Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory sfp-cvsdas-3.v30.ch3.sourceforge.com:/tmp/cvs-serv25825

Modified Files:
        eprover.info eprover.patch 
Log Message:
Upstream update (Badamtam).

Index: eprover.patch
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/eprover.patch,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- eprover.patch       26 Mar 2008 01:04:11 -0000      1.1
+++ eprover.patch       29 Sep 2010 09:32:22 -0000      1.2
@@ -1,30 +1,22 @@
 diff -Naur --exclude='*~' E/Makefile E.fink/Makefile
---- E/Makefile 2007-09-08 20:42:41.000000000 -0700
-+++ E.fink/Makefile    2007-12-18 23:16:39.000000000 -0800
-@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@
-       @awk '{count++; if(count >= 4){print}}' PROVER/eproof >> tmpfile
-       @mv tmpfile PROVER/eproof
-       @chmod ugo+x PROVER/eproof
--      bash -c 'cp PROVER/eprover $(EXECPATH)'
--      bash -c 'cp PROVER/epclextract $(EXECPATH)'
--      bash -c 'cp PROVER/eproof $(EXECPATH)'
--      bash -c 'cp  PROVER/eground $(EXECPATH)'        
-+      cp PROVER/eprover $(DESTDIR)$(EXECPATH)
-+      cp PROVER/epclextract $(DESTDIR)$(EXECPATH)
-+      cp PROVER/eproof $(DESTDIR)$(EXECPATH)
-+      cp  PROVER/eground $(DESTDIR)$(EXECPATH)
- #     bash -c 'install -c $(EXECPATH) PROVER/eprover'
- #     bash -c 'install -c $(EXECPATH) PROVER/e2pcl'
- #     bash -c 'install -c $(EXECPATH) PROVER/eproof'
-diff -Naur --exclude='*~' E/Makefile.vars E.fink/Makefile.vars
---- E/Makefile.vars    2007-12-12 16:01:18.000000000 -0800
-+++ E.fink/Makefile.vars       2007-12-18 21:04:19.000000000 -0800
-@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- # EXECPATH is where make install-exec will move the more important
- # executables. Edit it to point to wherever you want them to live.
--EXECPATH = ~/bin
+--- E/Makefile 2010-07-20 12:13:34.000000000 +0100
++++ E.fink/Makefile    2010-09-19 13:54:05.000000000 +0100
+@@ -132,12 +132,12 @@
+ # Configure and copy executables to the installation directory
- # Makefile special variables
- #
+ install: E
+-      -sh -c 'mkdir -p $(EXECPATH)'
+-      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install PROVER/eprover $(EXECPATH) ' 
+-      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install PROVER/epclextract $(EXECPATH)'
+-      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install PROVER/eproof $(EXECPATH)'
+-      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install  PROVER/eground $(EXECPATH)'        
+-      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install  PROVER/e_ltb_runner $(EXECPATH)'   
++      -sh -c 'mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(EXECPATH)'
++      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install PROVER/eprover 
++      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install PROVER/epclextract 
++      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install PROVER/eproof $(DESTDIR)$(EXECPATH)'
++      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install  PROVER/eground 
++      -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install  PROVER/e_ltb_runner 
+       -sh -c 'mkdir -p $(MANPATH)'
+       -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install DOC/man/eprover.1 $(MANPATH)'
+       -sh -c 'development_tools/e_install DOC/man/epclextract.1 $(MANPATH)'

Index: eprover.info
RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.4/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/eprover.info,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- eprover.info        31 Jan 2009 23:58:15 -0000      1.2
+++ eprover.info        29 Sep 2010 09:32:22 -0000      1.3
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 Package: eprover
 Description: Powerful equational logic theorem prover
 Homepage: http://www.eprover.org
-Version: 0.999-004
+Version: 1.2
 Revision: 1
-BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), tetex-base | system-tetex
-Maintainer: Jesse Alama <al...@stanford.edu>
+Depends: gawk, help2man
+BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12)
+Maintainer: Jesse Alama <jesse.al...@gmail.com>
 DescDetail: <<
-E is a a purely equational theorem prover for full first-order
+E is a purely equational theorem prover for full first-order
 logic. That means it is a program that you can stuff a mathematical
 specification (in first-order format) and a hypothesis into, and which
 will then run forever, using up all of your machines resources. Very
@@ -32,23 +33,23 @@
 E-SETHEO [Mos96]. E-SETHEO now has evolved into a multi-paradigm
 strategy parallel proof system, but E is still a cornerstone of the
-There is a short system description about E 0.999 on the CASC-21
-Source-MD5: 277eac855b73a529068271c25a50b386
+Source-MD5: 42d60fd3b798e05b4231294b05feb0cc
 PatchFile: %n.patch
-PatchFile-MD5: 54ad9cd29ee12eb2f8ce5810621ade1f
-PatchScript: sed 's|@PREFIX@|%p|g' < %{PatchFile} | patch -p1
-DocFiles: COPYING README DOC/clib.ps DOC/eprover.ps
+PatchFile-MD5: 75cfeccd6a0facf41486f8d17158e045
 License: GPL
-CompileScript: <<
-  make install
-  make documentation
-  cd DOC;
 InstallScript: <<
   mkdir -p %i/bin
-  make install-exec DESTDIR=%d
+  make install DESTDIR=%d
+  # man
+  mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1
+  install -m 644 \
+    DOC/man/eground.1 \
+    DOC/man/epclextract.1 \
+    DOC/man/eproof.1 \
+    DOC/man/eprover.1 \
+    %i/share/man/man1

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