Update of /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/sci
In directory vz-cvs-3.sog:/tmp/cvs-serv5593

Added Files:
        libtcd.info xtide-coastline.info xtide-harmonics-non-us.info 
        xtide-harmonics-us.info xtide.info xtide.patch 
Log Message:
Works on 10.7

--- NEW FILE: xtide.info ---
Package: xtide
Version: 2.11
Revision: 3
Description: Tide and current prediction software
DescDetail: <<
XTide is a package that provides tide and current predictions in a wide 
variety of formats.  Graphs, text listings, and calendars can be generated, or
a tide clock can be provided on your desktop.

XTide can work with X-windows, plain text terminals, or the web.  This is 
accomplished with three separate programs:  the interactive interface (xtide),
the non-interactive or command line interface (tide), and the web interface 

The algorithm that XTide uses to predict tides is the one used by the National
Ocean Service in the U.S.  It is significantly more accurate than the simple 
tide clocks that can be bought in novelty stores.  However, it takes more to 
predict tides accurately than just a spiffy algorithm--you also need some 
special data for each and every location for which you want to predict tides.  
XTide reads these data from harmonics files.  See 
http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/files.html for details on where to get one.

Ultimately, XTide's predictions can only be as good as the available harmonics
data.  Due to issues of data availability and of compatibility with non-U.S.
tide systems, the predictions for U.S. locations tend to be a lot better on 
average than those for locations outside of the U.S.  It is up to you to 
verify that the predictions for your locale match up acceptably well with the
officially sanctioned ones.

Deviations of 1 minute from official predictions are typical for U.S. 
locations having the latest data.
Deviations of 20 minutes are typical for non-U.S. locations or U.S. locations
that are using obsolete data.
Much longer deviations indicate a problem.
DescPackaging: <<
        tThe package won't build against libpng15 currently.
        2.11-2: Dispense with the wrapper script.  Set HFILE_PATH in _this_ 
        Also set WVS_DIR here, too.
        2.11-1: Use a wrapper script for the executables that reads Fink's 
        (for 10.4 and 10.5 X11) as well as setting the HFILE_PATH variable 
based on
        any user setting and whether xtide-harmonics-us and 
xtide-harmonics-non-us are 
License: Public Domain
Homepage: http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

Source: ftp://ftp.flaterco.com/xtide/%n-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 1d85890bb13b3345154e0f68831b7ebd

BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), fink-package-precedence, libpng14, libtcd, 
Depends: <<
                        libpng14-shlibs, libtcd-shlibs, x11, x11-shlibs, 
                        xtide-harmonics-us (>= 20101230-2) | 
xtide-harmonics-non-us (>= 20101230-2)
Recommends: xtide-coastline (>= 20110414-2)

GCC: 4.0

ConfigureParams:  <<
        --with-x --x-includes=/usr/X11/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11/lib       

SetCXXFlags: -L%p/lib

CompileScript: <<
        fink-package-precedence .

InstallScript: <<
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        make install DESTDIR=%d
RuntimeVars: <<
        HFILE_PATH: %p/share/%n
        WVS_DIR: %p/share/%n-coastline

--- NEW FILE: xtide-harmonics-non-us.info ---
Package: xtide-harmonics-non-us
Version: 20101230
Revision: 2
Description: Non-US harmonic data for XTide
DescDetail: <<
        Tide and current harmonic data for XTide from measurement
        stations outside of the US. Currently includes data from the
        UK and the Netherlands.
        This package should only be used in non-commercial applications.
DescUsage: <<
        20101230-2: Move environment handling to xtide package.

        20101230-1: Sets a HFILE_PATH_NON_US variable that our xtide
        uses.  You will need to e.g.  start a new shell session to
        register this change after installing/removing this package.
License: Restrictive/Distributable
Homepage: http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

Source: ftp://ftp.flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics-dwf-%v-nonfree.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 4cf6f30915e21cd1f6a3dba104e87c02
NoSourceDirectory: true

CompileScript: printf "No compiling needed.\n" 
InstallScript: <<
        /usr/bin/install -d %i/share
        /usr/bin/install -d %i/share/xtide
        install harmonics-dwf-20101230-nonfree.tcd %i/share/xtide

DocFiles: harmonics_boilerplate.txt

--- NEW FILE: libtcd.info ---
Package: libtcd
Version: 2.2.5
Revision: 1
Description: API to read/write TCD files (dev. files)
DescDetail: <<
libtcd provides a software API for reading and writing Tide Constituent 
Database (TCD) files.

The TCD file format and schema are used by XTide to retrieve constituent 
definitions (speeds, equilibrium arguments, and node factors), harmonic 
constants, subordinate station offsets and associated metadata for use in 
generating tide predictions.

The TCD file format and schema were originally designed by Jan Depner to 
improve the performance of XTide and to meet additional requirements of the
U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO).  They are now maintained primarily by
David Flater.

The design goals for TCD included:

Available without installing heavy external packages.
Efficient for indexing and loading of stations.
Compact file format.
Translatable without loss from legacy XTide .txt and .xml files.
Exportable to legacy .txt and .xml formats.
Modifiable by end user using tideEditor.
Able to detect tampering (usually, misguided attempts to edit the database in
a word processor).
The TCD file format and schema and libtcd are in the public domain.  They are
distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; 
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A 

For additional background, see Jan Depner, "Format for the Oceanographic and 
Atmospheric Master Library (OAML) Tide Constituent Database," rev. 2003-06-06.
( ftp://ftp.flaterco.com/xtide/TCD.pdf )
License: Public Domain
Homepage: http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

BuildDependsOnly: true

Source: ftp://ftp.flaterco.com/xtide/%n-%v.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 734a01597e5e6da05546b38adb27ae88

Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)

InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d 


Splitoff: <<
        Package:  %N-shlibs
        Files: lib/libtcd.1.dylib
        Shlibs: %p/lib/libtcd.1.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>=2.2.5-1)
        Description: API to read/write TCD files (shared libs)
--- NEW FILE: xtide-coastline.info ---
Package: xtide-coastline
Version: 20110414
Revision: 2
Description: World Vector Shoreline data for XTide
DescDetail: <<
        This package enables the xtide package to display the world's coastlines
        (World Vector Shoreline data) when displaying the Earth to select tidal 

        These files were published on the National Geophysical Data Center 
        5-Minute Gridded Global Relief Data CD-ROM (ETOPO5), 1993, and are 
        domain.  They are available from NOAA at 
        Related information is available at 
        http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/fliers/93mgg01.html .  
        The filenames were be changed to all lowercase letters to work with 
DescUsage: <<
        Sets the variable WVS_DIR that xtide uses.  You will need to e.g. 
        start a new shell session to register this change after 
        this package.
License: Public Domain
Homepage: http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

Source: ftp://ftp.flaterco.com/xtide/wvs.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 56325c8105c7137ced73396f2f2d8221
NoSourceDirectory: true

CompileScript: printf "No compiling needed.\n" 
InstallScript: <<
        /usr/bin/install -d %i/share
        /usr/bin/install -d %i/share/%n
        install *.dat %i/share/%n
DescPackaging:  <<
        Upstream source is unversioned, so arbitrarily set version to be date of
        addition of the pacakge to Fink.
--- NEW FILE: xtide.patch ---
diff -Naur xtide-2.11/xtide_program_wrapper 
--- xtide-2.11/xtide_program_wrapper    1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ xtide-2.11.patched//xtide_program_wrapper   2011-03-24 13:52:49.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+. PREFIX/bin/init.sh
+exec -a "$executable" "$executable.bin" "$@"

--- NEW FILE: xtide-harmonics-us.info ---
Package: xtide-harmonics-us
Version: 20101230
Revision: 2
Description: US harmonic data for XTide
DescDetail: <<
        Tide and current harmonic data from US measurement stations for XTide.
DescUsage: <<
        20101230-2: Move environment handling to xtide package.

        20101230-1:Sets a HFILE_PATH_US variable that our xtide uses.
        You will need to e.g.  start a new shell session to register
        this change after installing/removing this package.
License: Public Domain
Homepage: http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <alexkhan...@users.sourceforge.net>

Source: ftp://ftp.flaterco.com/xtide/harmonics-dwf-%v-free.tar.bz2
Source-MD5: 0837652bcff4a6b2610f1d39010a5225
NoSourceDirectory: true

CompileScript: printf "No compiling needed.\n" 
InstallScript: <<
        /usr/bin/install -d %i/share
        /usr/bin/install -d %i/share/xtide
        install harmonics-dwf-20101230-free.tcd %i/share/xtide/

DocFiles: harmonics_boilerplate.txt

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