Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text
In directory 

Modified Files:
Log Message:
new upstream version

Index: xmlto.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/text/xmlto.info,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -d -r1.7 -r1.8
--- xmlto.info  20 Apr 2008 19:04:14 -0000      1.7
+++ xmlto.info  4 Apr 2010 19:07:04 -0000       1.8
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: xmlto
-Version: 0.0.18
-Revision: 1009
-Source: http://cyberelk.net/tim/data/xmlto/stable/%n-%v.tar.bz2
-Source-MD5: 1a06471b70eb27a6aca5d1b3a144f9b0
+Version: 0.0.23
+Revision: 1002
+Source: http://mitglied.lycos.de/jack303/%n-%v.tar.bz2
+Source-MD5: 3001d6bb2bbc2c8f6c2301f05120f074
 Depends: libxml2-bin, libxml2-shlibs, libxslt-bin, libxslt-shlibs, 
docbook-bundle, docbook-xsl, w3m (>= 0.5.1-1008) | lynx (>= 2.8.5-3) | 
links-ssl | elinks (>= 0.11.2-2) | links, getoptbin
 BuildDepends: libxml2, libxslt, docbook-dtd, docbook-xsl, fink (>= 0.24.12-1)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 PatchFile: %n.patch
 PatchFile-MD5: 870fb3b84a12a6801751acd363709b2c
 PatchScript: <<
-       %{default_script}
+##     %{default_script}
        perl -pi -e 's|/usr|%p|g' format/docbook/txt
 InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d
@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@
  gnu find in findutils package, thanks to Max Horn.
 License: GPL
-Homepage: http://cyberelk.net/tim/xmlto/
+Homepage: https://fedorahosted.org/xmlto
 DescPackaging: Formerly maintained by Michele Garoche
 Maintainer: None <fink-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>

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