Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/net
In directory 

Modified Files:
Log Message:
latest to stable...been in stable okay for a while, seems bad to have old %v 

Index: bind9.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/stable/main/finkinfo/net/bind9.info,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- bind9.info  3 Oct 2009 19:22:23 -0000       1.5
+++ bind9.info  15 Nov 2009 07:11:02 -0000      1.6
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Info2: <<
 Package: bind9%type_pkg[ssl]
-Version: 9.4.999
-Revision: 2
-Type: v (9.5.0-P1), ssl (.)
+Version: 9.5.999
+Revision: 3
+Type: v (9.6.0-P1), ssl (.)
 # type "v" is there for the cases where we have some form of pre-release
 # version, where to keep version comparisons sane, "%v" cannot coincide
 # with the upstream version "v"
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 # Please keep bind9.info and bind9.patch identical in crypto and in net except 
for the type field.
 Depends: <<
-  %N-shlibs (=%v-%r), daemonic, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) db44-aes-shlibs, 
db44-aes-shlibs | db44-shlibs,
-  (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) mysql-ssl15-shlibs, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) 
+  %N-shlibs (=%v-%r), daemonic, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) db47-aes-shlibs, 
db47-aes-shlibs | db47-shlibs,
+  (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) mysql-ssl15-shlibs, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) 
   (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) postgresql83-shlibs, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) 
 BuildDepends: <<
-  (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) cyrus-sasl2-dev, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) db44-aes, 
db44-aes | db44,
-  libiconv-dev, libxml2, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) mysql-ssl15-dev, 
(%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) openldap23-dev,
+  (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) cyrus-sasl2-dev, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) db47-aes, 
db47-aes | db47,
+  libiconv-dev, libxml2, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) mysql-ssl15-dev, 
(%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) openldap24-dev,
   (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) openssl098-dev (>= 0.9.8h-1), (%type_raw[ssl] = .) 
   (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) postgresql83-dev, (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) unixodbc2, 
fink (>= 0.24.12-1)
@@ -28,25 +28,27 @@
 # The Provides host is because other pkgs like xtraceroute depend on host and 
not on the alternative
 # The Provides make switching between the crypto and non-crypto variants 
difficult.. (switch with dpkg --force-conflicts ...)
 Source: ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/%{Ni}/%type_raw[v]/bind-%type_raw[v].tar.gz
-Source-MD5: a4f9dd6d205d24ec89fa4e44d8188197
+Source-MD5: 886b7eae55cfdc8cd8d2ca74a2f99c6e
 Source2: ftp://ftp.internic.net/domain/named.root
-Source2-MD5: a94e29ac677846f3d4d618c50b7d34f1
+Source2-MD5: 4f3ccd43094cdaa684deaf186d2c028d
 Source2ExtractDir: bind-%type_raw[v]/etc
 # the patch file should be re-checked. I updated _ ie, removed .. _ the 
named.root part (was from 97...), but nothing else
 PatchFile: %{Ni}.patch
 PatchFile-MD5: 93f0a85f504c95ae6489a0320c1f699c
 PatchScript: <<
   sed 's|@FINKPREFIX@|%p|g' <%{PatchFile} | patch -p1
-  perl -pi -e 's,(\{d\}\.)so,\1dylib,; s,db\-4\.2,db-4.4,' configure
+  perl -pi -e 's,(\{d\}\.)so,\1dylib,; s,db\-4\.2,db-4.7,' configure
   perl -pi -e 's, -lcrypt -lm,,' configure
+  perl -pi -e 's,needothers=true,needothers=false,; 
s,\...@dns_crypto_libs\@,,' isc-config.sh.in
 SetCFLAGS: -Os -fstrict-aliasing
 SetLIBRARY_PATH: %p/lib
 NoSetLDFLAGS: true
 NoSetCPPFLAGS: true
+SetLDFLAGS: -Wl,-x -Wl,-dead_strip
 ConfigureParams: <<
  --mandir=%i/share/man --infodir=%p/share/info \
- --with-libtool --enable-libbind --enable-threads --with-dlz-filesystem=yes 
--with-dlz-bdb=%p --with-dlz-stub=yes \
+ --with-libtool --enable-threads --with-dlz-filesystem=yes --with-dlz-bdb=%p 
--with-dlz-stub=yes --disable-static \
  (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) --with-dlz-postgres=yes (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) 
--with-dlz-mysql=%p \
  (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) --with-dlz-ldap=%p (%type_raw[ssl] = -ssl) 
--with-dlz-odbc=%p \
  (%type_raw[ssl] = .) --with-openssl=%p/lib/system-openssl (%type_raw[ssl] = 
-ssl) --with-openssl=%p
@@ -64,22 +66,18 @@
 InstallScript: <<
   make install prefix=%i
   mkdir -p %i/var/cache/bind
-  cp -pPR etc %i
-  mv %i/bind/include %i/include/bind
-  rm -rf %i/bind
+  cp -pPR etc/* %i/etc
   mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n
   ln -s ../%N-shlibs/COPYRIGHT %i/share/doc/%n
   install -m 644 doc/arm/Bv9ARM.pdf %i/share/doc/%n
+  #No need for dependency_libs in .la files if not building static libs
+  perl -pi -e "s/dependency_libs=.*$/dependency_libs=''/" %i/lib/*.la
 PreInstScript: <<
   ## in case existing one is a symlink (as in %r=1)
   rm -f %p/share/doc/%n 2>/dev/null || :
-  ## save the conffiles to new name and location, so dpkg will allow users to 
keep them
-  ## (changed location to default in %r=2, so named finds the conffiles on its 
-  for f in `ls -1 %p/etc/bind/* 2>/dev/null` ; do /bin/mv -n $f `sed -e 
's,/bind,,' -e 's,etc/db\.,etc/named.,' <<<"$f"` ; done
-  rm -fR %p/etc/bind || :
 ConfFiles: <<
@@ -113,13 +111,12 @@
  Provides: %{Ni}-ssl-shlibs, %{Ni}-shlibs
  Files: lib/*.*.dylib
  Shlibs: <<
-       %p/lib/libbind.4.dylib  6.0.0   %n      (>= 9.3.999-1)
-       %p/lib/libbind9.40.dylib        41.0.0  %n      (>= 9.4.999-1)
-       %p/lib/libdns.43.dylib  44.0.0  %n      (>= 9.4.999-1)
-       %p/lib/libisc.41.dylib  43.0.0  %n      (>= 9.4.999-1)
-       %p/lib/libisccc.40.dylib        41.0.0  %n      (>= 9.4.999-1)
-       %p/lib/libisccfg.40.dylib       41.0.0  %n      (>= 9.4.999-1)
-       %p/lib/liblwres.40.dylib        41.0.0  %n      (>= 9.4.999-1)
+       %p/lib/libbind9.50.dylib        51.0.0  %n      (>= 9.5.999-1)
+       %p/lib/libdns.50.dylib  51.0.0  %n      (>= 9.5.999-1)
+       %p/lib/libisc.50.dylib  51.0.0  %n      (>= 9.5.999-1)
+       %p/lib/libisccc.50.dylib        51.0.0  %n      (>= 9.5.999-1)
+       %p/lib/libisccfg.50.dylib       51.0.0  %n      (>= 9.5.999-1)
+       %p/lib/liblwres.50.dylib        51.0.0  %n      (>= 9.5.999-1)
@@ -135,11 +132,12 @@
 Description: Berkeley Internet Name Domain
 DescDetail: <<
-The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet name server
-for Unix operating systems. The BIND consists of a server (or `daemon')
-called `named' and a resolver library. A name server is a network service
-that enables clients to name resources or objects and share this information
-with other objects in the network.
+The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet name
+server for Unix operating systems. The BIND consists of a server (or
+`daemon') called `named' and a resolver library (now available as a
+separate pkg, libbind6).  A name server is a network service that
+enables clients to name resources or objects and share this
+information with other objects in the network.
 DescPort: <<
 Update of bind9, + policy conformance (making shared libs too, shlibs policy, 
etc), + cleanup, by jfm
@@ -153,6 +151,14 @@
 (and that can be updated at a moment's notice in case of security troubles),
 and to avoid configure finding openssl too old, + warning about potential 
security problems,
 caused by Apple's headers (mismatching the lib version).
+Updated to db47 and openldap24. Disabled static libs and cleaned *.la
+of dependency_libs so packages depending on this don't need to depend on
+inherited dependencies. --danielj7
+DescUsage: <<
+Don't forget to run at least rndc-confgen before using. And better:
+read the manpages...
 License: Public Domain
 DescPackaging: <<

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