:
@@ -1707,15 +1649,13 @@
     <h3><a name="usage.show-deps">6.26 show-deps</a></h3>
-      <p>Only available in fink-0.23-6 and later.</p>
       <p>Displays a human-readable list of the compile-time (build) and run-
            time (installation) dependencies of the listed package(s).</p>
   <hr><h2>Copyright Notice</h2><p>Copyright (c) 2001 Christoph Pfisterer,
-Copyright (c) 2001-2008 The Fink Project.
+Copyright (c) 2001-2009 The Fink Project.
 You may distribute this document in print for private purposes,
 provided the document and this copyright notice remain complete and
 unmodified. Any commercial reproduction and any online publication
 requires the explicit consent of the author.</p><hr>
-<p>Generated from <i>$Fink: uguide.en.xml,v 1.51 2008/06/27 00:55:00 dmrrsn 
Exp $</i></p></body></html>
+<p>Generated from <i>$Fink: uguide.en.xml,v 1.52 2009/03/01 01:50:36 
alexkhansen Exp $</i></p></body></html>

Index: usage.en.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/usage.en.php,v
retrieving revision 1.49
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -d -r1.49 -r1.50
--- usage.en.php        27 Jun 2008 01:16:28 -0000      1.49
+++ usage.en.php        1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.50
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $title = "User's Guide - fink Tool";
-$cvs_author = 'Author: dmrrsn';
-$cvs_date = 'Date: 2008/06/27 00:55:00';
+$cvs_author = 'Author: alexkhansen';
+$cvs_date = 'Date: 2009/03/01 01:50:36';
 $metatags = '<link rel="contents" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents"><link rel="prev" href="conf.php?phpLang=en" title="The Fink 
Configuration File">';
@@ -460,9 +460,6 @@
     <h2><a name="dumpinfo">6.25 dumpinfo</a></h2>
-Only available in <code>fink</code> newer than version 0.21.0
-      </p>
-      <p>
        Shows how <code>fink</code> parses parts of a package's 
<code>.info</code> file. Various
        fields and percent expansions will be displayed according
        to <b>options</b> as follows:
@@ -480,11 +477,9 @@
     <h2><a name="show-deps">6.26 show-deps</a></h2>
-      <p>Only available in fink-0.23-6 and later.</p>
       <p>Displays a human-readable list of the compile-time (build) and run-
            time (installation) dependencies of the listed package(s).</p>
 <? include_once "../../footer.inc"; ?>

Index: packages.en.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/web/doc/users-guide/packages.en.php,v
retrieving revision 1.54
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -d -r1.54 -r1.55
--- packages.en.php     27 Jun 2008 01:16:27 -0000      1.54
+++ packages.en.php     1 Mar 2009 01:59:37 -0000       1.55
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 $title = "User's Guide - Packages";
-$cvs_author = 'Author: dmrrsn';
-$cvs_date = 'Date: 2008/06/27 00:55:00';
+$cvs_author = 'Author: alexkhansen';
+$cvs_date = 'Date: 2009/03/01 01:50:36';
 $metatags = '<link rel="contents" href="index.php?phpLang=en" title="User\'s 
Guide Contents"><link rel="next" href="upgrade.php?phpLang=en" title="Upgrading 
Fink"><link rel="prev" href="install.php?phpLang=en" title="First Time 
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
         <code>dselect</code> has known difficulties with the Mac OS X Terminal 
application.  You should run the following commands before using it, or put 
them in the appropriate startup file (e.g. <code>.cshrc</code> / 
-      <p>tcsh users:</p>
-      <pre>setenv TERM xterm-color</pre>
       <p>bash users:</p>
       <pre>export TERM=xterm-color</pre>
+      <p>tcsh users:</p>
+      <pre>setenv TERM xterm-color</pre>
 The main menu has several choices:
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/faq/";>FAQ</a>.
-For <code>fink</code> versions since 0.23.0 you can tell it to try to download
+You can tell <code>fink</code> to try to download
 pre-compiled binary packages, if available, instead of building them. Just pass
 the <a href="usage.php?phpLang=en#options">--use-binary-dist (or -b)
 option</a> to <code>fink</code>. This can save you a lot of time. E.g.
@@ -221,43 +221,29 @@
       <p>When you want to install a package, you should first check the <a 
href="http://pdb.finkproject.org/pdb/index.php";>package database</a> and see if 
it is available at all through Fink.  The available version(s) of the package 
will be shown in several rows of a table.  These are:</p>
         <li>Binary Distribution
-            <li><p>
-            <b>0.4.1:</b>  this is the version that can be installed from 
binaries for OS 10.1.</p></li>
-            <li><p><b>0.6.4:</b>  this is the version that can be installed 
from binaries for OS 10.2.</p></li>
-            <li><p><b>0.7.2</b>
-  This is the base version that can be installed from binaries for OS 10.3.  
If you <a href="install.php?phpLang=en#bin">update</a> Fink, later versions of 
some packages may be available.</p> 
-        </li>
-            <li><p><b>0.9.0:</b>  This is the base version that can be 
installed from binaries for OS 10.5.  If you <a 
href="install.php?phpLang=en#bin">update</a> Fink, later versions of some 
packages may be available.
-          </ol>
-        </li>
-      </ul>
-      <ul>
+          <ol>
+            <li><p><b>0.8.1:</b>  This is the base version that can be 
installed from binaries for OS 10.4.  If you <a 
href="install.php?phpLang=en#bin">update</a> Fink, later versions of some 
packages may be available.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>0.9.0:</b>  This is the base version that can be 
installed from binaries for OS 10.5.  If you <a 
href="install.php?phpLang=en#bin">update</a> Fink, later versions of some 
packages may be available.</p></li>
+          </ol></li>
         <li>CVS/rsync Distributions
-            <li>
-          <p>
-            <b>10.2-gcc3.3 stable:</b>  This is the most recent stable version 
that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.2 with the 
<code>gcc 3.3</code> update to the Developer Tools.  To be able to install this 
version, you may need to enable <a 
href="http://www.finkproject.org/doc/cvsaccess/index.php";>CVS</a> or rsync 
access.  If you have not applied the <code>gcc 3.3</code> update you may not 
see this version (or possibly even the package).</p>
-          <p>Note:  Unlike the case for some other projects, Fink distributes 
the most recent stable versions of packages via CVS, as well as versions in 
need of testing (see the section on unstable below).  Enabling CVS or rsync 
updating  gives you access to new stable versions of packages before the binary 
distribution is updated. 
-        </li>
-            <li><p><b>10.3 stable:</b>  This is the most recent version that 
can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.3.</p></li>
+          <ol>
             <li><p><b>10.4/powerpc stable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users 
 on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
             <li><p><b>10.4/intel stable:</b>  This is the most recent version 
that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users
 on intel hardware.</p></li>
-            <li>
-          <p>
-            <b>10.2-gcc3.3 unstable:</b>  This is the latest version that can 
be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.2 with <code>gcc 
3.3</code>.  To install this version, follow the <a 
on how to install unstable packages.</p>
-          <p>Note:  <b>unstable</b> doesn't necessarily mean <b>unusable</b>, 
but install such packages at your own risk.
-        </li>
-            <li><p><b>10.3 unstable:</b>  This is the latest version that can 
be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.3.</p></li>
             <li><p><b>10.4/powerpc unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
 on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
             <li><p><b>10.4/intel unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
+on intel hardware.</p>
+                <p>Note:  <b>unstable</b> doesn't necessarily mean 
<b>unusable</b>, but install such packages at your own risk.</p>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/powerpc stable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users 
+on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/intel stable:</b>  This is the most recent version 
that can be installed from the stable source tree for OS 10.4 users
+on intel hardware.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/powerpc unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
+on PowerPC hardware.</p></li>
+            <li><p><b>10.5/intel unstable:</b>  This is the most recent 
version that can be installed from the unstable source tree for OS 10.4 users
 on intel hardware.</p></li>
@@ -276,26 +262,18 @@
             <b>xfree86, xfree86-shlibs:</b>
-Install both of these packages for XFree86 4.3.0 (OS 10.2 only), 4.4.0 (10.2 
or 10.3), or 4.5.0 (10.3 or 10.4).  
+Install both of these packages for XFree86-4.5.0 (OS 10.4 only).  
-        <li><p><b>xorg, xorg-shlibs</b>(10.3 or 10.4)  Install these packages 
to get the 6.8.2 release of the X.org X11 distribution.</p></li>
+        <li><p><b>xorg, xorg-shlibs</b> (OS 10.4 only )  Install these 
packages to get the 6.8.2 release of the X.org X11 distribution.</p></li>
 <b>system-xfree86 + -shlibs, -dev:</b>
-These packages are automatically generated (for Fink 0.6.2 or later) if you 
install Apple's X11, or manually installed XFree86 or X.org.  
+These packages are automatically generated if you install Apple's X11, or 
manually installed XFree86 or X.org.  
 They will then act as
 dependency placeholders.
-        <li>
-          <p>
-            <b>xfree86-base, xfree86-rootless [-threaded] + -shlibs, -dev</b>
-(10.1 or 10.2 only) These packages install all of XFree86 (4.2.0 on 
10.1).  The <code>-threaded</code> variant was provided for applications that 
required it, and this functionality is standard in later XFree86 versions.  The 
<code>-rootless</code> packages include the XDarwin display server--the name is 
-</p><p>You must install all six packages to build X11-based packages from 
-        </li>
 For more information on installing and running X11, refer to the

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